x7325604 发表于 2011-9-21 16:21


Don’t expect to gun for Gaddafi

Last week, Kalypso Media announced development on GlobalOps: Commando Libya, a third-person shooter set in Libya. This obviously raisedsome flags, what with the country currently in the midst of a civil war, andhad us wondering if Kalypso was out looking to cash in on the controversy. Aftersitting down with PR director Ted Brockwood, we’ve been assured that this wasn’tthe case. Apparently, the only thing Global Ops shares with the conflict is ageographical location.“You won’t be fighting Libyans” Brockwood told us,confirming that the game was in development before the conflict in Libya flaredup. The story involves hunting down a group of Russian terrorists, and as the narrativeprogresses, the player finds out that the enemy is currently located in Libya.But that’s where the similarities end, “It’s more of an 80s action flick, anold Schwarzenegger film,” he said, repeating that it has nothing to do with thecurrent conflict

Even though we began the demo thinking the developers mighthave pushed this through in order to latch on to the Libyan revolution, themore we saw, the more it became clear that it simply wasn’t the case. GlobalOps: Commando Libya looks like it’s trying to be dumb fun, and the developer hasnothing to gain by latching onto a real-world conflict. It doesn’t even takeplace exclusively in the country – Brockwood told us that the story spans fourcountries, and Libya is only highlighted in the title because it hassignificance in the plot.
In fact, it sounds like the developers aren’t looking fortrouble from anyone, even games that some might consider to be its competition.The budget-priced shooter, due out in February, isn’t gunning to take down Callof Duty or Battlefield 3. “It’s not going to win any Academy Awards,” Brockwoodexplained, “it’s more about jumping in and blowing stuff up.” From what we saw,it appears to do just that.
Gameplay looks similar to Gears of War, right down to thecover system, tumbling, and sprinting. As long as it plays as well as Gearswe’re not going to complain about the “similarities” Global Ops shares withother Unreal Engine-powered shooters, we’re just going to enjoy the ride. Wewatched as protagonist, Cornelius Pope, laid waste to dozens of enemies, droppingone-liners left and right. “Bite the dust, bitch!” he’d yell after throwing agrenade, “take that!”
It’s corny, it’s clichéd, but there’s also a chance that itmight end up being really funny. There’s also a chance that it could fall flat,as has been the case with many other games that have attempted to capture the80s vibe Global Ops is aiming for. It’s hard to tell which way Global Ops isgoing to fall, but we’re hoping it lands on the fun side – we like explosionsand laughter, and any game that tries to combine them is cool in our book.


魔神丶魔族统领 发表于 2011-9-21 19:14


ryutian 发表于 2011-9-21 23:48

不管怎样 有了游戏玩
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