〓〓〓〓〓我弱弱的问一下,关于 黑盒子 的极限压缩版本的问题! 标题〓〓〓〓〓
请安装完的朋友解答一下,或者如果下载完了,用论坛中的注册工具,能否切换成中文? 望解答! {:3_110:} 大家帮忙啦。 需要改注册表,根目录下要有GDFBinary_zh_TW.dll,data\win32\Loc文件夹里要有zh.loc和zh.sb文件,应该就可以了,都不大,手机上网电脑不在身边没法把这些发给你 回复 4# zhm86
我的邮箱是 wang70876@sina.com ,发送给我了,记得在这里回帖,谢啦,基boy 。 Developer: EA Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
Platform: PC / Windows
Release date: World: 15 November 2011
USA: 15 November 2011
Europe: 18 November 2011
Play modes: Single player
Media Size: 1 DVD
Game language: ENGLISH
Age requirements: 16+
Suggested system requirements: Quad Core i5 3 GHz, 4 GB RAM, graphic card 1024 MB (GeForce GTX 560 or better), 18 GB HDD, Windows Vista/7.
«The Run» - racing competitions, in which the rate is incredibly high. The only way to survive - the first to complete a perilous journey from San Francisco to New York. There are no speed limits. There are no rules. There are no friends. In opposition to the hundreds of desperate drivers in the most dangerous roads will have to rely only on their own driving skills and determination. Indeed, in Need for Speed ??The Run you have to maneuver at breakneck speed on a busy city streets, to overcome the mountain passes and deep canyons, while trying to avoid encounters with the police, who will stop at nothing to stop a mad race participants.
Need for Speed The Run
Team..............: Black Box <-->Cracked By..........: 脏话
Size..............: 4.61 GB <-->Genre...............: Race
Required Space....: 25.5 GB <-->Platform............: PC
Final Size........: 15.3 GB <-->Format..............: ISO
Release Date......: 15-11-2011<-->Type................: Lossless
Release Note
Ripped all other Language except English
Include 脏话 Crack
Need At Least 1 GB Ram to Install
Need At Least 25.5 GB Free Space to Install
Included ( DirectX & Visual Basic )
Start the game from Desktop
Install Notes
1. Unrar
2. Mount or Burn
3. Run Setup.exe
4. At the end of the Setup a Chinesewindow will appear, just
click OK
5. Enjoy
Important Notes
It's Strongly Recommended that you close all programs , Before launch
Setup.exe ( Especially Antivirus ).
In other mean if you didn't close your antivirus , don't blame us if
the game didn't install properly.
The Crack maybe detected as A virus , it's negative alert just ignore
If the game runs slow , you can try an included fix , just unrar this
file NFS16FaxxFIX.rar. 回复 1# 账号丢失了
根据该小组的资源信息来看,安装完15.3G,破解补丁是隔壁的,语言仅保留英文 希望技术组能看到,提取出来吧! 回复 8# 账号丢失了
这几天很忙,一直没有机会用电脑,久等了 顶起来 极品压缩版的中文修复文件 终于找到了 谢谢9#分享啊 顶起来 极品压缩版的中文修复文件 终于找到了 非常感谢,昨晚一个晚上没搞定中文,下了那2个文件终于搞定了 好像是需要改注册表 :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(支持挖 顶起来终于找到了 zhm86是好人啊,我也遇到同样的问题了,明明选择安装正体中文版,可是打了reloaded破解补丁进去后就是鸟文版的。