未名@Annie 发表于 2011-11-4 22:47


本帖最后由 未名@Annie 于 2011-11-4 23:15 编辑



There is a period when a world was in full
swing with the successful film franchise and a ton of the video games set in the Lord of Rings universe.Although things have since slowed down ,Snowblind studio seems to plan to bring the franchise back with the Lord of Rings:War in the north. And the original story set during the same time period as the beloved books.War in the north combines 3 players co-op combat with some substantial bloodshed, but repetitive combat in boring characters will do little put you back into that mid-earth state of mind.PRESENTATIONWar in the north puts players in control of team of 3 warriors.The human Ranger, an elvan mage, and dwarven
warrior.While a separate story, war in the north does have you meeting up with some well-known characters from the books, includingAragon, the one in future came himself and others.But while War in the north does get props from tempting to add new chapter to the lord of story, the characters and their quests are bit on the bland side. You won't find yourself very invested in their stories and the one-dimensional personalities are likely to draw you into the experience.The game for the pretty solid visual style taking queue from the film franchise in both characters model in the environmental design. While some of the special effects are a little plain, the overlook is well-done.GAMEPLAYAs an Action RPG, "War in the North" features many conventions that would be familiar to the fans of the genre. You have access to cite quests, shops and blacksmiths what will repair busted equipment, as well as NPCs to interact with and earn new missions from. However, once you step out of the game's hub town, the experience is all action and loot. The game was created with a 3-players co-op experience in mind, and to that end the experience works pretty well. You can team up on-line through system link or though local co-op, utilizing each of their specific skill sets and moves in tendon. Each character also has race specific abilities that allow you to find special hidden treasure chests to loot. Playing alone is quite the same experience you might hope it will be. You can switch characters on the fly, and you have to wait until the end of each section to take control of different warriors. This is problematic because the only way you can adjust the warrior's armor and level them up is by having direct control of them. While there are work-around, mainly closing your game, and using the title screen to select new character, does like   . Additionally, you can issue orders through AI combat. While they do a pretty confident job of taking out enemies and healing you when you need it, having the ability to manage them would definitely be helpful.And while the combat, it is certainly bloody, especially for the Lord of the Rings game, it is also repetitive. You will find out legions with the same ogres over and over again, and combat system lacks enough variety to keep things interesting. Whether you play play more of a mainly heavy fighters, or choose to utilize more attacks and special attacks, the combat lacks much in the way of variety and does not do much to stand out against other Action RPGs.THE VERDICTIn the end, "War in the North" is a solid entry to the franchise, but one that for all is posturing takes very few risks. The combat is    , but simple and repetitive, and the story line, while new, does little to draw you into the experience. For more on the "Lord of the Rings: War in the North", head over to IGN.com

甬之银 发表于 2011-11-4 22:50


zzy0laj 发表于 2011-11-4 22:51

小白混脸熟 果断顶

沛君 发表于 2011-11-4 22:52


patcheney 发表于 2011-11-4 22:57


Yeah理枫 发表于 2011-11-4 23:08


chenshuhuang 发表于 2011-11-4 23:27


禁军总领 发表于 2011-11-5 01:34


lyxlyx 发表于 2011-11-4 22:51

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