本帖最后由 々追が逐 于 2011-8-26 15:39 编辑转自http://www.realsg.com/2011/08/gu ... ooks-locations.html
Number of e-books in each location:
Sarif HQ - 3
Sarif Manufacturing - 2
Detroit (first visit) - 6
FEMA Camp - 1
Shanghai City - 6
Alice Garden Pods - 1
Lower Tai Yong Medical - 1
Upper Tai Yong Medical - 2
Picus - 2
Harvester Hideout - 1
Detroit (second round) - 3
Omega Ranch - 2
Sarif HQ -
1) You can find this one on Pritchard's desk in his office. Found at the beginning of the game.
2) Look in office 25, on the same floor as Pritchard's office. It's on a desk in this office.
3) In office 27, next to office 25. It's on a desk in here.
Sarif Manufacturing -
1) Look for the automated Turret. The e-book is located at the end of this hall, under a cardboard box in the room at the end of it.
2) When you encounter Zeke, go to the left corner of this room. The e-book is found on the desk here.
Detroit City (first round) -
1) This is in Jensen's room on the dresser by his bed. Can't miss it.
2) Go to the Detroit City Police Station and into the morgue. You'l find this on the coroner's desk.
3) Find Seurat (the weapon dealer) and and you will see the e-book on his desk by his bed. You have to enter his apartment through a window on his building.
4) Go to the "Downtown Apartments" and head as far west as you can. You'll find a locked door on the second floor, where the e-book is located. Enter here and you'll see it on a desk.
5) Initiate the "One Good Turn Deserves Another" side quest and enter Greg Thorpe's apartment. The e-book can be found on his long desk.
6) This one is found on a barrel inside Derelict Row. Just keep going through here and you will run right into it.
FEMA Camp -
1) Look for the detention block in the FEMA camp and head south. You'll find a locked room here. Hack in it, and you'll see the e-book on a desk in here.
Shanghai City -
1) This e-book is found inside The Hive in Bobby Bao's office (on the first floor). You'll have to go inside the restricted area and through a few doors to find it.
2) Also found in The Hive. It's in Tong's office in the basement. Make sure to persuade him correctly to get down there. You can't miss it.
3) Before heading into Van Bruggen's office, head left of the main entrance. You'll encounter a locked room here that you'll need to hack. Once inside, you'll find the e-book on the kitchen counter.
4) Go to the Youzhao District. Once here, head to do the Downtown Apartments, climb up to the rooftop, head inside to the second floor, and you'll see the book in front of you.
5) Once you make it to the rooftops of the Downtown Apartments, head north into the apartment. You can see the e-book in there. Easy stuff.
6) The final book here is found in the Alice Gardens Pods area. Go to the third floor, look for pod number 143, and you'll see the e-book sitting there waiting for your love.
Lower Tai Yong Medical -
1) You will find this e-book on the highest level of the Pangu. Make sure to not go all the way up or you will miss it (don't go in the elevator). You'll notice a vent high up on the wall here. Simply stack a few boxes up, enter the vent, and you'll find the e-book next to a dead body.
Upper Tai Yong Medical -
1) Once you're at the top, locate the "Lee Geng Memorial Laboratory". The e-book is located on a low cabinet shelf in the middle of this room.
2) When you're in the Hangar, make sure to head to the southwest corner of the security room before making your escape. You'll see the e-book on a desk inside this room.
Picus -
1) This e-book is found after you escape via the elevator. Simply go to the fourth floor and you'll find it in the locked broadcast room. It's on a desk inside this room.
2) You need to go to a side room before you head down to the basement to find this e-book. It's on the second floor. Go inside and find the e-book. It's right in front of you.
Harvester Hideout -
1) Go to the lowest level of the Harvester Hideout and enter the autopsy room. The e-book is in this room on a desk in front of a large computer monitor (of which I'm jealous)
Detroit (second round) -
1) You'll need to go to the backstage section of the Convention Center to find this one. Once here, notice the security guards watching television. The e-book is located in the corner of this room. NOTE: You need to find this e-book before talking to Taggart.
2) When you finally confront Sandoval, you can find the e-book inside his desk.
3) Go to the LIMB Clinic and head to where the Augmentations are performed. You'll find the e-book on a stand in the back of this room.
Omega Ranch -
1) Go to the second floor and head to the cold storage room. The e-book is here next to the elevator.
2) Once you defeat Namir, stay in this room. The e-book is inside her desk. 支持一下,谢谢分享啊 英语大丈夫? 楼主你复制过来也不翻译一下{:3_45:} 英语大丈夫。。不行的谷歌机翻顶顶 马克一下 慢慢找~~~ 反正没中文,e文才好 mark。。。好贴沉得快。。。 顶一下,回头解成就去 感谢9楼的朋友翻译。版主最好弄个回复可见 这个必须顶啊找书去 支持一下,谢谢分享啊
不过如果是汉化的就完美了啊! 想问一下经验书一本多少经验? 200经验一本 我X。。。。看不懂鹰语 谢谢分享!!! 话说游戏开始时入侵等级只有1,打不开25、27房间啊 回复 19# solomoo
过了第一关到就能把破解升到5级了 9楼好心人! 嗯!!好帖要顶!! 支持了! 9楼好人一生平安 这个必须顶啊找书去
补充一个,第一次到底特律limb诊所走道尽头桌子上 ????????????????????????????????