Need for speed The Run V1.3升级补丁发布(目前没有PC版本)
本帖最后由 jhwu 于 2011-12-14 12:35 编辑NFS The Run: Patch 1.3 Tuesday, 13.12.2011
The first path for Need for Speed The Run was released today and brings the game to version 1.3.
The update is already available for Playstation 3 and will be out shortly for Xbox 360. A patch for PC is in the works, but there is no release date yet.
Here is a list of the updates in the patch:
Improvements to reset behavior in Single Player:
.When players go off track, they will be reset back onto the track (similar to the reset behavior in online multiplayer races) instead of at the last checkpoint. Crashes will still result in a reset to the last checkpoint.
.We’ve modified the reset behavior for a number of tracks in The Run where resets seemed too close to the main race route. This should reduce some frustration for players where they’ve suddenly been reset by just barely going off course.
.Multiplayer - reduce the severity of racer to racer collisions in multiplayer races and jarring reactions by the game camera.
.Multiplayer - Fix to address a connectivity issues sometimes seen when attempting to join multiplayer sessions on PS3
.Multiplayer - Fix for load and connectivity issues being experienced on PS3.
.Autolog - fix an issue where the Autolog friends list would sometimes appear empty and Speedwalls would display ‘Your Friend’ instead of the proper friends name.
NFS The Run:V1.3升级补丁 2011.12.13 星期二
.Autolog ——修正Autolog好友清单显示清空和速度墙固有的好友名字被“你的朋友”代替的问题。 好的、。。。。。。。。。。。 本帖最后由 zinjsq 于 2011-12-14 18:42 编辑
期待能出个PC解锁30帧,那蛋疼的读取速度希望也能改善下啊 赶紧发PC版的吧
把锁帧解除了!! 鎖幀解除前
不想再玩了 回复 5# kevinkt
其实我觉得30帧看起来已经够顺畅的了,可能不爽只是心理作用而已,何必这么纠结呢 回复kevinkt
其实我觉得30帧看起来已经够顺畅的了,可能不爽只是心理作用而已,何必这么纠结呢 ...
jhwu 发表于 2011-12-16 09:10
不过如果1.3解开画面设置和硬件绑定的话就应该可以解决的~~~ 回复 7# hunterhq
虽然不知道EA锁帧的初衷是什么,但是要解锁应该不会很难的,当然指的是制作组本身,民间的话,还是需要高手来弄的 回覆kevinkt
其實我覺得30幀看起來已經夠順暢的了,可能不爽只是心理作用而已,何必這麼糾結呢 ...
jhwu 發表於 2011-12-16 09:10