抗锯齿选项有no AA,FXAA Low,FXAA Medium,FXAA High ,MLAA请问哪个是最高效果啊?我怎么觉得是MLAA啊? 貌似MLAA是 A卡的新技术 FXAA是 N卡的从网上查的 如有不对 包含 貌似这游戏有AMD和A卡支持..英特尔和N卡没优惠... 我N卡开MLAA没问题···········开FXAA High还是没问题·········感觉效果没差多少············ 建议开FXAA,MLAA会让纹理模糊 哪个真正知道的人告诉我哪个效果最好啊·················· 抗锯齿的方式不同。 FXAA消耗资源少 MLAA是Intel的东东。。FXAA是NV的东东 英特尔的东西?什么意思?看处理器么? {:3_51:}ml消耗大脑?fx消耗显卡? 哥看完全部的选项只有FX``````````````````````````` In our next set of benchmarks, we're turning on soft shadows, increasing anisotropic filtering to 16x, and turning on anti-aliasing. We’ll compare both FXAA and MLAA to find out what kind of performance hit each method causes.http://media.bestofmicro.com/Z/K/304544/original/AA%20720.png
In general, it looks like MLAA incurs a slight performance hit at low resolutions. But by 1680x1050, there is no notable difference between MLAA and the FXAA High setting. In fact, MLAA appears to be easier for the GeForce cards to handle at 1920x1080.
What’s really impressive here is that, of all of the cards tested, only the Radeon HD 6570 struggles to provide a minimum of 30 FPS above 1680x1050. All of the other cards handle these maximum settings without a problem at 1920x1080. 楼上什么玩意···谁给翻译一下············· 原谅我的破中文
如果你是玩1680X1050 MLAA 和 FXAA High 没差。
但如果你是玩1920X1080 , MLAA会比较好,尤其是N卡 我是1680X1050····· 还是N卡··············· 本帖最后由 premiado 于 2011-8-26 14:26 编辑
建议你MLAA 好
你看1680X1050, 而且我拿GTX460 作example, MLAA 平均FPS 71.3, FXAAHigh 平均FPS 70.4 回复 18# premiado
我就是GTX460·····你怎么一个说一个准啊············ ml消耗大脑?fx消耗显卡?
19754163 发表于 2011-8-26 13:45 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
反了,FX cpu,ml显卡。。。