秋叶飞舞 发表于 2011-10-21 16:13

游戏安装、激活方式和如何离线玩(官方FAQ)【转自PG:luckycats1982 】

Using your code to activate via Steam:

If you purchased of a digital copy of the game, please follow the steps below to activate the game on Steam:

- Download the Steam client:


- Install Steam on your computer

- Once installed, open up Steam

- Go to +ADD A GAME at the bottom-left of the window

- Then select Activate a product on Steam

- Enter your Activation Code found on the back of the manual.

- Steam should now download your game.

Installing the game from Disc:

If you have the disc version of the game, please first follow the steps below to activate the game on Steam:

- Open up Steam

- Go to +ADD A GAME at the bottom-left of the window

- Then select Activate a product on Steam

- Enter your Activation Code found on the back of the manual.

Now Steam will be trying to download the full game. Please follow the instructions below:

1. Click on 'Games' followed by 'View Games Library'.

2. Right click on the game and click 'Delete local content'. The non-installed information will appear next to the game.

3. Close Steam (File, Exit).

* Ensure STEAM is not shown near Notification Area (system clock). If STEAM is shown in the Notification Area right click on the STEAM icon and select exit.

4. Insert Disk 1 into your DVD drive and select Autorun.

5. From the Windows Desktop, click on the Start Button, (XP) click Run (Vista/7) type Run into the Start Search box and choose Run from the list.

In the window Run box enter the following:


- If your CD/DVD drive is not E: please change it accordingly.

6. Press OK, Steam should now start the installation from the disk.

7. At the end of the installation process, Steam will connect on Internet to download a small update.

Activation and Offline Mode:

This year’s instalment of Football Manager can only be activated and played through the Steam platform. The game can be purchased as a boxed copy or a digital download, but both versions require Steam and an Internet connection.

Football Manager 2012 will need Internet access for its activation process because Steam is a network-based platform. FM2012 customers that do not want Steam to connect to Internet can launch the Steam client in “Offline Mode” after installation. Internet access after installation of the game will only be needed to apply game patches or Steam updates, play network games or use any of the uploading features included in FM2012.

We have outlined below the steps to set Steam to Offline Mode.

1) Start Steam whilst being connected to the Internet - make sure that the “Remember my password” box on the login window is checked
2) Verify that all game files are completely updated and that there are no current downloads on Steam (“View” -> “Downloads”)
3) Launch the game(s) you would like to play offline to verify that there are no further updates to download. Shut down the game(s) and return to Steam once you have confirmed that the game(s) can be played
4) Go to “Steam” -> “Settings” to ensure that the “Don't save account credentials on this computer” option is NOT selected
5) Click on the top left “Steam” menu and select “Go Offline”
6) Select “Restart in Offline Mode”. This will restart the Steam client and it will no longer connect to Internet when it is launched

If you would like to reconnect Steam to the Internet in the future to download game updates, activate new products or play multiplayer modes on your games, please select “Go Online” from the top left “Steam” menu.

Verify Game Cache:

    Load Steam
    From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
    Select the Local files tab and click the ‘VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE…’ button.
    Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
    Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.

If you are still experiencing the same error afterwards on the PC please try deleting the FM.EXE

Local Disk -> Program Files -> Steam -> steamapps -> common -> football manager 2012 -> fm.exe

Upon deletion try the ‘VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE…’ feature to identify whether this addresses the problem.

Data Editor:

You need to download it separately through Steam. It can be found in the Tools section within Steam. To get to it do the following;

Open Steam -> -> All Games -> Tools -> Football Manager 2012 Editor. And then Install”.
- Steam客户端下载:
- 在计算机上安装Steam
- 安装完成后,打开Steam
- 转到+添加在左下角的窗口游戏
- 然后选择激活Steam
- 在包装盒背面输入您的激活代码。
- Steam现在开始下载你的游戏。

- 打开Steam
- 转到+添加在左下角的窗口游戏
- 然后选择激活Steam产品
- 在手册背面输入您的激活代码。
5。从Windows桌面,单击开始按钮,(XP),点击运行(Vista / 7的)到开始搜索框中键入运行,并从列表中选择运行。
- 如果您的CD/ DVD驱动器是不是E:请相应地改变它。

足球经理2012年将其激活过程需要Internet访问,因为Steam是一种基于网络的平台。 FM2012不想Steam连接到Internet的客户可以启动“离线模式”安装后的Steam客户端。互联网接入安装后的游戏将只需要申请游戏补丁或Steam更新,可以进行网络游戏,或使用任何FM2012包括上传功能。
1)开始,而被连接到互联网的Steam - 确保选中“记住我的密码”登录窗口框
2)检查所有的游戏文件是完全更新,并有目前Steam上没有下载(“查看” - >“下载”)
4)进入“Steam” - >“设置”,以确保“不保存在这台电脑上的帐户数据”选项未选择

Steam将验证游戏的文件 - 这个过程可能需要几分钟。
本地磁盘 - >程序文件 - >Steam - > steamapps - >通用 - >足球经理2012 - > fm.exe
删除后尝试“验证游戏缓存的完整性... ...”功能,以确定这是否解决了问题。

打开Steam - > - >游戏 - >工具 - >足球经理2012。然后安装。
以上翻译内容由lyf091经谷歌翻译 如有错漏 请及时指出

cet 发表于 2011-10-21 16:14


ppp0418 发表于 2011-10-21 16:47


sialen 发表于 2011-10-21 17:35


siansun 发表于 2011-10-21 17:37


chanlight 发表于 2011-10-21 19:58


xiaogu00fa 发表于 2011-10-22 00:38

回复 5# siansun

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查看完整版本: 游戏安装、激活方式和如何离线玩(官方FAQ)【转自PG:luckycats1982 】