【3DM首发】辐射新维加斯DLC 《军火贩的武器库(Gun Runners’ Arsenal)》《信使的密藏(Courier’ s Stash)》
Bethesda在发布《辐射:新维加斯》的第四款DLC《孤独之旅(Lonesome Road)》后,又于本周再次发行两款DLC:《信使的密藏(Courier’ sStash)》和《军火贩的武器库(Gun Runners’ Arsenal)》,售价分别为160微软点数/1.99美元(PSN,Steam)和320微软点数/3.99美元(PSN,Steam)。
- Operating system Windows 7/Vista/XP;
- Dual-Core processor with 2 GHz;
- 2 GB of RAM;
- 10 GB of free hard disk space;
- Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce series 6/ATI Series 1300XT or better;
- Sound card;
- Device for reading DVD;
- Keyboard and mouse.
1. 解压缩
2. 复制data文件夹到游戏安装目录
3. 运行游戏 选上相应DLC
**** Hidden Message ***** 板凳...
New Weapons and Weapon Mods
It’s time to free up some of that inventory weight. Waiting to be uncovered in the Mojave Wasteland is a plethora of new unique weapons such as the Bozar, an all-powerful 5.56mm Light Machine Gun, the Smitty Special, an overwhelming variant of the Plasma Caster,, the MFC Cluster mine, the Esther, a unique Mini Nuke Launcher, and the ridiculous Nuka Breaker – a new melee weapon made from a Nuka-Cola neon sign. If the 27 new weapons aren’t enough, upgrade your existing weapons with 40 new weapon modifications.
New Ammo Types and Recipes
Try out 18 new recipes and 29 new ammo types such as 12 Ga. Dragon’s Breath, Hive Missiles and 25mm/40mm Plasma Grenades, all of which make choosing diplomacy a less appealing option.
New Challenges
Over twenty new challenges await the most diligent of completionists. If you thought that you’ve done and seen everything New Vegas has to offer, think again! 哎 3大妈不作为啊 感谢啊 这尼玛等了一天了都 {:3_143:}来了 占位 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 啊終於出來了 谢谢LZ的分享。 最后的DLC,感觉怪怪的 孤岛危机2 顶ddddddd 這因該很快就漢化了巴?? 谢谢········· dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 新维加斯的补丁终于出完了...现在的汉化我挺满意的...希望新维加斯也能像辐射3一样实现完美汉化 看来快出年度版了 这就是回复了 多谢楼主分享。:lol 新维加斯的补丁终于出完了...现在的汉化我挺满意的...希望新维加斯也能像辐射3一样实现完美汉化 感謝分享 終於可以一睹新武器威力 good!~!!!! 马上下载,就想要新武器! 可惜这个MOD才20多M 确认是最后一个吗?我还以为有两个呢。 等到了等到了 我Fat mine 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 前排...
LS。。。大小与质量无关。。痛苦世界就是好例子 支持支持··· 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览