本帖最后由 vovogoal 于 2012-2-10 12:38 编辑Reagents(试剂)是炼金的配料,通过混合不同的种类制作各种各种药水。除非你想自己尝试(experiment),可以使用配方来制作药水。 普通试剂这些成分游戏一开始的Dalentarth是相当普遍的, 但在Detyre就比较少 BlackCohosh CripplesporeCaps Eel Petal Embereyes LeechwoodBark ScarwoodBark Sky Blossom StarThistle White Flake不普通试剂这些成分并不会在游戏一开始的Dalentarth就出现, 但可以花钱在某些商店里买到。当进入Detyre后,采集就会变得容易 Bloodroot Edelweiss SativaFibers ScarabSalts ScarletFlowstone Seaflax SoftscrabblePowder Tindertwig Ysa'sBreath稀有试剂稀有试剂,简单讲,见到就采了。 Essence ofFate PrismereDust
4xEssence of Fate 效果:Fate 满槽
1xScarwood Bark
1x Tindertwig
1x Sky Blossom 效果:增加对异性的口活技巧 (哈哈)
2x Ysa's Breath 效果:治愈大多数疾病(可能不包括魔法类)
MinorAlchemist's Art
1x Sky Blossom
MinorAssassin's Evasion
1xCripplespore Caps
1x Sky Blossom
MinorBlacksmith's Craft
1x Sky Blossom
MinorBlazing Salve
1x Scarwood Bark
MinorBleeding Resistance
2xScarlet Flowstone
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorBurning Sentinel
1x Edelweiss
MinorCurrent Stopper
2xEel Petal
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorDamage Boost
3xSativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
MinorDamage Deflection
2xSativa Fibers
2x Star Thistle
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorDispelling Boost
1xStar Thistle
1x Sky Blossom
MinorExperience Boost
2xPrismere Dust
1x Leechwood Bark
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorFlesh Eater
2xBlack Cohosh
2x Leechwood Bark
MinorForce Potion
2xSativa Fibers
1x Scarwood Bark
MinorFreezing Sentinel
2xWhite Flake
1x Edelweiss
2xWhite Flake
1x Scarwood Bark
1xWhite Flake
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorHardened Shell
2xSativa Fibers
2x Ysa's Breath
MinorHealing Potion
2xBlack Cohosh
1x Embereyes
MinorHealing Rege
2xBlack Cohosh
1x Scarlet Flowstone
MinorJeweled Shilelagh
1xWhite Flake
1x Sky Blossom
MinorLightning Sentinel
2xEel Petal
1x Edelweiss
MinorLightning Storm
2xEel Petal
1x Scarwood Bark
2xStar Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath
MinorMagic Amplification
2xStar Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
MinorMagic Precision
2xScarab Salts
1x Star Thistle
MinorMana Potion
2xSoftscrabble Powder
1x Embereyes
MinorMana Regen
2xSoftscrabble Powder
1x Scarlet Flowstone
MinorMana Sap
2xSoftscrabble Powder
2x Leechwood Bark
MinorMerchant's Command
1xSativa Fibers
1x Sky Blossom
2xStar Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
MinorPiercing Serum
2xScarwood Bark
1x Scarlet Flowstone
2xScarab Salts
1x Sativa Fibers
MinorSocial Grace
1xLeechwood Bark
1x Sky Blossom
MinorSorcerer's Intelligence
2xSoftscrabble Powder
2x Star Thistle
MinorSerpent's Venom
2xCripplespore Caps
1x Scarwood Bark
MinorSlashing Fury
2xScarlet Flowstone
1x Scarwood Bark
MinorSteeled Curtain
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorThief's Cunning
1xEel Petal
1x Sky Blossom
MinorTracker's Draught
1xScarab Salts
1x Sky Blossom
2xCripplespore Caps
1x Ysa's Breath
MinorWarrior's Strength
2xBlack Cohosh
2x Sativa Fibers
GreaterAlchemist's Art
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterAssassin's Evasion
2xCripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterBlacksmith's Craft
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterBlazing Salve
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
GreaterBleeding Resistance
2xScarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterBurning Sentinel
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
GreaterCurrent Stopper
2xEel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterDamage Boost
4xSativa Fibers
4x Star Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
GreaterDamage Deflection
3xSativa Fibers
3x Star Thistle
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Essence of Fate
GreaterDispelling Boost
2xStar Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterExperience Boost
3xPrismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterFlesh Eater
3xBlack Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
1x Scarwood Bark
GreaterForce Potion
3xSativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
GreaterFreezing Sentinel
3xWhite Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
3xWhite Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
2xWhite Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterHardened Shell
3xSativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterHealing Potion
3xBlack Cohosh
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
GreaterHealing Rege
3xBlack Cohosh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
GreaterJeweled Shilelagh
2xWhite Flake
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterLightning Sentinel
3xEel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
GreaterLightning Storm
3xEel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
3xStar Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterMagic Amplification
3xStar Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
GreaterMagic Precision
3xScarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
1x Scarwood Bark
GreaterMana Potion
3xSoftscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
GreaterMana Regen
3xSoftscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
GreaterMana Sap
3xSoftscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
1x Scarwood Bark
GreaterMerchant's Command
2xSativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
2xStar Thistle
1x Cripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
1x Essence of Fate
GreaterPiercing Serum
3xScarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Sativa Fibers
3xScarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Scarwood Bark
GreaterSocial Grace
2xLeechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterSorcerer's Intelligence
3xSoftscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
GreaterSerpent's Venom
3xCripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
GreaterSlashing Fury
3xScarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
GreaterSteeled Curtain
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
GreaterThief's Cunning
2xEel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
GreaterTracker's Draught
2xScarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
1x Bloodroot
2xCripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
GreaterWarrior's Strength
3xBlack Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
大师级剂量Master Potions
MasterAlchemist's Art
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterAssassin's Evasion
2xCripplespore Caps
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterBlacksmith's Craft
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterBlazing Salve
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterBleeding Resistance
2xScarlet Flowstone
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterBurning Sentinel
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterCurrent Stopper
2xEel Petal
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterDispelling Boost
2xStar Thistle
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterExperience Boost
3xPrismere Dust
2x Leechwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterForce Potion
3xSativa Fibers
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterFlesh Eater
3xBlack Cohosh
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
3xWhite Flake
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
2xWhite Flake
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterFreezing Sentinel
3xWhite Flake
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterHardened Shell
3xSativa Fibers
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterHealing Potion
3xBlack Cohosh
2x Emebereyes
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterHealth Regen
3xBlack Cohsoh
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence fo Fate
MasterJeweled Shilelagh
2xWhite Flake
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterLightning Sentinel
3xEel Petal
2x Edelweiss
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterLightning Storm
3xEel Petal
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
3xStar Thistle
3x Ysa's Breath
2x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterMagic Amplification
3xStar Thistle
3x Scarwood Bark
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterMagic Precision
3xScarab Salts
2x Star Thistle
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
MasterMana Potion
3xSoftscrabble Powder
2x Embereyes
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterMana Regen
3xSoftscrabble Powder
2x Scarlet Flowstone
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterMana Sap
3xSoftscrabble Powder
3x Leechwood Bark
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
MasterMerchant's Command
2xSativa Fibers
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterPiercing Serum
3xScarwood Bark
3x Scarlet Flowstone
2x Sativa Fibers
1x Essence of Fate
3xScarab Salts
2x Sativa Fibers
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Essence of Fate
MasterSocial Grace
2xLeechwood Bark
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterSorcerer's Intelligence
3xSoftscrabble Powder
3x Star Thistle
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterSerpent's Venom
3xCripplespore Caps
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterSlashing Fury
3xScarlet Flowstone
2x Scarwood Bark
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterSteeled Curtain
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterThief's Cunning
2xEel Petal
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
MasterTracker's Draught
2xScarab Salts
2x Sky Blossom
2x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
2xCripplespore Caps
2x Ysa's Breath
1x Seaflax
1x Essence of Fate
MasterWarrior's Strength
3xBlack Cohosh
3x Sativa Fibers
1x Bloodroot
1x Essence of Fate
Greater级的可以在商店里买到,而Master级的需要Essence of Fate,这个东西很稀有,做出来的药水都不舍得喝……所以嘛,目前看来炼金术没什么用…… Horus_Ra 发表于 2012-2-10 12:29 static/image/common/back.gif
Greater级的可以在商店里买到,而Master级的需要Essence of Fate,这个东西很稀有,做出来的药水都不舍得喝 ...
Essence of Fate 都省着做fate potion吧!
这炼金术估计没人学了。。。。 又沉了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 技术贴不能沉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
都是英文 蛋碎吖~游戏里有的翻译过来了……有好多没有 太混乱了:Q