【国外种】《上古卷轴4:湮没 五周年纪念版(Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition)》8.12G
本帖最后由 alan81512 于 2011-11-3 09:59 编辑----------------------
General Information
Publisher............: Bethesda Softworks
Developer............: Bethesda Games Studios
Year.................: 2011
Platform.............: Windows
Genre................: RPG
Language.............: English
Source...............: Retail
Number of discs......: 3
File validation......: SFV
Image format.........: MDF/MDS
Image created with...: Alcohol 52%
Copy protection......: DVD-Checks
Website..............: http://www.elderscrolls.com/oblivion/
Release Notes
Oblivion features a powerful combination of free-form gameplay, unprecedented
graphics, cutting edge AI, character voices by acting legends Patrick Stewart,
Sean Bean, Terrance Stamp, and Lynda Carter, and an award-winning soundtrack.
Gamers can choose to unravel Oblivion\\\'s epic narrative at their own pace or
explore the vast world in search of their own unique challenges.
With more than 30 hours of new gameplay, Shivering Isles allows you to explore
an entirely new plane of Oblivion - the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince
of Madness. Shivering Isles features a bizarre landscape split between the two
sides - Mania and Dementia - filled with vast, twisting dungeons mirroring the
roots of the trees they are buried within. Sheogorath himself looks to you to
be his champion and defend his realm and its inhabitants from destruction as
you discover all new items, ingredients, spells, and much more.
Knights of the Nine features an all-new faction and quests for noble characters
and answers many of the questions surrounding the Ayleid ruins found throughout
Oblivion. Players can join a new faction and found their own order of holy
knights - leading them into battle against a sorcerer-king and his demonic
minions while exploring massive dungeons and searching for legendary relics -
the holy armor and weapons of the Divine Crusader.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition contains:
Disc 1: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (1.2.0416)
Disc 2: The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles (v1.2.0416)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine
Disc 3: Making of Oblivion DVD (PAL), trailers of Oblivion and Skyrim,Galleries
The official v1.2.0416 patches are integrated in the game.
Extra\\\'s (DOX folder):
Official Plugins:
Fighter\\\'s Stronghold
Horse Armor Pack
Mehrunes Razor
Spell Tomes
Thieves Den
Vile Lair
Wizard\\\'s Tower
Unofficial Patches:
The Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2.0
The Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1.4.0
The Unofficial Official Mods Patch v15
Manual and Guides:
Game Manual
Map of Cyrodiil
Official Prima Strategy Guide
GameSpot Game Guide
The Pocket Guide To The Empire
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion OST by Jeremy Soule (FLAC)
High resolution scans of the keepcase, discs and Shivering Isles map
The Elder Scrolls Construction Set v1.2
Install Notes
01. Burn or mount the images in DAEMON Tools or Alcohol;
02. Install;
03. Play! (Disc 1 is the play disc)
Disc 3 is a video DVD (PAL).
Post-installation options:
Official plugins:
All the official plugins can be found in the DOX folder and have to be
installed separately. The plugins (except for Knights of the Nine) are not a
part of the 5th Anniversary Edition.
Unofficial patches:
The unofficial patches fix many bugs that were left behind by Bethesda. It is
highly recommended to install them. The latest versions of the patches are
included in the DOX folder.
Use the crack included in the DOX folder to remove the DVD-Check from the game.
Read the included NFO for more information. Both discs have to be installed for
the crack to work properly.
Quarn & Kivan: Unofficial Patches
TEDOX/JAGDOX: Game Manual, The Pocket Guide To The Empire, Map of Cyrodiil
DVX: GameSpot Game Guide
PWZ: crack
Created and compiled by DeathInJune for Demonoid
跟原版有什么不一样吗? thanks for sharing! 这个。。。
xiaoseyu 发表于 2011-11-3 02:53 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
同问,有什么新特色嘛? 没兴趣,自己组装的好,不过楼主还是辛苦啦 路过,纯支持~ 我昨天在海盗湾上刚看见.
看来没事干去晃荡的人地球人有不少啊. 请问此版本和原版有何不同?。。。。 和夜光什么的有什么不同吗? 请问此版本和原版有何不同?。。。。
zlsadam9 发表于 2011-11-3 12:37 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
总而言之一句话:实质没区别. 很好,感谢分享 回复 11# alex30001
感谢解答,明白了。 都开始制作老滚4的纪念版了么 dddddddddddddddd 回复alex30001
zlsadam9 发表于 2011-11-3 18:10 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
cd3 原来如此
感谢解答,明白了。 5周年了啊;
话说 上古最大的乐趣 在于mod啊 上古最大的乐趣 在于mod啊 确实啊 这个有汉化可用吗 这个世界太NB了,呵 感謝分享,推一下。 感謝分享,推一下。 回复 1# alan81512
好游戏,不错,谢谢 纪念,感觉没什么好纪念的。。 纪念,感觉没什么好纪念的。。 5的画面我还不习惯了,还是回来湮灭吧 感谢分享!谢谢了 5年后又出纪念版,上古果然是一个好游戏 和年度版相比,cd1直接最新版本,2应该没变动,3看样子是些花絮,dlc补全了,原作唱片大碟,3个uop非官方补 ...
alex30001 发表于 2011-11-3 15:41 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
嗯!~ 感谢A酱!! 那还是自订版好!!~ O(∩_∩)O哈哈~