xiem2002 发表于 2011-9-20 00:37

MJ访谈录 -- 畅谈FM2012—转自爆棚

The newest version of the premier sports management sim, Sports Interactive’s Football Manager was announced yesterday. Football Manager 2012 will feature over 800 new features, including an overhauled match engine, more advanced scouting and contract negotiations, as well as a brand new tutorial to bed new players into the game’s famous depth. I had the chance to chat to Football Manager’s director, Miles Jacobson, about the new game.
就在昨天,史上最卖座的体育经营类游戏 -- 由SI出品的足球经理系列放出了新作的首批宣传内容,就此揭开了FM2012神秘面纱的一角.较之前作,该代拥有超过800处的新特性,包括彻底大修的比赛引擎,更加先进的球队报告及合同谈判.同时,新加入的指引教程将更好的帮助新玩家尽快适应游戏,体验FM闻名遐迩的游戏深度与内涵.很高兴我能有此机会与FM系列的主管MJ先生畅谈新游戏.

Congratulations on the new game. Could you just give me a rundown of the main new features?
For the hardcore fan who likes playing career games we’ve added in the functionality to allow you to turn leagues on and off. So if you’re managed in England for a few years and decide you want to go off and get a job in Spain, you can put the Spanish league in and start applying for jobs there.
我们为那些热衷于收集奖杯的骨灰级玩家提供了一个全新的游戏功能 -- 随时随地自由加载卸除可玩联赛.这意味着如果你在英格兰执教许多年之后渴望新的挑战并决定去西班牙发展,你就可以加载西班牙联赛并在那里寻找工作机会.
We’ve made huge improvements to how you see the match being played, there’s new animations, new crowds, extra stadiums, a couple of new cameras. That’s all looking really good. We’ve got something for people who like technology in the adaptive layout, which means if you’re playing in a high resolution you actually get more information on the screen.
We've improved the way you can talk to players and your staff inside the game by adding in a tone system, so now there are six different tones that you can use to talk to players. Which will have a massive effect on conversations you have with them. Some people like having an arm put round them and other people only see sense if you shout at them, so you have to be careful what you use for which person.
There's also loads of changes to contracts. One of the changes being for contract negotiations, if you’re in the midst of a negotiation and the agent keeps coming back asking for £6,000 a week and you can “only” afford to pay them £4,000, you can lock that £4,000 so the agent will know you’re not going to budge from that and might come back asking for different contract clauses to make up the difference.
We've worked with scouts with a few different clubs to come up with the kind of report that a manager would get in real life for the next opposition reports. There's all kind of information in there, including where goals have been scored, what time of play they were scored, analysis of the squad, tactical information. And the tactical information goes as deep to show you how you’ve performed against particular tactics, and how particular tactics have performed against you.
And for people who have never played the game before there’s a brand new tutorial mode, which will actually give you a little hand-holding guide into how to play the game when you first start. Which is something we haven’t managed to do successfully before, but this year we think we’ve got there.

Every game wants new players, of course, but is it more difficult for Football Manager in particular. Would you say that the new tutorial is a sign that's it's something of a focus for you?
I wouldn't say it's something we concentrate on, but it's something that we're wary we're not very good at. We are perfectionists over at SI so we've always been slightly frustrated with not making the perfect game. If we did we'd all have to go and get proper jobs. I think there is a holy grail with any game that's as in-depth as ours that you want to come up with a way to simplify things, to let people get into it easier. The tutorial is far and away the best way we've had to introduce people to the series. So, hopefully, it will go down well.

When you're deciding on new features, how much is fan feedback, and how much is stuff you’ve been thinking of for a while?
Fan feedback is essential from our forums, from our huge Facebook community and from the affiliate websites. The way that we decide things is that any idea that anyone inside the studio likes, wherever it has come from, goes into a big features database. And then once a year we go through every new suggestion and we vote on them as a team. But no one knows where these ideas have come from. It doesn’t matter where the idea comes from for that meeting, so there’s no bias, and no one will vote on an idea because they want a payrise at the end of the year. Certainly a large proportion that have made it into the game this year were things that were on the forums or mentioned by fans. Whether that’s the first time it’s been mentioned or whether it was an idea we had already logged is another story. Good ideas come from anywhere and everywhere.

So will this year’s game feature philosophical tweets from Joey Barton?
There's no philiosophical tweets from Joey Barton. You can tweet from inside the game, rather than Twitter being part of the game. But there’s no tweets from Joey Barton saying what he did was right and then going on the radio a few hours later and saying what he did was wrong. So no, all players inside Football Manager have been banned by their clubs from using Twitter.

In seriousness though, with that kind of fluff that surrounds the modern game, are you keen to keep that well away from something from Football Manager?
It depends what you mean really. We keep away from the WAG side of things, we keep away from players getting done for speeding, but that’s as much for legal reasons as much as anything else. We all know what sells papers and what makes people go and read things. People have to sell their media any way they can do, but we’re making a football game that hopefully deals with the positive side of the sport.

Do you ever worry with every layer you add on that the complexity can become too much?
Yes, we do worry about that. It's very much something that keeps me awake at night, which is one of the reasons we've got the tutorial mode in there, one of the reasons we've added the intelligent interface. While we're adding in more complexity, we need to make sure we introduce it in the most simple way to use as possible. But we have realised that the game has become too in depth for some people. But we've now got Football Manager Handheld on iOS and PSP for those people. We're trying to make sure everyone who likes playing management games has a version of Football Manager to play.
是的.我们确实为此担心.这些东西常常会让我半夜都睡不好觉.比如今年的指引教程以及新的智能界面都让我食不甘味夜不能寐.我们加入的东西越多越复杂,我们就需要保证能以最简单的方式把新内容介绍给玩家.我们现在也觉得对于一些人来说FM太难以上手了.所以为这群人我们推出了PSP以及iOS平台上的FM Handheld.我们工作的目标之一就是为所有有爱于经营管理游戏的玩家提供适合自身的FM版本.

You’ve had a lot of success with your iOS game, is it safe to assume there will be a new version of that soon too?
Definitely. There will be another one that will come before Christmas. But the feature set is very different to the PC game, so we'll be detailing that a little way down the line.

How important is that market to you now? Is it a focus, or is it PC first, iOS second?
We have pretty much equal focus on three of the four markets that we’re in. We have equal focus on PC, iPhone and the online market. We’re working on a new online title at the moment called Football Manager Online which is going to be specifcally for the South Korean market to start off with. We also have a PSP release which probably doesn’t have the full focus of the studio, mainly because we’ve run out of memory on the PSP and there’s very little else we can do on that particular game. But we will continue to make it as long as people want to play it.
我们公平对待现在已经展开的三线四份的市场.无论是PC,iPhone还是在线游戏,我们一视同仁.我们目前正努力为韩国市场推出一款名为"FM OL"的新足球经理在线游戏.或许我们对PSP上的FM稍有放松,这主要是因为我们已经把PSP的内存利用开发到了极致,我们很难再把游戏推上一个新台阶.但只要人们想继续玩下去,我们就会一直推出PSP上的FM.

So would you be interested in the PlayStation Vita when that comes around?
所以你是不是对PS Vita的推出格外关注?
I don’t personally know that much about the Vita yet. But we’ve never been early adopters at SI. We don’t tend to be the first on the platform, we just try to be the best when we get there. And long may that continue. We’ll have a look at Vita when it comes out. I really like the 3DS aswell. I’m not sure if there’s anything we can do with that, but it’s something we’ll look at once this cycle is out of the way.
就我个人而言我对PS Vita还不是很了解.但SI从不是盲目的尝鲜者.我们无意去争取新游戏平台的入驻时间,我们的游戏如果要进入某个平台,就一定要做到最好.能用PS Vita玩FM或许还需要再等等,我们必须在PS Vita上市之后仔细观察它的性能等等要素.我同样喜欢3DS,我还不确定我们能用其开发些什么,但未来的事儿谁又说的准呢?

You’ve said there won’t be a return to home console until you find the right control scheme. Any progress on that?
None at all. In fact we’ve gone the other way. SEGA did a huge study last year to try and work out exactly why it was that the console version didn’t work out. Obviously control scheme was right up there, but also up there was that people don’t like ahving the TV in their living room taken over for six hour session. They’d much rather be sitting on a laptop while they watch something on TV. So, no, we’re not looking at going back to home consoles any time soon.

You closed down Football Manager Live recently, why was that?
你们最近彻底关掉了FM live的服务器.为什么?
There were various design decisions we had made early on in the project that all of us were involved with. And they ended up being things that we couldn’t reverse, but made it that the game just wouldn’t be successful in the long-term. Having smaller gameworlds rather than one huge gameworld meant that gameworlds were always going to empty at some point. So basically, we cocked up. We tried to reboot the project, and we went in a more hardcore direction than we ever envisiged the project being in, beause that’s what the people playing wanted. But we just couldn’t turn it around, we couldn’t get it to work as a game that was going to pay for the people that were working on it. So that’s why it went away, but there was loads of positives from it. The technology we got from it is fantastic and everyone that was working on the project has a new role inside the studio.
关于这款游戏的很多设定我们推行的太早了,以至于到了后来事情发展到了不可挽回的地步,这使得FM Live难以成为一款可以成功延续下去的游戏.使用分区而不是整体运营的方式让游戏显得支离破碎,一些分区根本内无人问津.所以最后不得不停服.我们也尝试过重新启动这个游戏,我们按照玩家们想要的游戏形态,将此前设计的游戏模式更为优化,但没办法,这游戏活不过来了,我们无法让玩家为这游戏掏钱,没钱就没办法养活游戏开发及维护人员.所以这游戏彻底的下线了.但不得不说我们从中吸取了很多有益的经验教训.我们从中得到的技术数据非常宝贵,如今FM Live的全体工作人员都在SI其他岗位继续发光发热.

Is the lack of Premier League licencing a source of frustration for you?
It's business. EA have an exclusive licence and that's the way they want to do their business. And that's fine. As long as it doesn't stop us releasing then it's ok. Of course I’d like to have the licence. We'd like to be giving money to clubs in the Premier League that can be spent on grass roots stuff, but EA have an exclusive licence and that precludes us from being able to have one and we just accept it. Each time it become available we will carry on pushing our point across as to why we think we should have one and why it should be non-exclusive.And then it’s up to the leagues themselves whether they want to do that or not.

Finally, do you have any tips for budding managers getting into Football Manager that aren't having much luck?
My best advice for anyone who's struggling to play the game is to go to our forums at community.sigames.com, and post on there saying that you need help. It might sound like a copout, but there is no one way to play Football Manager, everyone plays it differently. And the great thing about our community and the other community websites out there is that there will be someone out there who plays the game in the same way you do. So there will be someone who will be able to help you or point you in the right direction. We're very lucky in that our community are a fantastic group of people who do want to help people as long as they're asked nicely. It's definitely a good thing to go and get involved with.
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