本帖最后由 老放 于 2011-8-22 21:11 编辑这个MOD叫 NV Game Stabilizer (点击进入N网原址)
Notice: This mod was produced from a retail store bought version of the game, Downloaded purchased versions will be different that retail, smaller that retail and incomplete as retail.
!!README AVAILABLE http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/readmes/NV%20Game%20Stabilizer_readme.txt
"The run speed is not a bug"
■Same versions
■R = .rar archive
■Z= 7zip archive
■Same version but without requirement of the weather replacer
I have granted a request To supply the A9 mod without requirements titled "(NV Game Stablizer-rev0-NRFS/NRNS)" located in the optional files section. The small caption under it explains it's use. The terms Of use are the same as written here as well as in the read me. The code it contains will respond badly if you do not adhere to the directions given the description, the readme, and the small caption under the down load link. This will be my last installment of this mod, V10 is a forgotten pipe dream. It was infested with NVSE which I will not support. All That script extending can be placed into a esp and not directly attacking the engine it's self. NVSE is not a mod, It is not hosted on this web site for good reason. Any questions about that, take it up with the moderators or the site owner, or simply read the rules posted on this site. I'm sure you will understand, any attempt from any one to modify the executable for these games will not be tolerated. So Why should I?
The new version dropped today and with it comes a new installation process. This process is available in the readme file that is packaged with the mod, and is also available for independent download as well. Please make sure you read it very carefully. Failure to do so may result and CTDs, stuttering and other negative results.
Not every kid on the playground can get along. That is why we are forced to announce a non-compatible mod list. Please check here with every new release. If you feel the need to continue running the mods that we deem non-compatible than we probably won't be able to assist you in any troubleshooting if we can't recreate the problem.
We love feedback, keep it coming. But please remember that each and everything reported will not be fixed and uploaded right away. Because of the complexity of this mod we need to ensure that out workarounds, and bug fixes does not have an adverse effect somewhere else in the game. Please be patient while we work out the reported bugs, it will be worth the wait, we promise.
The Nexus sites do not promote piracy and neither do we. This mod is made using the full purchased copy of the game. The more and more troubleshooting we do the more we find out about how cracked versions of this game actually work. Assets are removed from the game. Because this mod covers such a large basis of the original complete legit content, using this mod with a cracked version of the game will have adverse effects. Don't bother complaining if you are using a pirated version of this game, we have figured out what this mod does to those version. We will know you are using a pirated version. We will not call you out on it, that is not our style but we will not help you.
We are looking for requests for mods to include support for. But here is the problem. We don't know who to ask if you don't tell us! Please head over to the discussions areas and check out the discussion Request: Supported Mods.
With the new patch comes new challenges for the development of this mod. We are working very hard to update it completely for patch 1.4 but there is a lot of huddles that we have to overcome both in our mod's code, and the code that we have permission to use to make it compatible with other popular mods. There is going to be a few new discussions topics posted that we hope will help guide you with using this mod, and also allow you to help us make it better.
Order of Proceedings:
■A BRIEF description on what NV Stabilizer hopes to achieve.
■Installation Instructions
■Load Order
■Non-Compatible Mods
NV Game Stabilizer Requests:
Please use the discussion tab and click on the "(NV Game Stabilizer Item. Here you can Give me suggestions and feed back toward their possible applications so I may be able to implement into a permanent fix. I am approaching the Apex of the solution's and now is the time to add things in.)
This mod resets Object Collision Markers. In a default game they are not set as "persistent". I set them to "persistent" to control them.
Well after playing the game for many hours, these objects appear to act as a repository for errors. When I use this mod to set them this way I found that the ability of these objects to interfere wit工口GAME play was reduced. As a result of this action, crashing subsides to almost nothing and game freezing seems to disappear. Smoother game play is experienced as a benefit.
In the GECK, further settings are also available Like this, that are disabled by default. These settings give the game another option for them to be acted upon by the game's engine. This further enhances the removal of interference of game play.
Using the GECK, I made these changes on the collision markers setting's tab as the first trial basis to test this observation out in game using only the falloutNv.esm and the GECK"S Default .esp "My MOD".
Before this was done, many players observed a constant crashing or freezing that would affect their game's to the point of it being non-playable. By applying these setting's to the game, through the use of my mod, these problems SEEM to go away.
Another setting made available to these items (Collision Markers addressed in this mod) is the Sand Box. The PC or NPC is basically moving in the game world on a controlled platform, it's called a sand box. On the 3D tab For the Collision marker There is a setting "initially disabled and Ignored by sand box". These two in combination change the way that the game engine renders the Collision markers. That out come is they actually become invisible to the PC and NPC's in the game.
Using a saved game that is available here on the nexus for a test model, that has the trapped game codes that have been accumulated over many hours of game play, locations of the place the player directly with in an interior cell where these objects have become solid and impassable. My mod removes this aspect from these objects so the player can continue to play the games with out hindrance. The mod seems to correct a lot of things other than collision markers. Better performance is seen and observed by many.
The Collision markers tab also has another setting available to it too, located in the GECK panel called "Navmesh Import Options tab" for an item. A sub-description called "Navmesh Generation import option Overload",unchecking the box "Inherit from base object" gives access to settings such as , "Collision Geometry,Filter,Bound box, and ground.
Of these I chose filter because I dont want collisions, they are not used as bounding boxes and they are not used for the ground as seen in the viewing window in the Geck program.
"Navmesh Generation import option Overload". This alone says it has a big job.
Overload for what? Make you think of what use this would provide in Game.
Looking into how these things operate, A navmesh is a physical surface for interaction of the Players in game, with out a navmesh, you would fall through the map, all objects would fall through the map. Followers type mods need these navmeshes added to areas that have none. The neat thing about this last setting is that it has 5 different applications for these. Default is set at inherit from base object. That's the world space around where they are, in the cells and outside the cells, Some mods have been known to generate objects that float in the air, some small and some very large. As mods are added to the game, they continue to increase in numbers as well as size. this would bring processing power to it's knees, slow down graphics and cause all sorts of bad things. Applying my mod alleviates this problem.
This in turn will stabilize the game play and make more room for other things that can be added from other mods. Properties that can be applied to these objects "Collision markers " are the following:
■Collision Geometry,
■Filter(Which is what I used)
■Bound box, can be made as a platform for other objects in the game, and ground.
They are used by the GECK to create things, they can be manipulated in many ways, They act as support for the structured environment and act as trash cans too. They do change in size by means of accumulations that can only be seen in the GECK program. Their conditions can change over abundance of game play, they seem to act as game world storage devices. My best guess and with that notion, I applied these changes to see what happens. As it turns out, I was right. This mod deals with the game's mechanics and not textures or visual items in the games world.
You will need LUMENARIUM - Sunglasses That Work and Reasons to Wear Em. Get it here
You can get BOSS Auto Sort here
!If you are a previous user to this mod, make sure you delete both the .esm and .esp files from the previous release. This release currently only has a .esp file!
If you do not alread have BOSS installed you need to do so now, do this by extracting all the contents of the BOSS 7zip archive to your games data folder. After you have done so, run BOSS. Once BOSS has loaded hit the 'RUN BOSS' button, this will run BOSS, auto sort your mods and parse a html page so you can view the results.
!This next portion assumes that you do not have Nevada Skies or any other weather mod installed. At this time Nevada Skies is the only weather mod That you can use with NV GameStabilizer. IF YOU DO HAVE NEVADA SKIES INSTALLED ALREADY DELETE NEVADA SKIES.esp AND SIMPLY INSTALL THE REPLACER MOD!
You will need to install LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY-Nevada Skies Replacer. You only need to install this portion of the LUMENARIUM mod. If you wish to use the other features that it has to offer you can do that. After you have That placed in your data folder you need to install. Now you are going to need the DATA files for Nevada Skies. You can download them here. Once there look for 'NSkies 0-6 Data' it is 64,848kbs. Once you have it downloaded. You are going to extract its contents into you Data directory. This will allow The replacer to work without RED ! popping up everytime it rains.
The next step is to install NV GameStabilizer to your Data directory. All you have to do is extract the archives contents there.
The final step is to load BOSS again and have it sort your mods. Make sure that NVGameStabilizerA9.esp is last in your load order and that the weather replacer is directly above it. Remember it is considered a weather mod.
If you are upgrading to a new version it is important that you remove the old version from the data folder.
Current Sample Load Order
OTHER .esm
LUMINARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp**
NV GameStabilizerA9.esp
It is very important that for this mod to have full effect it resides at the bottom of you load order.
Due to how LUMINARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer is designed it is a weather mod, and should be treated as such.
As a note, if you use merge mods you most create them without NV GameStabilizer.esm and .esp included. They cannot be allowed to be merged. Nor can this mod be Mastered.
**if you are using the NR version of the mod please note that you shouldn't need this mod. Currently(8/5/11)this is a new test and it may nor work.**
This section will only contain mods deemed incompatible with each new release. It will be trunked if the list gets to long. To see the full detailed list please head over too
Non Compatible Mods List Discussion
Non-Compatible Mods:
■ILO<< all of it, it is in the mod.
■Nevada Skies & Weather Mods
Also note that New Vegas Script Extender(NVSE) it not compatible with this mod. Using NVSE will cause extremely hinder this mods ability to work. We are sorry that it had to come to this, but that is how it is.
For A better Choice to sort your Mods with, Choose Boss !
By SpaceOden:
Bethesda Softworks :
For giving the world such awesome games, and challenging entertainment.
Their website can be found here: http://www.bethsoft.com/eng/index.php
Sarge198 Technical help and ported code of cell and collision Item's.
Thank you very much.
Interior Lighting Overhaul
MyGoodEye(aka MGE):
Electro-City : Relighting the Wasteland
Warzones : Misanthropy Pure
RePopulated Wasteland
Lumenarium : Sunglasses that Work and Reasons to Wear 'Em
Beta Testers Credits:
deu58 : For technical Isolation and Identification. Thee actual code string involved That gave me the solution in an Instant the moment he presented the string data. Nice tool man, very cool. Excellent deduction and open minded observations while testing. Verifying also Different aspects between systems. Because of you, I now know what they did and you know the rest.
NomadicAI7 : for out standing utilization of given methods to have determined 1.3 patch bug involvement Clearing specific mod causes and Identifying Root structure flaw in the 1.3 patch, Unknowingly heh heh. Keep it up, Investigate And Discovering Truth.
y3u4nhl4m : For Valuable input in an On going Beta test program, Stead fastness and courage to take the challenge Of the unknown as well as a desire to learn more through testing. Great Feed back and support. Well Done.
orbittwz : Stead fast Die hard, Beta tester, all different ways, Uncanny undying wish to find a solution with given data.
Observations and reporting status Well done , Keep it up. No stone left unturned.
MGE : Nevada Skies Verification and specifics as to What code is at fault and where. Well done.
skyline99 : For Verifying The truth of integrations required and facts to the matter of Non altering files as a solution.
Thank you very Much.
robert01 : For devilishly diagnostic's Procedures done to Determine The real truth of the 1.3 bug issue and Contributions Beyond Mention To help the public with this game. I am prod to have had his assistance. Thank you ROBERT01 Kudos + 100 Permanently !
Gamebryo Technical Information: Can Be Obtained Concerning the game Engine and this mods development.
A must read to be familiar with what this does and How "you" can do these kinds of things.
Things you need to know:Computer Science: Persistence
已上传 如需续约可发邮件至gxp1793@gmail.com
http://u.115.com/file/aq7xyq1t 原理是什么? {:3_168:}神奇啊 原理是什么?
Atonement 发表于 2011-8-22 18:40 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
苍天啊。 先收着{:3_153:}
等受不鸟的时候再用{:3_190:} 收藏备用,谢谢分享 我升级了up7以后A9就可以用NVSE启动了。 楼主能否传到国内网盘啊?n网注册还烦啊,谢谢啊 真是超神奇的东西 求大神鉴定 http://u.115.com/file/bhzx40wc
以上传 如需续约可发邮件至gxp1793@gmail.com
LZ编辑过去吧 省得大家往后翻 回复 1# 老放
这个MOD似乎需要内达华天空的支持? 回复老放
asasasddd 发表于 2011-8-22 20:45 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
A9版没有,但我也找不到它需要的那个内达华天空的文件。 以上传 如需续约可发邮件至
LZ编辑过去吧 省得大家往后翻
gxp1793 发表于 2011-8-22 20:40 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
非常感谢 回复 1# 老放
LUMINARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp
这是什么MOD? 回复老放
LUMINARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp
这是什么MOD? ...
asasasddd 发表于 2011-8-22 21:38 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
二者之间的兼容插件。 装了这个进不了游戏的路过。 很郁闷 因为没这个在EDIT里检测不过去
说是缺少文件了 闹心啊 一晚上接近0跳出的路过!
来回几次开不了就很厌烦了啊!!! 很郁闷 因为没这个在EDIT里检测不过去
说是缺少文件了 闹心啊
asasasddd 发表于 2011-8-22 21:52 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
装A8版,别装A9版 {:3_190:}
谢谢老放楼主的细心解答{:3_154:} 在这里表示,我唯一的跳出就是短时间内重复读很多次档
为什么这是解决存档的mod,那读档的呢?! 这个绝对好MOD以前开高贴图卡的只有40,一转头肯定卡一下我一般都是中贴图。现在用了这个A9在高贴图水平下FPS都是58接近60的水平。转头掉帧也在20以内。 试试看好用不,谢谢分享 ~ 真的不會跳出這麼神??? 等使用者反馈 对读档和快速旅行时假死无效果…… 装了A8版也是游戏无法运行 是不是和什么mod不兼容?排序有什么要求么 装了A8版也是游戏无法运行 是不是和什么mod不兼容?排序有什么要求么
╯□╰囧╯□╰ 发表于 2011-8-24 11:28 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
你降级了吗? 留名备用跳出确实很烦人