崛起2 老外那边所有资料汇总
本帖最后由 fuku 于 2011-9-18 13:58 编辑因为相关的资料太多,我只选择重要的,如果想知道老外归总的所有信息可以自己去看:http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum/threads/808486-List-of-Risen-2-related-facts
. Soon after that, it was confirmed that they were actually involved in a new project.(PB除了崛起系列 还有新的项目正在开发中)
. The game will be available on PC, Xbox 360 and PS 3.(全平台制霸。。)
. The world will be much bigger. (世界地图更大)[*]number of NPCs: probably higher than in Risen(更多的NPC)[*]land surface: much bigger than Risen(更大的路面面积)
. More than one island:(2代的游戏世界由众多的分散的岛屿组成,具体岛屿数量暂时未知,主角可以使用船在岛屿间游走,但目前不知道能自由的开船,还是点对点式的自动移动)[*]The world will be bigger than Risen 1 and split into several islands. This allows to easily realise different climates and landscapes (no need to smoothly blend from one landscape to the other).[*]These islands are each a new loading zone (they still use streaming in each zone, so it's kind of "worst of both worlds" ).[*]How many islands there will be, how much they will differ from each other and how big they will be, remains a secret.[*]You use ships to travel between the islands but it is unknown if this will just be a scripted point-to-point transport or if you can control and navigate your own vessel.[*]One of the islands is named Caldera, and one of the cities Antigua
. Improved NPC routines.(NPC的日常活动会有改进)[*]Are you going to improve the daily routines of npc's in your new game?Because i think there is no improvement in this area ever from the time of gothic 1[*]Yes, there will be some improvements compared to Risen.
. Confirmed: Fire arms will be in the game, forming the ranged combat, including canons. There will still be magic.
. There will be no more bows and crossbows, having been replaced by firearms.(2代的火气取代了1代的弓和弩,所以2代没有了弓和弩)
. There will be mini-games.(2代里面会有迷你游戏)
. NOT an in-game feature: Swimming.(2代不会添加游泳功能)
. Eavesdropping.(2代你在游戏中,可能无意中路过某些NPC,听到他们谈论XX地方有XX宝藏一类的信息,然后主角就可以去寻宝了{:3_136:})
An example given is that you can hear two NPCs talking about a third one guarding a treasure. While the referred person seems to be very careful in general, you can also learn when exactly he'll leave his post. That makes it easy for you to get the stuff. Those who do not open eyes and ears when walking across the world will miss some quests and possible.
. The armour consists of individual sets of boots, gloves, hats, upper and lower clothing etc.(2代装备系统由 鞋子栏,手套栏,帽子栏,衣服及裤子组成)
. There will be NO minimap.(2代里面没有迷你地图和1代类似)
There will be no minimap, but there will be optional questmarkers available on the normal inventory map, similar to Risen 1.
.There will be treasures, parrots and rum!(宝藏,鹦鹉,美酒。。。 借个不是崛起2.。 借个是加勒比海盗嘛。。)
. Confirmed magic system: Voodoo(新的魔法系统Voodoo,恩偶想去听死亡岛的主题曲了。 话说老外很期待2代里面inqusiter和voodoo之间的超*魔法大战{:3_161:})
.Improved party system (details still unknown, but confirmed interraction with the party members via dialogue menus)(强化的团队系统,估计2代更多的时候主角不是一个人在战斗,而是最少有1个NPC~)
.A more dynamic combat system, which allows for alternating melee with ranged.(一个更好的战斗系统,切换近距离和远程武器更方便)
. There will be new crafting options in Risen 2 that will fit the setting.(新的工艺选择?新的工艺技能还是更多的配方呢?)
. Firearms will not have realistic loading times because that would make the balancing very complicated.(火气的上弹速度没有现实中的那么慢)
. There will be large monster, comparable to the troll in Gothic.(会有大型生物。。BOSS战??)
. Humanity is on the brink of extinction, as titans devastated the whole world, except a few places.(人类基本快灭绝了,泰坦已经摧毁了除极少数地方外的 整个世界)
. The hero has given up, and has found consolation in drinking.(the hero貌似是指的1代主角? 恩恩,1代的主角几乎放弃了斗争,而沉迷与美酒当中)
. Sailing is impossible due to new terrifying sea creatures which attack the ships.(航海是很不安全的,因为海中存在海王类怪物)
. The player will meet Patty and Commandant Carlos once again.(主角会再次遇到1代中的角色 如美丽的海盗女patty,和海港城的指挥官Carlos)
. The hero is a member of the Inquisition.(1代的英雄现在是修道院势力中的一员)
. The mains theme is: PIRATES!(游戏主题是 海盗!!!)
. Unique ending.(唯一的结局)
.Locations will change depending on how far you have played but will not change according to your alignment/actions as in Fable.(没看懂。。神鬼寓言都忘得差不多了。。)
本帖最后由 fuku 于 2011-9-18 14:15 编辑
Graphics and Animation(画面)
. Characters will feature basic facial expressions. (2代的人物有更好的表情系统)
. One handed swords will be carried at the side and not on the back.(单手剑是佩戴在腰侧,而不是背在背上。。)
. Improvements concerning water, fog and the sky.(优化的水,雾,天空)[*]IMHO our sky looks more beautiful than in Risen.[*]Yes, our fog is already improved and even the water looks much better.. The human models were improved, especially the women.(优化了人类模型,特别是女性{:3_140:})
Engine Features(引擎相关)
. Different Camera Control(与1代不同的视角控制系统?)
. Impossibility too change direction while jumping(跳跃的时候依然无法改变方向)
. A more dynamic camera during COMBAT, it is now detached from the hero which is very helpful in fights againt multiple opponents.(战斗时会有动态视角,对于同时和多个敌人战斗时 会有很大的用处) 1代得主角会出现?太好了.. 希望不要推迟....真心现在想玩,太经典了 看来是要到明年了...... 希望上半年可以出了 本帖最后由 fuku 于 2012-1-20 23:41 编辑
好久没来了 真是对不起我心爱的崛起!!!!!!!
这几天有时间一定要再整理一份最新的资料{:3_167:} 4月24号艰难等待中~~~今年别的游戏买不买正版这个是一定要入手的!! 突然想到 要是能改造升级船只就好了