本帖最后由 hcwty289 于 2011-9-13 13:03 编辑Zürich
biggest City of Switzerland
Population : 55 000
Predefined Routes: Dietikon - Bremgasrten West
Creation Time: 34 Hours
Version 1.1 Available.
In this Version some little changes are made.
Main Changes are new logical street combination due to traffic overflow.
Secondary changes are little things like a new highway connection directly to city and new Highway exits and inways
After this changes the workless rate is 10 % and by 60 % private traffic it works good
I hope its better than the old version and i hope you ll enjoy playing it.
Thanks for downloading and feedback.
或者115下载 沙发,谢谢分享大图 谢谢 麻烦三个压缩包都是怎么个情况 回复 3# astromyx
3个都下,然后解压 下来看看。谢谢啊 {:3_156:}要115~~~ 什么情况的图!!! 感谢楼主~ 看着不错~ 看着很不错呦 支持一下 哈哈 就喜欢新图 不知道这个咋样 顶一个 , 谢谢!非常喜欢这个图! LZ 赞一个~ 看着还不错,下来看看 看着还不错,下来看看
支持!!很不错 多谢分享~~~~~~~ 看着很不错呦 这个游戏确实不错 谢谢分享。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 版主辛苦了。 感谢分享思密达 感谢分享!lz辛苦 现在改成收金币的下载方式了啊~~╮(╯▽╰)╭ 看着不错啊 谢谢分享 啦啦啦啦啦啦