拿破仑 真实旗帜2.3!!!115网盘下载
Firstly one can use theNTW ModManager NTF is in mod format so you will need a 'user.script' text file saved as UNICODE format to activate it. This file is included in the download.
1: Place the user.script in:
C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/The Creative Assembly/Napoleon/Scripts (you may need to show hidden folders)
Move onto Step 4 if this is now the only mod you have, if not, read on...
2: If you already have other mods that need a script file to activate it, then you need to simply add the line from this mod to the list, you should only ever have ONE user.script file. In the user.script file might/will be command line(s), eg:
mod Mod_AUM.pack;
mod Mod_Ultimatesound.pack;
3: Add the command line: mod Mod_NTF_Main.pack; from NTF user.script to the list. (The way NTW loads is that it goes down this list... Then through the Patch files... Then the Vanilla files... Then loads the game.) So whatever is at the top of the list gets shown over everything that comes after. Therefore if you wanted the NTF_Early or Russian flags to show over the NTF_Main flags, the script file would look like this:
mod Mod_NTF_Early.pack;
mod Mod_minorflag.pack;
mod Mod_NTF_Main.pack;
I would recommend always having the flag mod at the top of the list. Then save it in UNICODE format. If you just save the text file, it might default to ANSI, which won't work.
4: Finally: Put the actual flag pack in your steam/steamapps/common/napoleon total war/data directory.
5: Start NTW as normal
NTF_Mov_2.3 这个直接解压丢到拿破仑目录DATA文件夹里面就OK
NTF_Main_2.3 这个把pack文件放到拿破仑目录下DATA文件夹里面
(WindowsXP) [系统分区]:\Documents and Settings\[你的用户名]\Application Data\The Creative Assembly\Napoleon\scripts\
(Windows Vista) [系统分区]:\Users\[你的用户名]\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Napoleon\scripts
PS:如果文件夹里有user.script.txt(需要打开文件夹选项的 显示隐藏文件和显示系统文件 功能)
那就在里面添加一行=> mod Mod_NTF_Main.pack;