xoyojank 发表于 2011-9-28 09:42

DotA 2模型浏览方法

DotA 2 - Model Viewer Guide by Cyborgmatt
Step One      Download GCFScape: http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=26

Step Two      Launch GCFScape and open the "dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk" file:


Step Three      Extract the files to a new directory called "DOTA 2":


Step Four      Copy the "gameinfo.txt" and "scripts" folder into the newly created "DOTA 2" folder:


Step Five      Install the "Alien Swarm SDK" from the Steam library tool list:


Step Six      Launch the "Alien Swarm SDK" and then open the "Edit Game Configurations":


Step Seven      Click "Add" and a create a new entry for the newly created "DOTA 2" directory:


Step Eight      Restart "Alien Swarm SDK" and select "DOTA 2" from the drop down box:


Step Nine      Launch the "Model Viewer" making sure "DOTA 2" is selected from the previous step:


Step Ten      In the "Model Viewer" press "File" and select "(Steam) Load Model":


Step Eleven      You will now be in the model file structure, from here you can go into the different folders and load a *.mdl file:


Step Twelve      The model will now be loaded into the viewer, enjoy:


Model Viewer Controls      http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Model_Viewer#Usage      

xoyojank 发表于 2011-9-28 09:43

不知道有人实验成功没? 我一载入就提示error loading model
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