-----------------------------------Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Chinese Weapons
Author: Frankie_Mac
Version: 1.0
Requires Official Oblivion Patch 1.2.0416
This mod adds 9 new weapons modeled after various historic Chinese weapons. The weapons are for sale in a new shop located behind "The Imperial Bridge Inn" (it's on the north bank of the Silverfish river). The weapons vary in quality (and price) but none are better than Daedric.
The shop features revolving displays of the weapons so you can see them before buying. The shop keeper will give you brief descriptions of each or you can check their base stats by activating the sword and shield plaque located near the displays. To buy a weapon simply activate its display, no waiting in line at the cash register :).
If you have thoughts or suggestions about the quality or accuracy of the models/textures I have created please leave a comment; I will take constructive comments to heart. If you feel the weapons are unbalanced (the stats are not to your liking) please take the two minutes necessary to open the CS and fix them however you like them. You will find the weapons listed with the initials "TEDch�" (eg. TEDchSongSword). In determining the stats for these weapons I followed the basic rule that the more time I spent on the model the better the weapon in game (makes perfect sense to me ;) ).
115: http://115.com/file/dn0f66ig#Chinese_Weapons-24778.rar 中国武器....... 中国制造,感谢分享~! 没有美感,纯支持 嗯,很乡土。。。。 怎么不弄点暗器什么的 唐门暗器天下无双啊 像爆雨梨花针 佛怒唐莲 孔雀翎 感觉貌似有点粗糙 工兵铲什么的就好玩了 很犀利。。。。。。。 关羽的武器很犀利 没有人做三国无双的MOD么 中国制造还是中国创造{:3_192:} 很浓的乡土气息。看来老外对我们的了解还是脱节了~! 中国制造还是 {:3_160:}有没有小白鼠看看实际材质怎么样? 没有官军的制式装备长矛和环首刀,没有农民起义军主力朴刀,这算啥中国武器? 稀有啊{:3_176:}这个必须顶{:3_121:}谢谢LZ分享{:3_171:} 太朴素了吧!~ 偶们好丑也5千年历史的国度,武器不至于这么烂吧! 也支持一下!! 这货攻速很慢的说 哎呀我擦,不好意思,我有喷了,不好意思 纯支持了 有种古韵味 其实火星了{:3_142:} 工兵铲比较好 这个竟然可以下,纯支持{:3_91:} 看起来很像是唱戏用的道具……{:3_153:} 干净利落 略显奇葩啊....... 為什麼感覺質感做得很差...