刚刚挂了一晚上下载好人物编辑器,按http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-2505420-1-1.html的方法进去网站,结果那边没有sign in,选项了啊~~出现了Thanks for your interest in the Saint's Row: The Third Initiation Station Demo. Our early access demo giveaway is no longer active, but you should now be able to download it directly from Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, or Steam (availability may depend upon your location).本人英文一点不会求助了~~~~~~~谢谢 感謝你對黑街聖徒"初始站"(initiation station)試用有興趣,我們的早期試用通道贈送已經完畢,但是你現在可
以直接在XBOX LIVE,PS3或STEAM下載(可用性取決於你的位置(國家/地方)。 呃呃呃···········白挂了一晚上电脑,郁闷··········