bluesky404 发表于 2011-9-13 12:28

[RELz] HUD Status Bars 5.0 —— Skyrim/Diablo style HUD

Notes: 受不了MenuQue请直接无视

HUD Status Bars 5.0释出新增两种Skyrim以及Diablo式HUDSkyrim Style 1
Skyrim Style 2

Diablo Style
HUD Status Bars 5.0 is now out

Now you can make the HUD look really different!

...and I mean really different. HUD Status Bars 5.0 comes with four different sets of ini files for you to choose from, and the one you choose, defines the base style. The four are:

Vanilla style
Ok. This one doesn't look too different, but...

Skyrim style 1
Here the bars look more like the new Skyrim bars, but still with a layout quite close to vanilla.

Skyrim style 2
The same look of bars as above, but now with a quite different layout. Compass centered on the top of the screen, and the standard status bars spread out at the bottom.

Diablo 3 style
Thanks to zilav for the textures. Here, there is no longer bars for the 3 standard "bars", but round orbs.

From the changelog:
* Added custom bars that work exactly like a standard horizontal or vertical bar, but with custom size/texture.
You can now use custom textures of any size and shape, set up the look through some general ini settings and thereby make any bar you add look this way. Examples seen above.

* Made it possible to move/zoom weapon/magic/levelup icons, to move/hide compass, and to hide the weapon durability bar added by some UI mods.
Making it simple to tweak the HUD the way you want.

* Added new bar type: HUDbarSmall, a custom horizontal bar supposed to be used for small bars (like the weapon durability bar).
As seen in the examples above, above/below the weapon and magick bars.

* Split the ini files into a base ini file containing the base settings, and the main ini file containing the added bars.
So there are two ini files. One that controls the base settings, and one that add all the specific bars.

* Added 4 different ini file sets, 3 of them with completely different styles (Skyrim, Diablo 3).
As explained and shown above.

* Rewrote how coloring of bars work. There is now only one (white) image for each bar, and use of hud_color changes the colors without changing the image.
A necessity for the complete freedom added in 5.0. It means that you cannot use hud_color and hud_color_r/g/b together for the same bar any more, but that is easy to compensate in other ways.

* Added visibility timing, making it possible to only display a bar a number of seconds after something change.
So now you can easily set up that the bounty bar is only visible for 5 or 10 seconds after the bounty changes, another bar only visible for the first few seconds after your current weapon changes, and similar temporary visibility rules.

* Added more options for positioning bars.
See the readme for details...

* Rewrote much of the xml.
Hopefully without breaking anything.

...and a few unmentioned tweaks here and there.

========= HUD Status Bars 5.0 ============

Author: Ole Bøe, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: Sept 12, 2011
OBSE 19 (or later) required. OBSE 20 is recommended, and required for some bars.
MenuQue required.

Download (and images): TESNexus
Previous thread

========= Have as many bars you want and make the HUD look the way you want!

* More Bars
You have the three HUD status bars at the bottom left (most likely) of your hud, but with HUD Status Bars you can easily add more status bars that display anything you want it to display, like health of companions or summons, your encumbrance, charge of equipped weapon, sleep status (of sleep mods), etc. The bars can be horizontal, vertical or filled circles, or be completely custom. And the bars can have text (with or without the bar).

HUD Status Bars has big depth but is easy to use. Just install it (and OBSE+MenuQue if you haven't already) and start up your game. The immediate change will be an Encumbrance bar above your health bar, a diseas display telling you when you're diseased, a weapon charge bar that is only visible when you have an enchanted weapon equipped, above the weapon icon - and a few other useful bars for you to discover. :)

You can easily add more bars like this yourself, by adding 2 or more lines in HUD Status Bars' ini file for each bar. "docs\Hud Status Bars ini file examples.txt" contains many other examples for you to copy into "Hud Status Bars.ini", so it is easy to add more bars even for relatively inexperienced mod users.

The bars can be horizontal, vertical or a filled circle - or even completely custom styles, and can easily be placed anywhere, relative to your other hud components. The bars can also display text, both static and variable text in a number of different ways (value of max, percentage, etc). The bar can have one of any of 15 different base colors, and the color can further be adjusted individually for the red/green/blue components.

* New look
HUD Status Bars lets you completely change the look of the HUD. This is done by moving/resizing/hiding the standard bars/icons, and by completely changing the look and improving the functionality of bars/icons replacing them. Example of improved bars/icons are colored enemy health bar that also works when enemy's health is buffed above normal, or sneak icon that also displays amount of light falling on player, and health bar that changes color when you get a disease. See the preset ini files, or ini file examples for such bars.

HUD Status Bars have an "Hud Status Bars - base.ini" file where you define the position/hiding of standard bars/icons, and the standard look of the bars to use. By changing those, you can get a slightly improved HUD, or a dramatically different HUD. HUD Status Bars comes with several different styles for the bars, with four preset ini files to choose from: vanilla, two Skyrim inspired looks, and one Diablo 3 inspired look. Just swap ini files if you want to change it later, or adjust the existing one to your liking.

* Also...
HUD Status Bars has an option to correct a vanilla bug in the Encumbrance display in the Inventory/Container/Barter menus - in order to avoid confusion when HUD Status Bars display one (the correct) value and the inventory menu another (incorrect) value.

* See the "Hud Status Bars ini file examples.txt" for lots of new bars to add to your game (enemy/companion/summon/horse stats, clock, Oblivion gate info, levelup info, status from other mods, etc.)
* See the "Hud Status Bars user guide.txt" for details of how to set up bars displaying more advanced values.
* See the "Hud Status Bars custom bar guide.txt" for details of how to set up bars with completely custom look.

========= NEW BARS
The following new bars are added by default (but can easily be removed from the ini file)
* Encumbrance bar (displays current/max encumbrance)
* Summoned creature health, only visible when currently having one
* Disease status, only visible when currently having one (icon of effect and name of last received disease, and number of current diseases)
* Current spell effectiveness (small bar above magic icon)
* Weapon charge and health (small bars above and below weapon icon)
* Buffed enemy health bar (displays enemy health in red, if above base health - since vanilla bar is not displaying then)

The following bars/hud elements are defined in the Hud Status Bars ini file examples.txt file, and can be copied into the ini file.
* Health bar that also displays when enemy health is buffed and gradually changes color
* As above, but with different coloring
* A triple enemy health/magicka/fatigue bar, displaying the three in different colors.
* Enemy name and level
* Immersionist sneak icon, changes color and transparency to indicate light, but not detection
* Sneak icon that changes transparency to indicate light, and color to indicate detection
* Light falling on player
* Enemy Name, level, health, magicka and fatigue bars
* 24hr clock, displayed as
* 12hr clock, displayed as am/pm
* Current FPS
* Safe container check
* Legal container check (for 3rd person view)
* Legal + safe container check (for 3rd person view)
* Legal door check (for 3rd person view)
* Vampire Level
* Level up progress
* Skill progress
* Bounty
* Shivering Isles Bounty
* Player Fame
* Player Infamy
* Murder count
* Items Stolen
* Current Gold
* Oblivion gate count
* Weapon health bar
* Equipped helmet health icon (and equipped armor's health)
* Combined equipped items health
* Chameleon status
* Resist status for Disease, Fire, etc.
* Training sessions used
* Day of the week and Date
* Month and year
* Companion name and health
* Oblivion XP progress
* Spell failure chance from Fizzle
* Ltd Vampire Overhaul level
* Unholy darkness blood craving status & vampire bounty
* Duke Patricks - Philosophers Stone Artifacts Reward score bar
* Real Sleep Extended tiredness
* Real Hunger
* FF Real Thirst
* TFE hunger & exhaustion
* nGCD level progress
* SimpleEssentials Food, Drink & Sleep
* Kuertee Eat and Sleep

Other mods, like Basic Primary Needs and Deadly Reflex 6 have HUD Status Bars ini settings in their documentation. See also webrunner's HUDStatusBar icons page (http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=37965) for more bar ini settings, and additional icons to go with them.


HUD Status Bars is generally compatible with any UI mod (and vanilla UI), and automatically makes the bars the same size and look, and in correct position relative to the hud elements in your current setup. HUD Status Bars has been tested with:
* Unmodded (vanilla) UI
* Darnified UI
* DarkUId DarN
* BTmod
* Dark UI
* Immersive Interface

It will NOT work with Oblivion Interface Overhaul, but should quite surely work with all other UI mods. I would appreciate comments from people using other UI mods, telling me if it works or not. HUD Status Bars should be compatible with all non-UI mods, and can be used to display values for all other mods.


The mod is OMOD-ready and BAIN-friendly so installing with OBMM or BAIN is recommended. For manual install, extract the archive. Then copy the content of "00 Core" to your Oblivion/Data folder. Also copy the content of one of the "01 ... style" folders.

After installation, start your game and you should see an Encumbrance bar, and a charge bar when an enchanted weapon is equipped (and a few other useful bars), without having to do anything with the ini file! But you can of course remove them or add others by editing the ini file.

Make sure that you have OBSE 19 (or later) and MenuQue. Without, HUD Status Bars will simply not work at all. MenuQue 6 or later is higly recommended.

========= CREDITS

The OBSE team for OBSE - an absolutely necessary tool for this mod
kyoma for MenuQue, a powerful OBSE plugin for handling menu/hud elements
kuertee for Customisable HUD components, which was my main inspiration
The players (espeacially webrunner) for using the mod and coming up with creative ideas for bars. With special thanks to:
+ webrunner for constantly coming up with new bars
+ forli for his custom bars ideas
+ zilav for the Diablo-inspired orbs

elzee 发表于 2011-9-13 13:01


mr.yamato 发表于 2011-9-13 13:04

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