本帖最后由 huai9999 于 2011-11-13 23:05 编辑Anyone who's played Borderlands knows it has a lot of content. The game features customization options for weapons, vehicles, and just about everything in between. But according to a new interview with Borderlands 2's art director Jeramy Cooke, the sequel is set to be even bigger.
Speaking to Gamasutra, Cooke said that he wanted the game's environments to feel more varied.
"I wanted it to have a richer, larger world. I felt like we were stuck in the desert a lot, and it got monotonous," Cooke said of the first game. "It felt like you were seeing the same enemies too often. I mean, that's my personal experience. And we really wanted to just widen that and give you this sense of a huge space, which is why you can see the other maps from the maps you're in."
According to Cooke, those environmental changes will be accompanied by changes in the sequel's color palette.
"It's a subtle thing, but you feel it," he said. "You start off in that really cool icy area, and then you kind of go down through the tunnel and out into the hot springs area we have, and you'll see from really cool, cold purples and kind of red purples, and then across into the hot springs it really gets warm and kind of becomes green and tan and beige, with a little bit of red thrown in there. A lot of that is the same assets, but what you're seeing is the post-process adjusting the color values and color tone."
As for the game's graphics, Cooke says that everything will look drastically better thanks to the sequel's use of Unreal Engine 3.
"With Unreal 3, we have such a better command now of all the pixel shader stuff that we're able to bring in," Cooke said. "When you look at the ice shader, it's not just a static 2D toon texture, it's constantly adjusting based on the angle of light and how you face the rocks and so on. So we're putting a lot more high end realism stuff on top of the style to give it a lot more depth. So it's not just like cartooned, it feels more like a sort of digital matte to some extent. It's got a lot of some of those elements."
Cooke also confirmed that the game features a redesigned User Interface, allowing for splitscreen on PC. Update: Gearbox contacted IGN to clarify that the PC version will not actually support split-screen play.
"We're building an entire custom UI for PC, and the whole UI supports splitscreen," he said. "So we redesigned all the screens to be vertical and narrow so you don't have to do that weird pan-around thing from the first game. Nobody like that, including us, and we knew we wanted to do better. We knew we could. We kind of ran out of time last time, but this time we're going to hit it hard."
Borderlands 2 is set to release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2012.
所有玩过无主之地1的玩家都知道,1代游戏内容已经非常丰富。玩家可以对枪械,车辆以及几乎所有道具进行自主编辑。而无主之地2的艺术总监Jeramy Cooke在最近一次采访中表示,2代游戏内容将更加丰富。
《无主之地2》将于2012年登陆 PC XBOX360 PS3平台。
翻译:huai9999 来了!{:3_192:}⑨叔点了翻译专精了~ {:3_141:}我是渣水平.... 对了,这个帖⑨叔应该知道吧~
http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=128325 回复 4# giwi
我们这里有热心玩家同步更新这个帖子来着 回复 5# huai9999
恩?那还是蛮有心的,如果换成我的话我就肯定老是会忘掉去光顾GB论坛。最近手头工作不是很多,翻译点小东西问题应该不大,不过看了下GB公布的都是鸡毛蒜皮的细节,没有翻译的动力了。 {:3_135:} 整个寝室都在期待 。。 我是来捧场的 期待出更多好的枪 第三人称一定要有啊.这个最重要的. 期待啊,本来很期望rage的。
还是期待无主之地2了。 下載無主中,玩上了就可以體會狂怒和無主不同
不過老實說,狂怒和無主根本就是兩回事 回复 12# cavofray
id厨和无主众都能认识到这点,但前者把这个当成诋毁无主的借口....狂怒版区某些人太过分了。 回复cavofray
id厨和无主众都能认识到这点,但前者把这个当成诋毁无主的借口....狂怒版区某些人太 ...
huai9999 发表于 2011-10-9 13:16 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
誰欺負你誰就是跟我對著幹 回复 14# cavofray
{:3_145:}你误会我的意思了 我还不至于无聊到去找骂.... 期待。。。。无主1就很不错。。。 严重期待2代,一代神作不解释 感谢楼主的分享 期待BORDERLANDS第二部 挺喜欢这游戏的 就是改改党导致刷武器没落了 咩时候能出来 别到时候新电脑又跟不上了 期待啊~~ 翻譯的真棒 路过,5毛 感谢LZ制作及分享!!!