本帖最后由 flyfu1985 于 2011-8-22 18:27 编辑OBGE_-_Liquid_Water_Basic_OMOD_1_2_0-37825
我是OBGEV2 版
下载也不是 V3 版的Liquid_Water 啊
但是又 出现问题了。。。
为什么。。。无法反射光源 和倒影!!!!!!!!
谢谢大家的帮助我现在修复好了 我删除了我的文档里的
老滚.ini 重新配置了下 然后正常了
iReflectionMapSize等参数还是手动看一眼吧,没调整过来就按说明调一下 Liquid Water 1.20 说明上说不能用obgev2的Shaders和support一起用,于是被本小白晾起来了
How To Change The Reflection Resolution
When you first run the game with OBGE Liquid Water installed, you'll most likely find yourself seeing vanilla Oblivion's low resolution reflections. Luckily, you can change the reflection resolution with the following steps:
1.Make sure you've run the game at least once with OBGE: Liquid Water version 1.1.0 or higher loaded in your mod list.
2.Open your OBGE.ini (If you don't know where that is check the OBGEv2 documentation)
3.Set iReflectionMapSize either to 0 to automatically set the reflection resolution to your current screen-width, or to whatever resolution you want the reflection map to be.
必须修改OBGE.INI的iReflectionMapSize Set iReflectionMapSize either to 0
晕死。。。 LZ显看真好 要是真怎么都不行,也别太纠结
这东西本来就不完善,T网论坛上报问题的不在少数 我删除 老滚.ini 试试