xiem2002 发表于 2011-9-20 00:31

FM2012 博客第六天 -- 新闻及订阅系统—转自爆棚

Over the last few years we’ve added many news items into the Football Manager series so that you can get even more immersed into your own personal game world. Sometimes when you’re playing the game, there are so many that it can become a bit overwhelming.
过去的这些年, 为了营造更加真实的足球世界, 我们加入了大量的新闻条目. 甚至有些时候你会有种"该死的新闻快要把我淹没"了的感觉.

Therefore one of the things we looked into this year was where we could avoid duplication of information, so you’re still getting all the information you need and want, but avoiding multiple news items about the same event.

We’ve called this project “The news merge”. And some of it will change the way you play the game. But I’ll go into that a bit later.
我们把这称之为"新闻整合计划". 其中的一些细节会改变你以往的游戏方式. 不过这些我会留在稍后再来揭秘.

After going through all the news items in the game looking for ones where you might get multiple bits of information scattered across many items, or for ones where you essentially got the same information multiple times, we needed to look at the headlines of all of these, and other, news items, to make sure they properly described what was in the main body of the item.
为了防止重复信息多次出现以及一次出现多项相关雷同信息, 我们仔细审查了所有的新闻标题以及具体的新闻内容, 以此确保每条新闻都有恰当的内容.

There were some that were easy to do, like when multiple players are going to miss an important match, and you could just add the extra text to one news item, or when players are released at the end of the season, there are new news items for youth players and senior players that have been released by their clubs, or merging together the “Manager sacked” and “Club looking for new manager” news items.
这会让你的游戏体验更轻松, 比如多名球员无法出战重要的比赛, 你现在会在一条新闻中全部了解. 再比如, 球员们在赛季结束后被解约, 会有新的新闻条目为你展示所有被自家球队解约了的青年和成年球员. 还有, 现在的"主教练XX从XX俱乐部下课"以及"XX俱乐部寻找新主帅"这种信息已经合并到一起了.

Then there were some that will change slightly the way you play the game. Such as combining scouting recommendation news items, so that if a scout wants to recommend a few players to you after seeing a match, they’ll be in one item, with reports for each player, or combining international scout reports.
一些内容会改变你以往的游戏体验. 比如球探推荐新闻的合并, 现在当一场比赛之后球探们向你推荐他们看上的球员时会自动合并为一条新闻, 此外, 国家队的赛后汇报也已经合并.

But the really big change is the way that transfer bid news items now work. If you offer a player out to clubs and get multiple bids in for the player, you won’t get all of these items individually, but instead get one news item telling you who has bid. This gives a lot more prominence to the transfer centre, but I’ll go into that in more detail in a separate transfers blog.
转会相关的新闻改进比较大. 以往当你向其他球队抛售球员时会受到一大堆的反馈信息, 但现在不同了, 你会在FM12中一次读取所有来自于其他球队的反馈信息. 这会在转会中心中得到更明显的展示, 不过这个要留到以后再聊.

There are, of course, many, many news items that we’ve changed in this way, not just the ones described below. But it wouldn’t be much fun for you if we told you about everything in advance, so you’ll just need to see those for yourself.
所以不难发现, 我们改变了很多东西, 我说的只是一小部分, 更多的内容还是留给你们自己去探索, 好好享受那种发现惊喜的快感吧.

We also improved a bunch of existing news items in other ways, such as when the transfer window opens and closes, more details of a players contribution after his debut, pre & post match text improvements, more informative player unhappiness news, an indication of how much money you’ll be receiving for one of your matches being on TV and improved monthly training news items to name but a few, and some entirely new news items as well.
我们同样对现有的很多新闻条目做出了调整与改进, 比如现在的转会窗口会在开启与关闭的时候出现更多的细节新闻, 还有球员处子秀的表现, 赛前赛后的具体分析, 以及更多的球员心理状态的新闻,你会发现现在有专门的新闻告诉你电视转播费的具体数目了,你也会发现如今的每月训练报告更加细致了, 等等等等, 改进与革新, 等你来体验.

Of course, all of the news items that you see are controllable via the subscriptions screen, which has also been improved for Football Manager 2012, making it easier to reset your changes, the ability to subscribe to players, staff and clubs via the search screen and the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe to awards news items.
当然, 所有的这些新闻都可以自由订阅, 订阅这一功能在FM12中也得到了改进, 现在你会更加轻松的重置你的选择, 还可以通过搜索框订阅球队,职员以及球队信息, 另外, 你也可以订阅各大奖项的新闻了.

And whilst we’re talking about media, we can’t forget about the press conferences. As well as lots of improvements to the questions already there, there are also a few new press conference questions, such as questions about players you’ve sold, fixture congestion, gaps between fixtures, and even specific questions and answers for when your players have hit the woodwork a number of times during the match, plus more besides.
谈到媒体, 我们自然不能不提新闻发布会. 如你所想, 针对记者提问我们做出了大量的改进, 还有一些新的问题加入其中. 比如现在会有记者追问你售卖球员的相关问题, 还有关于魔鬼赛程, 比赛间隔甚至球员在场上数次击中门柱这样的问题, 其他种种, 留待你自己体会.

That’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with another blog.
好了, 明天同一时间, 请继续关注我们的博客.

xutiankuo 发表于 2011-9-20 11:28

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