bluesky404 发表于 2011-9-1 16:33

Ampolx's Texture Packs【多图杀猫】

本帖最后由 bluesky404 于 2012-2-4 22:09 编辑


Great Grass    <- 更多截图查看samuelgd99大大的介绍贴
Roads and Cobblestones    <- 更多截图查看samuelgd99大大的介绍贴
Colovian Highlands    <- 更多截图查看samuelgd99大大的介绍贴
Blackwood    <- 更多截图查看samuelgd99大大的介绍贴

这是planetelderscrolls上的ATP 1.0,作者说太旧,别用{:3_137:}
这是TESAlliance上的Gold Coast
其他地方找到的Medieval Books Textures、ATP Roads 1.0


mjxy 发表于 2011-9-1 16:36


nightever 发表于 2011-9-1 16:41


zasx147888 发表于 2011-9-1 16:50

看起來一臉lag臉= =

alex30001 发表于 2011-9-1 16:55


zasx147888 发表于 2011-9-1 17:00

本帖最后由 zasx147888 于 2011-9-1 17:02 编辑
我沒看清楚你有了= =

dkcocona 发表于 2011-9-1 17:07



bluesky404 发表于 2012-2-4 22:09

bump for update

粉儿果奈 发表于 2012-2-6 17:51


moistine 发表于 2012-5-1 14:37

本帖最后由 moistine 于 2012-5-1 15:52 编辑

AmpolX Textures 1.0 ... 95-ampolx-textures/

Submitted: Feb 04 2012 10:16 AM         上传:2012.2.4
Last Updated: Feb 27 2012 06:07 AM      更新:2012.2.27
File Size: 386.78MB                            文件大小:386.78MB
Views: 830                                       浏览人数:830
Downloads: 607                                 下载次数:607

The sub-packages contained in this archive are a compilation of various retexture released made by AmpolX. Currently AmpolX is away and uninvolved with the modding scene and gave permission for his texture packs to be uploaded. Primarily this permission was given to me and I've been hesitant to do so. Recently he made it more common knowledge that permission is given and actually widen that to others doing the same. My hope here is to provide a central point for these works to minimize the chance that many will be uploaded separately or without care.
To quote AmpolX: "As I said before, I have no time in my current future for a proper release by myself. I have just left it up to the community to share and distribute files under the table as most have done. Yes I did find a few sites who had hosted my work without permission and so far have neglected to respond to my emails about removing them. I'm not leaving it up to anyone to upload and manage my work because that is a big undertaking that should be done by myself. To close a long disputed argument, if community members want to host my work then so be it. The task of caring for comments and updates and even making sure the work is up-to-date is on their shoulders. As long as proper credit is given to myself then i see no quarrel." From: http://forums.bethso...st__p__20219168

Each subpackage was a separate release.I have attempted to reconstruct each sup-pacakge to include the material as it was presented in the original download. The exception being that I embedded the docs and screen shots in such a way as to make installing with BAIN without complication.

Some of these retextures were only available for a very short time and and often in threads on the BGS forums. A separate download will contain textures that AmpolX advised people not to use due to their being unoptimized textures sure to hurt frames per second.It is possible that a few of the sub-packages included here are also unoptimized. I didn't take exhaustive notes on what was problematic.
Description: for the various unoptimized textures

The packages contained in this archive various retexture released made by AmpolX. Currently AmpolX is away and uninvolved with the modding scene and gave permission for his texture packs to be uploaded. Primarily this permission was given to me and I've been hesitant to do so. Recently he made it more common knowledge that permission is given and actually widen that to others doing the same. My hope here is to provide a central point for these works to minimize the chance that many will be uploaded separately or without care.

The packages contained in this download are of texturing work that AmpolX abandoned. He had received several reports that they were optimized and then removed them from public access. He later advised people not to use these textures as they may have a negative effect on your install. Mostly this would be increased texture memory being used and lower frames per second.

These are presented if others have the knowledge to improve upon them. Keep in mind that, at this time, this does not mean that permission is given to upload altered versions of them.

This package was made for the use of BAIN installing. If Unfamiliar with this method see whichever of these sites helps the most:

Manual installing: Simply move the files from the various subpackages to the corresponding Oblivion\data\textures folder.
More on info on manual installing can be found here:

No OMOD is planned and hence OBMM is not supported.You could make one by dumping all the contents of the sub-packages and making an OMOD for that yourself. More information here:

Of note to make the download smaller I compressed to Maximum using 7zip. You may want to extract and recompress using fastest and non-solid in order to get faster response from BAIN.

bluesky404 发表于 2012-5-1 14:40

moistine 发表于 2012-5-1 14:37 static/image/common/back.gif
AmpolX Textures 1.0 ...

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