本帖最后由 moistine 于 2011-8-30 19:23 编辑针对版本:冰与血V2.65.1或以上。中文版请勿使用
解锁了XMAS(小岛)、拳套武器、投掷药剂、套装(TG、SW、所有角色)、新暗金装备、新传奇装备、新任务、完善地牢(Arkenmarks Refuge)、未解锁物品正常掉落、不可用『防缩冒口』可掉落......大量修复不缀述
The Community Patch for Sacred 2 Fallen Angel Ice & Blood works with versions 2.65.1 and up.
How do I know what Version I have?
Marcus wrote a nice little Tool for Sacred 2. It displays the version of the binaries, as well as the registry keys corresponding to your Installation for control purposes. But it does a lot more than that!
You can:
Run Sacred 2 with various exec flags (like -skipopenal...) just by marking the corresponding checkbox and klicking the start button.
Send a refresh signal (Ctrl+F1) to the running game in custom regular intervals. (Just enter a value greater than 0 in the textbox.)
You can get it here (Net Framework 2.0 and 3.5 needed):
Sacred 2 Launcher
Languages: English, German, Fran?ais, Espa?ol
Reviewed and improved by Moppelchen.
What does the CM-Patch actually do?
Marcuswob is mainly working on the questscripts. Main goal is to have a proper(!) questlog, and tweaking some quest-flow as we find it better/more consistent to play. Also reactivation of unused quests and complemeting some unfinished new ones has been and will be done if possible.
I am pretty much working on all of the other stuff. (Items, Bosses, Monsters, odds and ends...) This includes unlocking Stuff thats already finished, but did for some obscure reason not make it to the game. Thats the easiest part. Completing unfinished items, some legendaries and uniques or the T-energy-sets (= wrappings of mutation. :) ) takes a lot more time. Also balancing of bosses, items and spells is time consuming and we need a big crew of beta testers!
We already fixed and included in the Patch:
Unlocking XMAS-Island, Fistweapons, Throwing Potions, New Sets for TG, SW and all Chars, New Uniques, New Legendaries, New Quests, fixed the "Arkenmarks Refuge" Dungeon, Unlock Items can drop regularly, unavailable Shrinkheads can drop now and various other fixes and additions too numerous to mention all here. Just read a bit in this thread. ;)
Before we proceed to the Download link, there is some legal stuff to mention (you know how it is. ;) ):
This is a private, non-profit patch for the amazing Sacred 2 community. Use it at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage to chars, data or hardware, that (may) arise or issue from using this product.
DOWNLOAD: Current version is: v0120.
The ZIP includes two files: cm-enable.exe which is used for installing the CM-Patch, and cm-diable.exe which removes it and restores your previous version of Ice & Blood.
The Patcher can't find my Sacred 2 Installation...
This is most probably because some Mod or other thing changed your quest.txt in your Sacred 2/scripts/server/ folder. The patcher uses this file to determine the current version. Try to remove the Mod causing this or reinstall/repair your Installation.
The Patcher threw an error, what should I do now?
If the Patcher threw a file error during the patch process, it means the reported scriptfiles are for some reason changed. I made an s2reset tool to reset all files altered by the cm-patch to the state of Ice & Blood version 2.65.x.
Please don't try this on a Sacred 2 Classic installation (without Ice & Blood). For technical reasons it will run and mess up your files!
You can download it here: S2Reset Tool (Rapidshare) 140MB
本帖最后由 moistine 于 2011-8-30 13:31 编辑
Have fun! 最好卸了圣诞岛任务补丁在打此补丁 最好卸了圣诞岛任务补丁在打此补丁
javy999 发表于 2011-8-31 12:55 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
在打了官方补丁V2.65.x之后,使用此补丁 本帖最后由 javy999 于 2011-8-31 21:41 编辑
回复 4# moistine
请问楼主,英文2.651版本的游戏用上2.43汉化免DVD补丁后能否能用此补丁V120? 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2011-8-31 22:37 编辑
请问楼主,英文2.651版本的游戏用上2.43汉化免DVD补丁后能否能用此补丁V120? ...
javy999 发表于 2011-8-31 21:40 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
最后一句:这个补丁不针对语言,所以理论上来说,汉化补丁应该不冲突,但是显示出什么结果就悬念了 找不到scripts\shared\itemtype.txt
我的itemtype明明就在那放着啊{:3_146:} 回复 6# moistine
当次小白吧 这补丁更新了那些?有高手大大能翻译全部吗??? 可以,你先用英文的升级,之后再改成中文语言,我的就是这样。直接用中文升好像也可以 哈哈今天才知道现在的圣域还有些坛友在玩
我以为只有我还在关注这个版 德版升不了
gigoqq99 发表于 2011-9-28 22:54 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
使用德文的还是上德文论坛上去逛逛吧,内容比其他语言全面。毕竟游戏制作商就在德国。 本帖最后由 moistine 于 2011-9-30 10:46 编辑
这个游戏一出就下了,东西放在移动硬盘里,再想下英文版有种无力感,有无德文论坛? ...
gigoqq99 发表于 2011-9-29 11:50 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
你随便上GOOGLE 英文或德文搜索就能看到