大型地域探险——北欧之地Valhalla Asgardia历经两年多终于更新了。。。t网10.5
本帖最后由 pooseeyjx 于 2011-10-7 02:33 编辑CELTICDOG 这位老大不但允许分流,还允许利用其材质,很无私滴说!
Last updated at 07:27, 6 October 2011 Uploaded at 10:45, 4 June 2009 Ver. 5.5
October,04, 2011
1. Breif Description.
2. Long description
3.(Last Edits)
4. Installation:
1. Breif Description.
This adds a, Player owned Castle home, Riches, Arena, Treasury, Nordic bath hall, Shadow Creatures, Shadow Dragons,Gaints and Spiders Trolls, dogs, polar bear, bats, sharks, werewolf, Pain, tiger, rideable unicorns, frost gaint. Flowing rivers Guards and a Jailor Smithy Maid Bartender and various NPC's, Celtic Shields, Viking Shields, new demon Imp. Sleepable coffins, Swords, Buyable Nord RealSwords, Hel Borne Spears, The Hammer Of Thor Necronomican with text Trainers Natural wonders archs cave Secret Cave Bathtub and many more things.
Close to Fort Ontus.
A player owned fortress easily defendable against invading armies. Many new creatures, armors, weapons, loot, wealth, pets, NPS, guards, Viking Celtic Pictish lore, adventures, battles, training, natural archs, flowing rivers, fast travel from anywhere in Valhalla and many more things for you to discover.
2. Long description
Long ago, in the age before the time of mist and man, when Gods ruled the land.
Fore there are those who could forsee, who the Champion would one day be.
"You're destiny awaits, hold you're heathern hammer high and become a gaurdian of Asgard".
Adds a player owned Castle home if you're a warrior enough to take it has a working tower with great veiws of Chorrol Skingrad and Kvatch smithy dungeon Arena Treasury dinning hall master bed room barracks caves pets nine guards NPC all with AI's first and second shifts Nordic bath hall off from the castle across the long bridge with realistic flowing river below, that is said to hold (great riches).
And many new creatures Trolls, Shadow, Shadow Dragon, Skek's, Balrog, Sharks, Bloody Skeleton, Evil Forest Spirt, Polar Bear, Bats, Chickens, Gaints, Pain, Tiger, new horses, Lich, Necronomican with text. The guards are set to respawn if they get killed the traveling guards are set not to die for there incounters with enemies are frequent. There are creatures in various places.
Alter Of Three Spells which include Blessings of the Nine at the crystals and at the pedestal base that the crystals are on is spell making the big base is enchantment it has a visible travel marker behind Valhalla Up from there is the Dwaven mine the key is on the Orc Tolkin and theres another visible travel marker called The Path To Valhalla down the hill before you get to the stairs of the castle, you will run into Hadrian he's mad over his wall not as well as he planed and out to kill you.
Get the arena key from Windigo in the dungeon there is a back up on a shelf.
There is a safe storage chest behind the throne chair with money and two others left and right in front of the throne and an outside safe storage chest, to right on the hill going out of the castle. Natural archs Park three lakes, towers, waterfalls.
Lots of landscape work, should look good with or with grass.
See though sleepable coffins. Teleport from bedroom to tower base.
Many new meshes and textures, new armors, frost gaints, castle, wind mill, shields, new demon Imp, dog, troll meshes textures, Viking sword and shields meshes and textures, Dwarven Hall Of Nidavellir, Dwaven King's Chamber Hall, Hell cave, Falling leaves I made a new English Oak unique tree red with red falling leaves, Zira's Clydesdale Horses, Achillies sword, Conan's fathers sword, Corean hair, Saram and Sulhwa throttlekittys hair, Death Dealer helmet with a new tex, new bridge. Added hairs to most of Valhalla's NPC's, Underworld Armor, BBB Dominatrix Suit, R18PN Bondagesuit, DMRA some clothes, NoMaa bladestop, Viking ship two miles up teleport from Lords room, Nordic bath house retex from the Roman
Norse mythology, Thrymr who stoled and is holding Thor's Hammer, made of damascus steel in the treasury and the gaints or the eaters of souls of Jotnar, Fenrir the wolf, the tree Yggdrasil, Rune stones, tiger, spiders, the two archers on the towers have viking beards. Added Masha Sceam from the band Akrona, new armor see through mesh steel, A set of clothes and boots from Apachii, Necronomican with text, Reworked Helborns Valsgarde helm took the chain mail off and made it to show hair in blender
Behind the lords bed go to Secret cave and you can get to Hell cave
Chances for a player advance faster.
*Next to Fort Ontus west of Talos bridge up the hill from Nonungalo*
Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do? I see my mother,
and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Back to the beginning!
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them,
In the halls of Valhalla!
Where the brave may live
A two years or more of work put in to this by myself.
3. ((Last Edits))
October,04, 2011 Fixed many things causing a crash for some people. Added meadhall, Stonehenge, two new npc's at the henge from Norse Eddas, New Norse and Pictish stones new swords and textures. The new file is a BSA I will be updating the esp. with some AI changes etc and adding other files
March, 20, 2011. Fixed textures path folder issues.
March, 8, 2011..Many new meshes and textures, new armors, frost gaint, castle, wind mill, shields new demon Imp, dog, troll meshes textures, Viking sword and shields meshes and textures, Dwarven Hall Of Nidavellir, Dwaven King's Chamber Hall, Hell cave, Falling leaves I made a new English Oak unique tree red with red falling leaves, Zira's Clydesdale Horses, Achillies sword, Conan's fathers sword, Corean hair, Saram and Sulhwa throttlekittys hair, Death Dealer helmet with a new tex, new bridge. Added hairs to most of Valhalla's NPC's, Underworld Armor, BBB Dominatrix Suit, R18PN Bondagesuit, DMRA some clothes, NoMaa bladestop, Viking ship two miles up teleport from Lords room, Nordic bath house retex from the Roman, get the arena key from Windigo in the dungeon there is a back up there to on a shelf.
March,3.2010.. Added Rune and Pictish stones made buy me and paintings Giants and Freia, Sorceress, Boudica, Funeral of Russian noble, tapestry The Sacrifice of Odin, Celtic Decor by DarkRider rugs, beds, paintings and tapestries. Added a new alter called the Alter Of Three Spells which include Blessings of the Nine at the crystals and at the pedestal base that the crystals are on is spell making the big base is enchantment it has a visible travel marker behind Valhalla, and theres another visible travel marker called The Path To Valhalla down the hill before you get to the stairs of the castle, you will run into Hadrian he's mad over his wall not working out as well as he planed and out to kill you. See though sleepable coffins, Bows and arrows and two swords. Teleport from bedroom to tower base. New spider and Highland Ogre. Arena lighting changed to Olbivion weather seems more scary, AI, landscape and pathing grid work, added a new land tex. Norse mythology, Thrymr who stoled and is holding Thor's Hammer made of damascus steel in the treasury and the gaints of Jotnar, Fenrir the wolf, the tree Yggdrasil, Rune stones, tiger, spiders, the two archers on the towers have viking beards. Added Masha Sceam from the band Akrona, new armor see through mesh steel, A set of clothes and boots from Apachii, Necronomican with text, Reworked Helborns Valsgarde helm took the chain mail off and made it to show hair in blender
12/16/2009. Added More Norse mythology, Thrymr who stoled and is holding Thor's Hammer made of damascus steel in the treasury and the gaints of Jotnar, Fenrir the wolf, the tree Yggdrasil, Rune stones, tiger, spiders, the two archers on the towers have viking beards. Added Masha Sceam from the band Akrona, new armor see through mesh steel, A set of clothes and boots from Apachii, Necronomican with text, Reworked Helborns Valsgarde helm took the chain mail off and made it to show hair in blender, but you have armor that shows amulets to see, tried the tail slot but wouldn't show up
09/21/2009. Added arena, treasury and Pain creature
Latest Oblivion Patch 1.2
Use this to see in the distance with this mod checked, LOD generator http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15781
You might need to use Oblivion Mod Manager and under utilites use the archive invalidation click BSA alteration and check Textures and Meshes Sounds and generate archiveinvalidation entries on hash collision and then click Update now.
Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons
(You have to disable you're borders)
1. Just open up the file
My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/Oblivion.ini
2. Find the setting "bBorderRegionsEnabled=1" and change that "1" to a "0"
3. Save and close. All done!
The bBorderRegionsEnabled setting is below the heading but before in the ini's list.
If you are opening up the ini file with Notepad, you can use Edit, Find in the menu to locate this setting.
If you can't see the folder there go to Tools, Folder Options, View and click on
Show hidden files and folders you should see it.
OBSE, http://obse.silverlock.org/ For the falling tree leaves. Lots of other mods use this to so you should have it anyway.
4. Installation:
Extract the contents of this folder to your Oblivion/Data folder.
If prompted, allow files to overwrite.
Check the .esp file.
Make a save away from location without the .esp!
Get you're stuff out before!
Check the new.esp file.
*AlienSlof, Slofs Manly Stride, Tiger
*BlackDragon66, For the great male texture! Tattooed Male Robert V4 I used for one of the Norse races. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23220
*Oblivimonk, Nordish Architecture, meadhall, sword mesh.
*Edhildil, clothes, armor.
*Speckledguar, for the for the Roman Thermae bath mod.
*mr_siikas, Shadow Creature, Shadow Dragon, Bats, Viking ship, Birds, Miscellaneous Meshes, Dwarven City, Durzog, crows.
*Texian's, Animated River Meshes by Texian and GodHugh. http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=37927
*Antistar, Bathtub.
*xilver, Wampa troll, Sharks, Skek, Balrog http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=335885
*Painkiller97, Celtic shield mesh and base texture. http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=166219
*Metz, Weapon, Displays.
*Martigen MMM, Skely tex Snow leapord, Gaints and Spiders.
*SachielMF, Rock Resource. http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=730655
*waalx, Swords, Head Trophies, Shapening stone, Boots, Armor statues, Winged helmet, Ready to go meals on plates.
*Hel Borne's Spear Set, display,Valsgarde helm. http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=544857
*jcarl904 for the superb one-piece werewolf meshes and textures and to Jerros and LHammonds, creators of 'The Lost Paladins of the Divines'
*Assassin_456, Medieval Ressources.
*Apachii for the clothes and boots.
*Ghogiels, Necronomicon.
*Joel Huenink for beards.
*Malo and elveon, Spider.
*DarkRider, Celtic Decor.
*Khugan & JDFan, coffin
*DavidWhitefang, Blasphemous Staff of the Damned
*Warskal Island, resource ?
*Dall, bird statue.
*mjy, Achillies sword and base Stonehenge mesh
*Zira's Clydesdale Horses.
*Vacuity, Falling leaves.
*Edhildil, BBB Dominatrix Suit
*KURESE, R18PN Bondagesuit.
*idkrrr, Corean hair, Saram and Sulhwa hair.
*fore, NoMaaM BBB.
*zertualpro, Underworld Armor.
*beeratwork, Wind mill, chickens.
*Meo, tombstones and resourses.
*Saaya, Clothes,NoMa.
*jatneosen, Death Dealer helmet.
*Bethesda, for the great game and background for modding.
*TesNexus thanks alot guys!!*
*Nifskope, http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope
*Oblivion Mod Manager - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097
*7-Zip - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15579
*TES4FILES, Mental Elf
*TES4Edit http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536
*BSA Commander
*OBSE, http://obse.silverlock.org/
Couldn't have done it with out all of you're hard work!!
You may use the included textures and models in other mods,
As long as you give credit were do.
Thanks, Have Fun :
Live Long And Play Hard
全E文!!! 回复 2# astrayr
这么长,又没啥用,用谷狗吧。。。我下图修到300k下半天了。。。睡了, 有汉化版本没?{:3_156:} 汉化的有么 ;P各位老大,偶是为70权限,现在够了,不玩了。。。 看的累死了。。。。。。。。。。。。 求汉化。。。。。 分流v5汉化v5 看看,支持一下。 全E文!!! 等汉化{:3_116:} 貌似很有意思 有任务吗?有美女吗? 好,等汉化. 全都是英文啊。 英文盲亚历山大······