本帖最后由 老放 于 2011-9-17 12:16 编辑内容看不懂。
CURRENT VERSION: 1.0 revision2
README:http://www.fallout3nexus.com/dow ... er%20Fix_readme.txt
Please note this file does require all the Fallout 3 Official DLCs, this site currently only has The Elder Scrolls DLCs listed in the required files section.
Here is a little something that is going to be coming up in the next couple days.
The upload just sent up was the wrong file. This has been corrected. We blame DropBox for this little mixup.
POOF just like a wizard a new version is dropped. Making errors cower in fear and stuff.
All the documentation has been updated to spiffy pdfs.
The NODLC and higher FPS versions will be coming down the pipe in the next day or so.
Compatibility Patches Readme added in MISC section of downloads(at the bottom) this is for the people that are waiting for the NODLC and HIGHER FPS versions of the mod, but would like this document.
At the request of Xepha our Fallout Master Fix - Enhanced Dynamic Weather mod has been removed. The team will not respond to any support requests for this mod and it is not to be reuploaded anywhere under and circumstances.
As my birthday gift to everyone on the Nexus, I give you the combining of two fine weather mods for Fallout 3. The new upload combines Xepha537's Dynamic Weather and skingrad24's Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 Hotfix into one mod. Reducing conflicts from many to 2, and creating the ultimate weather experience. Please read all documentation for this mod before installing, and if you haven't already make sure you download the data files for their mods, they are not included here. Links for these mods are in all documentation in the CREDITS sections and at the bottom of this page in the credit sections. Consider this an ALPHA release.
A new version was updated today. The biggest highlights of this version are the compatibility patches for popular mods, and the 'high fps' version of the error corrections - reduce ctds mod are now incorporated as well. With all these additions brings multiple files to the table so please read the documentation carefully, and for a description of each file read below in the description section, this will allow you to make an informed decision on which file to use.
We have been getting a lot of comments and questions about what this mod covers and what it fixes. I hope this next bit helps clear up and futures questions that you might have. We just want to let everyone know that as of right now we are focusing on non-cosmetic errors. We are working on the back-end of the game, the stuff that you don't see. Our goal right now is to make the game more stable and to not crash. In the future once we feel we have ironed out as many bugs relating to crashes that we can find we might move on to cosmetics, but right now we are sticking to the ugly stuff.
This mod goals to fix most of the problems found in Fallout 3. Very extensive work has gone into this mod as it combines hairylegs222's work and the work of ccmechanic2. While this may be based on the combined work of 2 mod authors, the rest of the team is going to be rounding up more bugs, and glitches that need to be fixed and do it. What you will see from this is significantly reduced CTDs(crash to desktop) and much smoother play with increase frame rates
This mod's goal is to cover all areas of the game, right now it covers everything that is in the INVISIBLE WALL REMOVER and the ERROR CORRECTIONS - REDUCE CTD mods.
Here is a run down of each version:
Master Fix x.xrevx DLC
This contains all the DLCs and they are all required for this version to run.
Master Fix x.xrevx DLC-FPS
This contains all the DLCs and they are all required for this version to run. This is the version tweaked to have a higher frame rate
Master Fix x.xrevx NODLC
This contains none of the DLCs and they are not required for this version to run.
Master Fix x.xrevx NODLC-FPS
This contains none of the DLCs and they are not required for this version to run. This is the version tweaked to have a higher frame rate
Currently there are no longer any confirmed reported bug, if you find one let us know, we will look into it.
Upon running this mod through FO3edit you are going to receive a notice about a few things. These are nothing to be alarmed about and they are something that we are looking into correcting, they will not cause any conflicts with other mods.
DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 7>
This is caused by adding objects the certain Wasteland Worldspaces. It is harmless.
For obvious reasons these mods are now combined and their separate counterparts or now no longer needed.
•LessRocks - I couldn't find a link for this, but a user did report it.
These mods delete references which make Master Fix crash, stutter, and hiccup. Using these mods with Master Fix will cause problems.
This mod should be placed at the VERY BOTTOM of your load order.
Also do not:
•Merge this mod
•Master this mod
•Edit this mod in any way
Here is a sample load order:
•.esp Files
•Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp
•Compatibility Patch(es).esp
•Fallout 3 Master Fix - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp*
•Fallout 3 Master Fix - Fallout Wanderer's Edition.esp*
**Please note that the Fallout Wanderer's Edition patch should be placed AFTER the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch patch.
Current and future releases may contain code/assets from the following mods and credit goes out to their author(s):
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 Hotfix
EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced
This file is to only be hosted on http:\\fallout3nexus.com.
Linking directly to the download link is prohibited, all links must point to this page
Please read the permissions section for more details.
All images, documentation, and work are protected.
http://115.com/file/dn1omvou 用了翻译软件 还是一点看不懂坐等小白鼠 顺便问一句为什么我装了年度版+5DLC+安东尼+TYPE最新版+FOMM+FOSE最新版可是就是不能进游戏一进游戏就“梆”一声然后不按回车的话 就是找不到进入游戏的按键按了回车就自动退出 但是很诡异的是如果不加载MOD就一点事没有但是不能用FOMM加载5DLC否则一样是“梆”一声OVER 楼主,俺不懂鸟语啊!楼上的你看看是不是排序错误或者是有mod冲突了。 用了翻译软件 还是一点看不懂坐等小白鼠 顺便问一句为什么我装了年度版+5DLC+安东尼+TYPE最新版+F ...
mkz131126 发表于 2011-9-16 17:35 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
LingsPrettyThings-FOOK2-MMM.esp 不要勾选,已过时,可以删除
MegatonContracts-Linged.esp 如果没有安装 MegatonContracts 这个MOD,不要安装,否则不能进入游戏
LingsPrettyThings-SeducingWomen.esp 不要安装。 SeducingWomen 这个MOD有问题,容易冲突。
http://bbs.3dmgame.com/viewthread.php?tid=2307973 看不懂啊看不懂。。。 回复 4# 老放
谢谢老放提携 回去按照你的方法再试一下昨晚把带名称里带Ling的MOD全关了 才把游戏运行起来的不过话说现在F3的坛子里能真正下的下来的MOD确实少之又少下下来能用的也是凤毛麟角了 最近在按照置顶里的GECK教程学做武器的MOD 因为是第一次做所以速度会慢很多 如果成功的话 就挂上来与大家共享之 玩了F3又玩完了NV最后还是感觉F3好玩的多 这个mod能减少游戏跳出,是把几个reduce ctd mod合并制作的,建议大家都安装,我现在游戏很少跳出,就结束游戏时点退出游戏才跳出对话框。 排序位置在哪呢? 排序可以用FOMM里的BOSS自动排序,很好的工具,到现在还在不断更新 回复 7# zj198512
你说的防跳出是上面的一个文件还是下面的三合一文件啊 回复zj198512
你说的防跳出是上面的一个文件还是下面的三合一文件啊 ...
mkz131126 发表于 2011-9-17 11:33 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
后面那个我知道是干什么的了。合并MOD。太高深,我删除了。 删除干什么呀,是个好mod啊,再打上下面的几个path就可以了,我按了100多个mod,还没碰到非法退出(当然是暂时测试,看退出可厉害,游戏只把斯普林威尔小学里十几个歹徒干掉,现在跑核弹镇在玩玩) 回复 11# 老放
谢谢老放 早上按你说的方法把安东尼重新排序并且删除了不能用的现在果然能用了但是现在就是跳 无限跳 随时随地看心情的跳绝对在我毫无准备的情况下跳正好晚上来看防跳的MOD就看到你了感谢之