qeyuo 发表于 2011-10-13 19:52


转自 游戏人的家 ;http://www.gamerhome.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=354353&extra=page%3D1

Adding Dynasty Weapons for the Altar of Wishes not present in version 1.0:
祈愿圣坛中添加1.0版本中没有的国器:[*]Batu`s Totem[*]巴图的图腾[*]Assassin`s Blade[*]刺客之刃[*]Will of Urgash[*]鄂加斯的意志Adding 4 new Multiplayer Maps and the map a “bridge too far” not present in version 1.0 for a total of 15 cutom maps:
增加4张多人地图,以及不在1.0中的遥远的桥,总共15张地图:[*]Brimstone`s Gold[*]硫金[*]Feuding Duchies[*]两国世仇[*]Fortress of Honour[*]荣誉要塞[*]Silence of the Ancestors[*]先祖的沉默        IntelHD Graphics support:[*]Models are now more optimized for post-transform vertex cache[*]模型优化,后期转化,顶点缓存啥的,看不太懂[*]The engine is now using alpha testing instead of HLSL clip where it is possible[*]引擎现在在某些地方是用alpha testing替代HLSL clip[*]注:这两东西有点看不懂,反正是对Intel集成显卡的支持修改Optimized memory usage
内存使用优化Several AI tweaks - 一些AI调整[*]Build order improvements[*]建设顺序改进[*]AI resource management improvements[*]AI资源使用管理改进[*]AI does not convert captured towns if it can not be protected[*]AI不会转换他无法守下的城镇[*]AI does not build buildings in captured towns if it can not be protected[*]AI不会在他无法守下的城镇里建设[*]Improved decision making between building and unit purchase[*]改进AI在建筑和招兵间的决定[*]Fixed marketplace usage (uses it when it is worth to use )[*]不变的市场使用习惯(只有在值得的时候才会使用)[*]Tuning on skill path choices for primary and secondary heroes[*]调整主英雄和副英雄的技能选择路线[*]Improved cooperation among primary and secondary heroes[*]改进主英雄和副英雄间的合作[*]AI Captures mines faster[*]AI下矿更快了[*]Increased efficiency for AI town defense[*]增强AI的守城效果[*]Advanced and basic town portal usage improvements[*]城镇时空门的使用改进Balance and General Changes - 平衡和全局调整[*]Default hero attack damage has been reduced to 300-340 at level 30 (from 400-450)[*]英雄的默认攻击的伤害降低,30级时从400-450降低到300-340[*]Defend action gives10 Might and Magic defense instead of15[*]战场上选择防御的效果从 15物理和魔法防御降为 10点[*]Stand Your Ground and Mass Stand Your Ground do 7/ 9 12 and5/ 6/ 7[*]『坚守阵地』能力的效果削弱为 7/ 9 12,群体的削弱到 5/ 6/ 7[*]Heal and Regeneration requires 20 mana tocast (instead of 15)[*]『治疗』和重生』的魔法值消耗从15增加到20[*]Arcane Exalation III gives3 Magic Power (instead of2)[*]『奥术提升』第三级增加的魔法力量从 2改为 3[*]Arcane Ward III gives3 Magic Defense (instead of2)[*]『秘法守护』第三级增加的魔法防御从 2改为 3[*]Assailant III gives3 Might Attack (instead of2)[*]『攻击』第三级增加的物理力量从 2改为 3[*]Charismatic Leader III gives3 Leadership (instead of2)[*]『卓越领袖』第三级增加的领袖魅力(士气)从 2改为 3[*]Defender III gives3 Might Defense (instead of2)[*]『防御』第三级增加的物理防御从 2改为 3[*]Destiny`s Chosen III gives3 Destiny (instead of2)[*]『天命之选』第三级增加的天命力(幸运)从 2改为 3[*]Rampage bonus changed to 5/ 7/ 8 Might Power (instead of5/ 6/ 7)[*]『狂暴』能力增加的物理力量从 5/ 6/ 7改为 5/ 7/ 8[*]Resilience bonus changed to 5/ 6/ 7 Might Defense,10%/ 12%/ 13% Health (instead of3/ 6/ 9 Might Defense,3%/ 6%/ 9% Health )[*]『回弹性』增加的物理防御从 3/ 6/ 9改为 5/ 6/ 7,生命值加成从 3%/ 6%/ 9%改为 10%/ 12%/ 13%[*]Counterstrike II and Counterstrike III duration reduced to 1/2/3 turns (from 2/3/4 turns)[*]『反击 II』和『反击 III』的持续效果从2/3/4回合减少到1/2/3回合[*]Archery III ranged penalty reduction reduced to -25%/-30%/-35% (from -50%/-75%/-100%)[*]『箭术 III』的远程惩罚减免从-50%/-75%/-100%削弱到-25%/-30%/-35%[*]Idol of storms damage increased by 25%[*]『风暴之灵』的伤害增加25%[*]Frenzy charge removed, 4 turn cooldown added[*]『疯狂』能力从一场战斗只能使用一次改为4回合冷却[*]Frenzy bonus increased to 10/30/50% (from 5/15/30%)”[*]『疯狂』能力造成的伤害加成从5/15/30增加到10/30/50%

fantasyx2006 发表于 2011-10-13 19:54


popyear 发表于 2011-10-13 19:55


z65136364 发表于 2011-10-13 19:58


manheartc 发表于 2011-10-13 20:21


ZWJSTC217 发表于 2011-10-13 20:26

{:3_195:} 不用地图DLC来坑爹是件好事,不过我觉得初始版本起码30张地图才算正常~

bhccdbsx 发表于 2011-10-13 21:28

这更新的啥? 字体问题和抗锯齿好像都没有搞定吧?

evilp 发表于 2011-10-13 23:32

这……人家其实也是转的吧,英雄世界的主页就有原版……英雄世界真的是很专业…… ...
manheartc 发表于 2011-10-13 20:21 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif


PercyLee 发表于 2011-10-13 23:45


w890i 发表于 2011-10-13 23:49


tlwangwei 发表于 2011-10-14 00:01

感觉这游戏根本就是个半成品 坑爹啊就那两张地图。。。
还有就是 中文版的字体 鼠标无故的闪完全是挑战人心理承受极限的作品

popyear 发表于 2011-10-14 09:33

PercyLee 发表于 2011-10-13 23:45 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif

    支持除了中文正版以外的所有版本。 中国的1.1估计还没做呢~

苍白之月 发表于 2011-10-14 09:38


manheartc 发表于 2011-10-14 11:42

回复 8# evilp

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