【3DM下载站/网盘分流】《要塞3 (Stronghold 3)》8号升级档+破解补丁[RELOADED]
本帖最后由 风灵月影 于 2012-1-14 04:34 编辑下载地址:
3DM下载站: http://dl.3dmgame.com/201201/16287.html
**** Hidden Message *****使用说明:
1. 解压缩
2. 复制所有文件到游戏目录下替换原文件(已集成破解补丁)
3. 开始游戏!
- Fixed the issue with the campaign not continuing after loading in a save game from the main menu.
- Fixed an issue with sections of wall disappearing when loading in a save game.
- Fixed crash if closing a gatehouse when troops are moving through it.
- Several building footprints have been reduced.
- Buildings can be rotated by using the keyboard. Pressing SHIFT or CONTROL will allow the Q/E keys to rotate the building.
- Troops will no longer fall through the floor when crossing Stone Bridges.(User maps with this issue will need to be re-saved)
- Fixed the Fletcher occasionally making the bows in the stockpile.
- A few other potential crashes have been fixed.
我坐沙发 111111111111111
谢谢 收下了:D 游民剽窃
我坐沙发 谢谢了!!!!! 这补丁更新的很速度啊。。。。 有人翻译 改进吗? 还好R社还在更新,不错不错~~~ 3qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 谢谢了!!!!!
感谢分享。看来是等不到汉化了,还是先打补丁玩吧。 thank you! 不知道修正了些说明 谢谢谢谢 感谢刚刚下完解压完毕~{:3_156:} thanksthanks
:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o 这补丁更新的很速度啊 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 我想知道能不能直接升级到这个呢 fadsfsadfdsafas 谢谢分享!!! 111111111111 ????????????