本帖最后由 good0593 于 2012-1-12 10:33 编辑RFCW(首都废土安魂曲)有人玩吗?就是将辐射3和新维加斯二合一的哪个MOD
1) Extract the contents of this archive into your Fallout: New Vegas root folder. (NOT the Data folder) The
default location for this folder is "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas".
AGAIN, DO NOT EXTRACT THIS ARCHIVE INTO THE DATA FOLDER. If you find a Data folder INSIDE your Data folder, you screwed up.
1) 提取这些档案内容到您的辐射:新的维加斯根文件夹。 (不是Data文件夹)
这个文件夹的默认位置是 "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas".
再提醒,不要提取这些档案到Data文件夹。 如果您发现在您的Data文件夹里面有Data文件夹,哪您弄错了。
2) Create a folder in your My Documents folder or where ever you like called "RFCW_Temp" or something similar.
2) 创造一个文件夹叫"RFCW_Temp" 的文件夹,放那随便。
3) Navigate to your Fallout 3 Data folder. *Default for Steam users is "C\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3 goty\Data".*
3) 打开对您的辐射3 Data文件夹。
C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data
4) Open the file "Fallout - Meshes.bsa" with FOMM (you should be able to do this by double-clicking the file).
Press the "Extract All" button. When prompted for a folder to extract to, select the "RFCW_Temp" folder you created.
4) 打开FOMM,选Fallout 3,
选Tools->选BSA Browser->Open->选Fallout - Meshes.bsa->Extract All->解压缩文件夹选择RFCW_Temp
5) Wait for the files to extract. This may take a minute or two. Close FOMM when it is finished.
5) 等待FOMM文件提取完成。 这也许需要几分钟。
6) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the files "Fallout - Sound.bsa" and "Fallout - Textures.bsa".
6) 重复以上动作,提取"Fallout - Sound.bsa"和"Fallout - Textures.bsa"的文件。
7) Navigate to the folder "RFCW Tools". You can find this in your Fallout: New Vegas folder (NOT the Data folder).
7) 打开"RFCW Tools"文件夹,你可以放在你的辐射:新的维加斯根文件夹。 (不是Data文件夹)
8) Copy the contents of the "RFCW Tools" folder into your "RFCW_Temp" folder.
8) 复制"RFCW Tools"文件夹的内容到"RFCW_Temp"文件夹。
9) In "RFCW_Temp", run "DuplicateCleaner.bat". This will take a few minutes to complete. The process is done with the command prompt (text) window closes.
9) 在" RFCW_Temp",运行" DuplicateCleaner.bat"。 这将需要几分钟完成。 过程完成与指令提示(文本)窗口关闭。
10) Make sure the files "dupefilelist.txt", "dupefolderlist.txt", and "DuplicateCleaner.bat" are no longer in the "RFCW_Temp" folder (they should have been deleted automatically).
10) 确定文件" dupefilelist.txt" " dupefolderlist.txt" 和" DuplicateCleaner.bat" 已不在" RFCW_Temp" 文件夹(应该自动地删除了他们)。
11) Copy the following files from your Fallout 3 Data folder into the "RFCW_Temp" folder:
11) 从您的辐射3 Data文件夹里复制以下文件到" RFCW_Temp" 文件夹:
Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa
Fallout - Voices.bsa
12) Rename the bsa files by replacing "Fallout" with "RFCW_Main". You should wind up with the following:
12) 通过"给bsa文件改名
"Fallout"替换" RFCW_Main"。 您完成后如下:
RFCW_Main - MenuVoices.bsa
RFCW_Main - Voices.bsa
13) Move the "contents" of the "RFCW_Temp" folder into your Fallout: New Vegas Data folder.
The default location for this is "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data" If you are asked to overwrite or replace any files, say NO.
13) 移动" RFCW_Temp"文件夹的"内容"到您的辐射:新的维加斯Data文件夹里。此的默认位置是
C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas\Data
14) Navigate to your Fallout 3 Data folder again. Copy the following file (and ONLY the following file)
from your Fallout 3 Data folder to your Fallout: New Vegas Data folder:
14) 从您的辐射3 Data文件夹里复制以下文件到您的辐射:新的维加斯Data文件夹:
15) (OPTIONAL) If you have the Operation: Anchorage and/or Broken Steel add-ons for Fallout 3, copy the following files from your Fallout 3 Data folder to your Fallout: New Vegas Data folder:
15) (任意),如果您有操作: Anchorage 和 Broken Steel add,从您的辐射3 Data文件夹里复制以下文件到您的辐射:新的维加斯Data文件夹:
Anchorage - Main.bsa
Anchorage - Sounds.bsa
BrokenSteel - Main.bsa
BrokenSteel - Sounds.bsa
14) Your load order should follow as
Anchorage.esm (Optional)
BrokenSteel.esm (Optional)
<Other ESM files>
<Other ESP files>
RFCW_Anchorage_Main.esp (Optional)
RFCW_BrokenSteel_Main.esp (Optional)
http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-1997545-1-1.html 要是B社发个狠,把辐射3和韦加斯捏一块,把上古3.4.5捏一块,附送各种MOD,日子就幸福了 想玩啊,可是不稳定啊。 整合后,主线能继续,超市必跳出,要养成进城进门前F5的好习惯 还是没有人知道解决方法吗?
我排序是按照说明排的。 以前曾经用过,记不清了。去这个
http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-1997545-1-1.html 6666666666666666666666666666666666