geloly 发表于 2011-12-6 16:50

【全国首转!懒人的福气啊,翻译好送到嘴边了都】DarthMod: Shogun II v3.0(更新启动器汉化图)

本帖最后由 geloly 于 2011-12-7 20:53 编辑

这个mod有几个优点是我认为值得推广的1.安装方便,自动安装,并且有mod启动器可以一键修改自定义mod构件。2.老牌的全战品牌mod(form罗马时代一直家喻户晓),注重AI和阵型等战斗细节的典范,不花哨,不杀鸡取卵,是一款耐玩的mod3.持续更新,与时俱进,资料片和原版同时支持4.可以兼容汉化,我想很多人关心的最多的这点5.一步到位,自从V2.0之后,大师mod开始整合一些小型的mod,并保证他们只想相互兼容并且带来一致性的游戏体验,这些mod基本涵盖了TWC上最有名的一些视觉或者其他修正mod,作为一个mod初学者你根本不需要安装别家的mod就能把将军2变成一个真正可玩的非官方升级版游戏,并且这一切都是免费的。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后,为了纪念那个把这个mod发到论坛上还体贴入微的逐字翻译的好人(尼玛不是机翻啊!!!是逐字啊!!!逐字啊!!!)请你先选择以下两段文字中的一句粘贴到回复栏并回复后继续观看:1.版主,这么好的文章一定要加精啊!不然以后就没人干这种造福万民的善举啦!!!2.罗佳,其实楼主那么多年最爱的还是你。。。两句都不发的,生儿闭菊。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------以下正文DarthMod: Shogun II v3.0大师MOD(也名达斯MOD)
The popular mod series for the PC game "Total War: Shogun 2"将军2(也是全战系列)最受欢迎的mod系列之一

he DarthMod series of mods continues to improve the AI and gameplay of Total War games.大师MOD着力于改善全战系列的AI和游戏体验ways, the mod’s main scope is to destroy the “weak” arcade factors and replace them with realistic features. MOD的宗旨是去消灭原版中的“弱点”,取而代之的则是那些更加真实的特新ness now Total War: Shogun 2 as you have ever wanted.Main features:(主要特性)In short you can call the mod “DMS” from now on.
It focuses on gameplay improvements without changing too much the overall vanilla "flavour". Generally it tries to correct the "No Likes" of my review which you can read at this Link.今后你可以简称这个mod为“DMS”,这个mod专注于在不改变太多原版设定的情况下提升游戏者的体验,简单点来说就是要纠正那些我在Link中提到的“不好”(链接中作者列举了游戏中的主要有缺点,作为一个老玩家我是比较认同的,诸位有兴趣的可以去读读看)·The speed, accelerations and physics of the units are taken to realistic levels速度!加速度以及物理特性被修正到了真实的级别
so not only the battles feel more realistic but now you must plan your tactics more carefully because the units do not rush like "Fast Forward Benny Hill" to cover your mistakes. 因为你的战斗单位不再跑的跟“磕了药”似的,结果不止战斗感觉起来更真实了,并且你还需要在战术上更有计划去加以应对。·Various changes to morale and battle mechanics create more lasting battles 士气以及战斗技术性细节的巨量的改变使战斗变得更加持久 which are not only an enjoyable experience, due to the fantastic combat animations but also they are very challenging, because the AI benefits from carefully made modding techniques. 这可不仅仅是一种娱乐体验,归功于这套梦幻般的战斗动画,AI会在这些巧妙的mod技巧下获得跟多的优势,从而使得游戏更加富有挑战性·Projectiles are not homing to the targets 投射物(弓箭和一切能飞出去的武器)不再是精确制导了 but more realistically spread and can miss. Their lethality and accuracy are not as high as in vanilla in a few words. 投射物变得更加真实的的散射甚至会失误,简单来说投射物的杀伤性和准确性相比原版大大的降低了·Increased unit sizes for epic battles,小队人数基数被增加了以创造史诗般的战役 if the user wants them.当然,多或少是由你定的
·Removed all the insane cheats for the CAI,诟病已久的CAI疯狂作弊(刷火星兵等)被取消了 which provided a "fake" challenge and kept a moderate handicap system that reflects better the actual difficulty level. 这些作弊行为给用户提供了一个“虚假”的挑战,mod中取而代之的是一种根据战役难度有节制的提升难度挑战的系统·Diplomacy and campaign AI have been improved 外交和战略AI提升
significantly to cover the gap of the reduced handicaps. For example the AI invades with large armies consisted of more samurai than archers (vanilla problem), uses ships better, allies are more trustworthy, realm divide effect is reduced so that the clans do not berserk against you, and so on.为了填补阉割不合理部分所带来的空缺…增加的新内容有比如说:AI入侵的时候纠集更大规模的军队并且军队构成包括更多的武士和弓箭单位(原版的遗留问题);更善于使用海洋单位;同盟会更加可靠;领土划分的效果降低,所以AI不会总是对你怒目而视…等等·Autocalculation of battles works better.自动战斗经过优化运行得更好了
·Fortifications have more garrison troops,城堡守军规模变大了(类似那个暴兵mod)so now the major AI clans can survive and become very powerful opponents, like the Oda clan.主要势力能活过初一并潇洒到十五了,特别比如…可怜的织田家(最爱啊)·The economy system is slightly improved 经济系统被稍微做了改进
to encourage the recruitment of larger armies for both the AI and human player. 同时激励玩家和AI招募更多的部队·Upgrade points for characters are increased from 2 to 3 人物的升级点数从2提升到了3for a better and quicker character creation.更好跟快的人物养成(以前的2点确实纠结,但是多了也不平衡 3点刚刚好)·Several annoying things, for the majority of players, are removed 很多恶心到绝大多数玩家的细节被和谐了 like the projectile trails (laser trails) and the Horo (Balloon). The removal of laser trails in combination with the reduced speeds brings a significant FPS increase.
比如说弹轨(激光制导…),将军卫队的母衣.(背后的包包),同时去掉弹轨和削减速度放在一起还能微微的提升一下游戏的运行速度(FPS)·Increased army and navy control radius in the campaign map 战略地图上陆军和海军的控制范围被提升了(部队周围的那个红圈)for a more strategic positioning system. An army cannot so easily pass by another army and has to fight it, or several small armies can trap other armies. 在战略位置系统上做了更多的考量,一支部队是很难轻易穿过另一支敌对部队而不发生任何冲突的,历史上很多小部队牵制大部队的事儿我不多说大家也明白了·Better naval battles 更好的海军战斗 because now ships turn and accelerate not like motorships but like wooden vessels full of soldiers and also there are many other factors affecting the naval battles including the more realistic projectiles. 现在船只旋转和加速不再像之前的摩托艇一样了,你会觉得更像是装满血肉之躯的木船,另外还有很多因数影响着海战,比如说更加真实的投射物·Ships have much more movement points 船只的移动点数增加了
   that makes AI to launch powerful naval invasions. AI更容易发动海上突袭爆你的chrysanthemum·Clans have more diversity for their special units 各家大名会更有差异性的去招募他们的特色兵种so the AI makes the right choice and builds characteristic armies, for example the Takeda raise powerful cavalry, the Date a lot of No-Dachi, Shimazu their deadly Katana, etc. AI会做出明确的路线选择并去招募个性化的部队,比如:武田家的骑兵、伊达家的野太刀、以及岛津家牛逼的打刀武士~·这里我补充一句,以上特性其实在大师mod初期就确定下来,现在看来很古老很没有吸引力是因为很多mod早已模仿了其中一点或者多点作为一个基本公认的mod修改常识了,其实大师mod一直在更新,更多新的特新其实可以在changlog里边找到的,如果…你有时间看我有兴趣翻的话…Changelog:(更新记录)以下是一眼望不到头的更新记录,翻译了比较新的主要部分,让英文不好的朋友可以初窥mod的细节
Version 3.0 版本3.0[*]Melees improved even more by inspiration of the new blood pack. Now you will see more responsive troops to form small groups and to penetrate the enemy formations by creating a nasty blood path. 在新的blood pack的帮助下肉搏战被进一步提升了,现在你会看到跟多响应的部队排成小队在敌阵中杀出一条血路[*]Repaired and updated the Epic Texture Mod of Superghostboy (only available in the DMS launcher). Superghostboy制作的Epic Texture Mod(传奇图形mod)被修复和更新了(只能通过DMS启动器载入)Version 2.95 版本2.95[*]The melee system is improved even more. Battles are chaotic, heroic, cinematic, challenging (you should also get better FPS). 肉搏系统呗进一步提升了,战斗对你来说会变得更加混乱、更加史诗、更像大片且更加富有挑战。(FPS还会有些提升哦亲!)[*]The overflow of trade income that could occur in some circumstances should now be corrected. 某些情况下贸易收入的溢出的问题被修正了[*]No-Dachi Samurai balanced better. 野太刀武士被平衡了[*]Genpei Levy have now higher upkeep cost to compensate their larger numbers.源平合战(就是资料片啦)船只维护费上升,因为要对得起他上面巨大的船员数量[*]Projectile damage system improved. 投射物伤害计算系统改良了[*]DMS Launcher changes: 大师启动器的改动:[*]Added option to use the very good mod Epic Texture Mod & Performance up to 50 % Version: 5.0 (Finial) which increases perfomance and FPS. It is made by Superghostboy and the button enables the mix of his mini-mods:
Finial for performance
Addon Performance fix
FPS boost up to 50%你可以选择使用Epic Texture Mod(传奇图形mod)
和Performance up to 50 % Version: 5.0 (Finial)(速度提高50%mod)这两个优秀的图形mod以及其子mod,mod替身游戏速度,感谢Superghostboy[*]Added easy options to enable with one click the Default 2X Size units and the Default Normal size settings of the Mod. One of these two options must be used to play Multiplayer with your friends. 加入了方便的选项选择双倍人数或者是默认部队人数,当然联机的时候大家得用一样的设置[*]Now the default unit size is enabled automatically (no longer needed to enable a special unit size option in the game settings). 缺省的部队人数会自动成为默认选项Version 2.9+ 版本2.9+[*]Repaired a bug that caused overflow of Trade Income after raiding (Needs testing). 某些情况下贸易收入的溢出的问题被修正了(需要测试)Version 2.9 版本2.9[*]Improved the battle animations. (Now the troops will not step back so often and will push forward and knock down more). 修正了战斗动作,(现在部队会更少的向后挪步,取而代之的是向前向前向前~推倒推倒推倒…)[*]Removed the collision model "Dynamic Ellipse" and replaced it with "Ellipse". It should have been responsible for FPS decrease. Now the battles look more fluid and the melee much more thrilling. 去掉了一个冲突的模型"Dynamic Ellipse",取而代之的是"Ellipse".之前那个mod可能是FPS降低的元凶,现在战斗看起来跟家流畅并且肉搏战看起来更加惊心动魄了[*]Fine tuned the morale due to the new melee setting. 平滑的修改了士气以配合最新的肉搏设定[*]Increased the Genpei ships campaign movement points to encourage AI Naval Invasions and to follow the plain logic that ships should travel faster than the "turtles" (thanks to valky for continuous feedback and help). 提高了原平合战的船只在战略地图上的移动范围,鼓励AI通过水路入侵,同时遵循了以下合理的逻辑:“船比乌龟快”(感谢valky童鞋持之以恒的反馈和帮助)[*]Replaced the bow model of Ashigaru and Levy with the DarthMod Special weak bow model (to reflect their lack of training...).改变足轻弓的弓模型为:“大师mod特制弱爆了弓”以反应出他们的训练缺失[*]Cost of Attendants lowered to compensate the increased unit numbers of the Levy. 侍者(具体是人物还是侍者我不太清楚,只能按照字面翻译)的花费减小了,因为要抵消部队规模增大带来的开销[*]Increased the minor faction base income to make the Genpei small clans valuable allies or worthy enemies. (Affects Sengoku campaign too). 小大名们的基本收入增加了,这样在源平合战中的小大名们也有了成为可敬的盟友或者对手的资格(对原版战役也有效)[*]Raiding has now much more impact to trade route income. 抢劫贸易线现在对对手的打击更大了(我喜欢!封了不如抢钱那)[*]Added uninstall option before installation to prevent conflict of old files with new. 增加了卸载选项,免得版本更新之后旧文件卸载不干净引起冲突Version 2.85 你能看到这儿说明你是对得起哥那么多个小时的手工逐字翻译的,谢谢您老人家,不过我也到此为止了,回帖多了哥有空再把这个全翻译了,免得浪费时间[*]All units adapted to the newest DLC "Rise of the Samurai" and several repairs made that were needed (units_stats_file corrupted, double index entries making buildings not buildable, new projectiles, many new entries in many files added etc.). Also some old settings were removed:
-Spot distances preserved as they are in vanilla.
-Yari Ashigaru animation made again vanilla because the previous change (to use only yari) caused lag and spear wall not to work correctly. [*]Several changes in the battle gameplay make battles more intense and difficult for the human player. Watch the melees to be as chaotic and heroic as ever. The new realistic melee system of DarthMod creates extreme charge penetrations, instant unit interactions and 1vs1 confrontation in which the better man prevails. You will not be able to control a unit easily once it is engaged, as it was in real life. The troops are ferociously entering the fray of the battle at every corner and do not hesitate.... in a few words the battles now are cinematic, violent and spectacular to watch but not easy at all to win. [*]Ashigaru and Levy troops have increased size to compensate correctly their lack of fighting ability against samurai and elite troops. [*]Unit untidyness made more realistic and not as razor straight as in vanilla (Improved the previous version). [*]More dynamic morale changes during battles (projectiles and artillery fire affect more, winning or losing a battle make morale to get high or low etc.). The battle can now turn very quickly with decisive tactical manoeuvres and momentums. [*]Daimyo fighting abilities now vary per character (in vanilla all are the same). [*]Ancillaries reworked from scratch. Now they are more useful. [*]Skill points increased from 2 to 3 for Genpei units. [*]Skills for characters have been improved. [*]In Sengoku Campaign, all agents except Ninja and Geisha need now less points to reach a skill level. This was done because they mostly gain level by passive tasks, and this is coming much slower, so Ninja and Geisha with much more star levels could easily eradicate them in late turns. [*]Changes for the Launcher: [*]Ashigaru Boost option removed (It is on by default now) [*]Realm Divide Mild option removed (It is on by default now) [*]Demokritos mod option removed (I was not able to collaborate with the creator: he asked me to frequently request permission everytime he created his ABCD1234 version of his mod.....) [*]Gallus Domesticus Oda-Tokugawa alliance mod updated by me (he is absent a lot of time so I had to do this alone, but full credits go to him for his very good mod) [*]Every other setting is updated as necessary. Version 2.8+ [*]Income Boost option not working fixed. [*]DMS Launcher updates: [*]Demokritos mod updated (thanks Freiherr von Hahl for reminding). [*]JFC unit cards option bug when Demokritos mod was enabled fixed (it would make JFC unit crads to not work). Thanks bender30 for reminding. [*]JFC Unit Cards updated to include the Sengoku DLC Units (Please rep CoconutFred for his work here). 其他见原帖... ...

Credits: (作者众,包括整合mod的作者,不敢删减,原引)(很多全战mod名人你认识不?)

Thoal .
PlacidDragon .
Syntax .
Mr Kami .
Fracchione .
BayonetFodder-San .
Diadok .
taw .
Lord Maximus, Porphyr .
Swiss Halberdier.
Thorn .
ToonTotalWar .
Voice of Treason .
The Hedge Knight .
Jane .
Wind .
Ftmch .
Superghostboy .
La De Da Brigadier Graham .
Twosocks .
Ying, Duke of Qin .
Gallus Domesticus .
Elvasat ods.
ordinary .
CoconutFred .
Radius .
The DMS Launcher (大师mod启动器)

The DMS Launcher allows you to customize your experience with DarthMod by enabling or disabling gameplay features or to add more graphics and sounds modifications made by some of the best modders of the community. All that with a click of a button.大师mod启动器给予用户自定义mod内容的功能,通过启用或者禁用部分模块而组合出属于自己独一无二的体验,而这一切仅仅只需要你点几个按钮而已

Look at the current interface:瞧瞧这些美丽的界面(热烈感谢百度贴吧的 帝国将星提供汉化图片)万恶的我居然上传不了那么大的图片。。。我只好将百度的链接提供给大家勒。。。 大师mod启动界面汉化图

TO INSTALL AND USE *MAKE SURE YOU LOGIN AS ADMIN TO YOUR SYSTEM AND NOT AS A GUEST*.记得用管理员身份登录才能用哟,(玩mod 的因该知道其实就是修改的用户文件中的scripts)


427MB 安装文件点我Also, please go to
and leave your comments there.欢迎亲来我的论坛留言,如果你懂鸟文
Basic Installation Instructions

DarthMod: Shogun II Signatures: 大师mod签名档赏析(我觉得很丑有莫有。。。) by Voice of Treason by JFC by Matrix Storm

DarthMod: Shogun II Team Members:大师mod的核心成员,虽然我们可能一辈子不会见到他们,但是饮水思源,我们还是要感谢他们的工作和努力,就像我们感谢每一个在论坛里分享自己的朋友,无论他分享的是好,还是不好。
Mr Kami
Rome101负责任的转完。。便民通道:         下载游戏      启动器汉化      。。

renzihan01 发表于 2011-12-6 16:59


renzihan01 发表于 2011-12-6 17:00


renzihan01 发表于 2011-12-6 17:02

说句真心的 , 感谢LZ 提供我们这些英文盲的方便 .   在此膜拜一下    .

geloly 发表于 2011-12-6 17:32



kincsk 发表于 2011-12-6 17:33


512912459 发表于 2011-12-6 17:37


kincsk 发表于 2011-12-6 17:39


geloly 发表于 2011-12-6 17:52

回复 9# kincsk


ppispia 发表于 2011-12-6 17:52


muxuexiang 发表于 2011-12-6 18:13


kincsk 发表于 2011-12-6 18:20

下载完了,我直接安装将军2目录,结果。。。悲剧了~~~   进游戏不到一回合就跳出。。。。3444汉化版。

DIF 发表于 2011-12-6 18:42

回复 13# kincsk


renzihan01 发表于 2011-12-6 18:51

请问LZ 为什么我的达斯MOD很多选项激活以后没有效果。   

令求选单界面翻译 讲解。....谢谢    可以留个QQ给我么

acyoung0 发表于 2011-12-6 18:56


geloly 发表于 2011-12-6 19:06

回复 13# kincsk
回复 14# DIF

跳出的问题,我推荐你用干净的版本安装,我的没有问题,特别是安装过其他mod的 一定要卸载,跳出这个问题确实不是一句话能说清楚的。。。 如果要详细说可能要另开帖子了

527184616 发表于 2011-12-6 19:16


DIF 发表于 2011-12-6 19:41

回复 17# geloly

    求教楼主你什么版本的啊?我干净的 9G D版免安装.3444,连存档都删了,还是会跳出...

geloly 发表于 2011-12-6 19:55

你要用这个mod启动器里右上角的edit your script打开看下,是不是有大师mod的启动项,一般来说跳出都是mod兼容引起的,硬盘版不是纯净版

zjkzjy 发表于 2011-12-6 20:06


zhuxing 发表于 2011-12-6 20:59


redboy69822 发表于 2011-12-7 00:12


上尉普林司 发表于 2011-12-7 00:19

悲剧 我要么是装了后不能进游戏 要么就是进游戏后没有效果,什么部队双倍规模 什么ai提升一个都没有...郁闷...

sirenhui 发表于 2011-12-7 00:24


liesha503 发表于 2011-12-7 00:42


greenkid 发表于 2011-12-7 02:24

cxl200428 发表于 2011-12-7 08:37


newwxm 发表于 2011-12-7 10:28

回复 20# DIF


totaljerk 发表于 2011-12-7 10:39


leedungjun 发表于 2011-12-7 11:01

页: [1] 2 3
查看完整版本: 【全国首转!懒人的福气啊,翻译好送到嘴边了都】DarthMod: Shogun II v3.0(更新启动器汉化图)