Football Manager 2012 v12.0.3 Update info:
- Included positioning training to goalkeeper shot stopping training
- Fixed a crash on season turnover when adding MLS into the game without having it loaded at game start.
- Fixed Vancouver, Portland and Philadelphia not having Academy players properly generated.
- Fixed a crash when playing with two human managers and one of them was claiming a player waived by the other human manager.
- Fixed an issue where adding a league was causing more people then needed to be loaded into the game.
- Fixed an issue with international competitions sometimes getting the wrong number of teams from a continent.
- Fixed scaling of distance run stat in match stats.
1. 解压缩
2. 运行Football.Manager.2012.v12.0.3.Update.exe
3. 安装
4. 将SKIDROW目录下的文件复制到游戏安装目录
5. 运行游戏
下载地址:http://dl.3dmgame.com/201111/15066.html 推一個!! 下載地址是?? 首页留名 楼下跟上~~~!!! 首页留名 前排,在看欧冠!破解小组给力啊! 不用重新开档吧? 首页留名~俺有时差~!~!~! 首页留名 大清早起来就看到了 感谢分享! 酷!就等这个呢
速度真快啊 谢谢分享 首页留名 听说这个补丁有问题,点击职员名会跳出 好快,好强大 给力。。。。 支持鸟姐:$ 热烈支持啊,终于可以开始赛季了 這個快就出補丁拉~ 前排留名!!!!! 切身体验,点击职员名确实会跳出。 前排留名 感谢分享 {:3_153:}坐等汉化 来啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 {:3_153:}坐等汉化 还能说什么。。坐等汉化~谢谢啊! 支持一下............