天气模组 All Natural & 部分兼容性组件分流(附一键安装版&分离安装版)
本帖最后由 mjxy 于 2011-8-22 10:06 编辑天气模组 All Natural & 部分兼容性组件分流 正题:
AN+0ALL Natural 1.31
AN+0 Natural Habitat ONLY(取自Natural Environments)
AN+1 Immersive_Interiors_0-81-34199
AN+2 Enhanced Water v2.0 HDMI
AN+3 Oblivion_Stereo_Sound_Overhaul-5861
AN+4 Ambient_Town_Sounds_Edited_1dot0-14344
AN+5 Storms & Sound
AN+6 AS Rain & Thunder Sounds
AN+7 Brumbeks_Sky_Pack_1-1-14346-1
AN+7 Rainbows_in_Tamriel_v3-8927
AN+8 Distant Trees 1.5x
AN+8 Enhanced_Vegetation
AN+9 Animated Window Lighting System_5.5.4
mod之间整合参考如下帖子:http://joyftp928.601.isp.sh/thread-21448-1-1.html by foxbrainhttp://bbs.3dmgame.com/viewthread.php?tid=1951812 by bluesky404
http://u.115.com/folder/f51404284bc (原版分流-部分) 本帖最后由 mjxy 于 2011-8-25 10:42 编辑
天气&灯光&音效 ALL Natural +++ 一键安装 OMOD版
{:3_169:}不管你们喜不喜欢All Natural,本小白反正是喜欢上了。
至于ALL Natural 1.31,个人觉得选项变得更多,更个性化了,强烈推荐
先来几张截图,不解释 (默认设置,分辨率 1920*1080,4aa 16af,其它全高)
没装All Natural 之前:
装了All natural +++以后
再偷偷附上几张之前整合版(AN 1.3 ++)的截图(资源重复利用才环保嘛)
不适用于不喜欢All natural天气模组的玩家
不适用不会OBMM安装omod或者wrye bash解压omod的玩家
至于安装了其它天气MOD,又想要尝试All natural的同学,请参考两个链接帖子,自行取舍...
http://u.115.com/file/clgdiu74# 天气&灯光&音效_ALL_Natural_+++_0.31.omod
至于神马pyffi,dirty edits、什么汉化神器,本小白才懒得做这么多无意义的事情呢
附注1: 关于天空材质
All Natural要求材质高才能完善显示天空,如果出现裂缝,要嘛选择材质高,要嘛放弃All Natural,要嘛将就一下~
本帖最后由 mjxy 于 2011-8-22 10:15 编辑
如上,不满2楼的同学,又有需要ALL natural的同学,1楼和3楼欢迎你们
(默认不启用All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp)
避免某些大无畏的小白,怒而重装或者怪罪All Natural,
但无论怎么样,最好启用,并在排序后用WB rebuild patch
http://u.115.com/folder/f51ae4ce590 (选择安装版)只所以是7z格式是为了方便手动安装,或者可直接通过OBMM-添加压缩档案,创建OMOD来转成omod格式
更新,附 ALL Natural.ini 文件中英文对照,非默认参数版
; ==========================================
; | All Natural Configuration File (v1.31) |
; ==========================================
; ==========================================
; | All Natural 配置文件 (v1.31) |
; ==========================================
; Contains configuration parameters for settings and optional features.
; 包含AN的设置和部分可选配置参数
; For Enable/Disable toggles, 1 is enabled and 0 is disabled.
; 下面所有参数中,1 都代表开启,而 0 都代表关闭.
; Multipliers are values by which the original value for whatever you are changing is multiplied.
; 原始数值的乘数,被修改后仍做为原始数值的乘数
; As such, values greater than 1 are an increase, while values less than 1 are a decrease. Values must not be negative, however.
;同样的,比 1 大的数值都视为增长,同时比 1 小的数值都视为减小.但不能为负数!
; Defaults for parameter values are given in parenthesis after the parameter description.
; 默认参数都会写在描述的后面,圆括号中.
; All parameters can be customised to suit indiviual tastes.
; 所有的参数都可以修改后进游戏体验
; Please consult the Readme for more information about these .ini settings.
; 请查看 Readme 文件,里面有更多关于.ini设置的信息.
; ====================================================================
; | Weather Selection : Specify which mods' weathers you wish to see |
; ====================================================================
; ====================================================================
; | 天气选择 : 指定你喜欢的哪个天气类型 |
; ====================================================================
; By default, All Natural uses every weather available to maximize diversity.
; 默认下, All Natural 启用了所有的天气类型来达到最大的多样性.
; You can use any combination you wish. You can even set all values below to 0 to use solely the vanilla weather types.
; 你可以适用任何你想要的组合,甚至可以设置下面的数值为 0 来单独地适用默认天气类型.
set ANVars.UseEW to 1 ;开启/关闭游戏中的 Enhanced Weather 天气类型. 使用 1/0 两个数值. (1)
set ANVars.UseNW to 1 ;开启/关闭游戏中的 Natural Weather 天气类型. 使用 1/0 两个数值. (1)
set ANVars.UseAWS to 1 ;开启/关闭游戏中的 Atmospheric Weather System 天气类型. 使用 1/0 两个数值. (1)
set ANVars.UseSIExtra to 1 ;开启/关闭战栗孤岛的天气支持,使用 1/0 两个数值. (1)
; =====================================================
; | Night Luminance : Configurable night light levels |
; =====================================================
; =====================================================
; | 夜晚亮度 : 夜晚亮度等级设置 |
; =====================================================
; The Luminance multiplier directly controls how dark nights are. A value of 1.00 is vanilla brightness.
; 亮度(Luminance)设置使用乘数控制.默认亮度为 1.00
; Every 0.10 subtraction reduces brightness by 10%. So 0.50 is 50% darker. 0.20 is 80% darker.
; 每减少 0.10 数值降低10%亮度.因此 0.50 是变暗50%,0.20是变暗80%
; The NormalizeLuminance setting controls how much blue tint nights have. In vanilla nights are strongly tinted blue.
; NormalizeLuminance 设置控制夜晚的蓝色调深浅. 默认设置下,夜晚蓝色调很浓.
; Values can be between 0.00 and 1.00, where 0.00 is vanilla, and 1.00 completely removes the vanilla blue tint at night.
; 数值可以从 0.00 到 1.00,0.00 时为游戏默认值,而1.00时移除游戏默认夜晚蓝色调
; Every 0.10 addition to the default vanilla value of 0.00 reduces the Blue tint by 10%.
; 每增加 0.10 数值,减少默认夜晚蓝色调程度的10%
; So 0.50 is 50% less blue tint at night, 0.20 is 80% less, and 0.00 is no blue tint at all.
; 因此 0.50 是减少50%的夜晚蓝色调,0.20是减少80%,而0.00则完全去掉蓝色调.
; If you like the vanilla blue tint and bright nights, do not change the settings.
; 如果你喜欢默认蓝色调而且希望夜晚明亮,不要修改这些设置.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | Example Values for | Vanilla | 50% Darker Nights | 50% Darker Nights | 80% Darker Nights | 80% Darker Nights |
; | Tamriel and SI | Values|With Blue Tint | No Blue Tint |With Blue Tint | No Blue Tint |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | Luminance |1.00 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.20 | 0.20 |
; | NormalizeLuminance |0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; For Tamriel (泰姆瑞尔设置)
; ==============
set ANVars.Luminance to 0.50 ; 夜晚亮度参数. (1.00)
set ANVars.NormalizeLuminance to 1.00 ; 默认夜晚蓝色调开关. (0.00)
; For the Shivering Isles (战栗孤岛设置)
; ==========================
set ANVars.SILuminance to 0.50 ; 夜晚亮度参数. (1.00)
set ANVars.SINormalizeLuminance to 1.00 ; 默认夜晚蓝色调开关. (0.00)
; ============================================================================
; | Moon Phase Night Luminance for Tamriel : Configurable night light levels |
; ============================================================================
; ============================================================================
; | 月相对于泰姆瑞尔的夜晚亮度影响 : 夜晚亮度等级 |
; ============================================================================
; Besides adjusting Luminance and NormalizeLuminance above, you can make it so the current phase of
; 除了上面的 Luminance 和 NormalizeLuminance 设置,你也可以让月相影响
; the moon affects night light levels. This feature is off by default. Increasing the MaxMoonPhaseMod
; 夜晚的亮度等级.这个特性默认是关闭的.从 0.25 开始,提高 MaxMoonPhaseMod 这个数值,
; from 0.25 to a higher value will make the moon phases have more impact on the brightness.
; 会让月相对于亮度的影响更为显著.
; 0.25 is a nice subtle impact so changing this value is not recommended unless you really know what you're doing.
; 0.25 是个非常合适的数值,因此除非你真的下了决定,不然建议不要修改该数值!
set ANVars.UseMoonPhaseModifier to 1 ; 开启/禁用月相对夜晚亮度的影响.使用 1/0 两个数值. (0)
set ANVars.MaxMoonPhaseMod to 0.25 ; 控制月相对夜晚亮度的影响力大小. (0.25)
; =================================================================
; | Weather Volatility : Adjusts the average duration of weathers |
; =================================================================
; =================================================================
; | 天气易变性 : 调整天气的平均持续时间 |
; =================================================================
; This changes the probability of how long weathers last for. The values are in hours, with the values below
; 该设置决定了天气的持续时间和改变的概率.数值以小时为单位,
; being the most likely length, and shorter and longer times having less chance. This lets you change the
; 数值的大小类似于时间的长短和几率的高低.由此你可以
; chances in favour of longer or shorter weathers. 9 hours is the default length of all weather types.
; 随心所欲地修改喜欢的天气更长或者更断.所有天气类型默认时长为9小时.
; There is a minimum length of 1 hour and a maximum length of 17 hours, so values of 1-17 are acceptable.
; 时间长度调整范围以 1 小时到 17 小时为限,1-17 的值都是可以的.
; So, for example if you don't like foggy weather, you could set "ANVars.FogLength to 1".
; 因此,比如你不喜欢雾天,你可以设置 "ANVars.FogLength to 1"
; If you really enjoy storms in Shivering Isles, you could set "ANVars.SIStormLength to 17".
; 如果你非常喜欢孤岛的雷雨天气,你可以设置 "ANVars.SIStormLength to 17".
; For Tamriel (泰姆瑞尔设置)
; ==============
set ANVars.ClearLength to 12 ; 晴朗天气平均持续时间. (9)
set ANVars.CloudyLength to 7 ; 多云天气平均持续时间. (9)
set ANVars.OvercastLength to 5 ; 阴天天气平均持续时间. (9)
set ANVars.FogLength to 3 ; 雾天天气平均持续时间. (9)
set ANVars.RainLength to 7 ; 雨天天气平均持续时间. (9)
set ANVars.StormLength to 7 ; 雷雨天气平均持续时间. (9)
set ANVars.SnowLength to 7 ; 雪天天气平均持续时间. (9)
; For the Shivering Isles (战栗孤岛设置)
; ==========================
set ANVars.SIClearLength to 12 ; Average duration of a clear weather. (9)
set ANVars.SICloudyLength to 7 ; Average duration of a cloudy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SIOvercastLength to 5 ; Average duration of a overcast weather. (9)
set ANVars.SIFogLength to 3 ; Average duration of a foggy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SIRainLength to 7 ; Average duration of a rainy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SIStormLength to 7 ; Average duration of a stormy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SIManiaLength to 7 ; Average duration of a Mania weather. (9)
; ===============================================================
; | Timescaled Clouds : Scales cloud speeds with your timescale |
; ===============================================================
; ===============================================================
; | 云朵时间比值 : 让云朵和你的时间比值一致 |
; ===============================================================
; If you use a custom slower timescale like 10 instead of vanilla's 30, clouds will move much too fast.
; 如果你修改了时间比值,比如 设置为 10 代替了默认的 30,云朵会移动速度太快.
; Set this to 1 if you use a slower timescale and don't like how fast the clouds move by default.
; 如果你使用了较低的时间比值而且不喜欢云朵的默认移动速度,可以将此项设置为 1 .
; This setting also lets clouds move super-fast when doing timelapse style videos using superfast timescales of 3000-6000 for example.
; 该设置同样会导致云朵移动速度超快,比如你使用了 3000-6000 的时间比值.
set ANVars.TCEnabled to 1 ;启用/禁用云朵的时间比值.可用数值 1/0. (0)
; ==========================================================================
; | Transition Times : Adjust how long weather transitions take in Tamriel |
; ==========================================================================
; ==========================================================================
; | 转变时间 : 调整泰姆瑞尔的天气转换时间 |
; ==========================================================================
; This changes the time taken to completely transition into a weather once a transition begins.
; 这个设置作用于天气类型转换的过渡时间
; It does not change how long weathers last for.
; 它并不影响天气的持续时间.
set ANVars.TTEnabled to 1 ; 启用/禁用转换时间过渡.可用数值 1/0. (0)
; A value of 1.00 is the default transition time. 0.50 is 50% slower transitions. 2.00 would be twice as fast.
; 默认转换时间数值为 1.00 ,0.50 为延长 50% 转变速度. 2.00 为2倍转换速度
; So if you think weathers transition too fast, lower the multiplier.
; 因此如果你觉得天气转换得太快了,降低这个参数.
set ANVars.ClearDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 晴朗天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.CloudyDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 多云天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.FogDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雾天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.OvercastDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 阴天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.RainDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雨天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SnowDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雪天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.StormDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雷雨天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SpecialDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 科瓦奇雷暴和湮灭门口天气转换时间. (1.00)
; ========================================================================================================
; | Transition Times - Shivering Isles : Adjust how long weather transitions take in the Shivering Isles |
; ========================================================================================================
; ========================================================================================================
; | 转变时间 - 战栗孤岛 : 调整战栗孤岛的天气转换时间 |
; ========================================================================================================
; This changes the time taken to completely transition into a weather once a transition begins.
; 这个设置作用于天气类型转换的过渡时间
; It does not change how long weathers last for.
; 它并不影响天气的持续时间.
set ANVars.TTSIEnabled to 1 ; 启用/禁用战栗孤岛天气转变过渡时间.可用数值 1/0. (0)
; A value of 1.00 is the default transition time. 0.50 is 50% slower transitions. 2.00 would be twice as fast.
; 默认转换时间数值为 1.00 ,0.50 为延长 50% 转变速度. 2.00 为2倍转换速度
; So if you think weathers transition too fast, lower the multiplier.
; 因此如果你想天气转换得更快些,降低这个参数.
set ANVars.SIClearDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 晴朗天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SICloudyDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 多云天气转换. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIFogDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雾天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIOvercastDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 阴天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIRainDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雨天天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIStormDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 雷雨天气转换时间. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIManiaDeltaMult to 0.33 ; 燥热天气转换时间. (1.00)
; =====================================================================
; | Fog Distances : Adjust the distance that fog occurs at in Tamriel |
; =====================================================================
; =====================================================================
; | 迷雾范围 : 调整泰姆瑞尔的迷雾距离 |
; =====================================================================
; Oblivion always has fog in the distance, which appears as a gray, hazy mist.
; 湮灭世界中超过一定距离总是会有迷雾,灰色,朦胧的薄雾.
; Most weathers set the fog distance to be far away so you can see quite a long ways.
; 大部分的天气设定了迷雾的距离很远,因此你可以看得很远.
; You can adjust the fog multipliers below to bring the fog closer or farther away.
; 你可以调整这个参数来让迷雾更近或者更远
; This feature is fully compatible with Streamline's StreamSight feature. However, this setting is static as
; 这个特性完全兼容Streamline's StreamSight特性.然而,该设置与SteamSight是相反的
; opposed to SteamSight, which adjusts the fog distance on the fly based on performance requirements.
; 它同样调整了迷雾的距离,但却是为了更好的游戏性能需要.
; Some users have opted to disable StreamSight and rely soley on modifying fog values below.
; 一些玩家必须选择禁用StreamSight,然后通过修改以下迷雾数值.
; If you have a very powerful computer and want to be able to see very far away, set all these multipliers to 2.00 (twice as far) or even 3.00.
; 如果你的机器性能强劲,而且想要看得远,可以把所有参数设置成 2.00 (双倍距离) 或者 甚至 3.00 .
; If you want to improve performance and lower the draw distance, set these values to 0.50 (50% closer) or even 0.20 to 0.40.
; 如果你想要提高性能,而且降低迷雾距离,可以把所有数值设置成 0.50 (靠近50%) 或者甚至 0.40 .
; The Redbag Fog Mod values changes the fog distances for each weather to be slightly closer to create a slightly smaller world feel.
; The Redbag Fog Mod 数值 修改了所有天气的迷雾距离为更近,让玩家感觉到整个世界变得更小了
; The Even Closer settings were created by alt3rn1ty to roughly match a UGridsDistantCount setting of 12 in Oblivion.ini.
; 更靠近的距离设置可以修改 Oblivion.ini 的 UGridsDistantCount = 12 .
; The Morrowind Wall of Fog settings bring the fog very close in like Morrowind. Some players feel very close fog makes the world feel bigger.
; The Morrowind Wall of Fog 设置会调整迷雾距离类似于晨风那么近.一些玩家也许会感觉世界变得更大了.
; Using a low value like 0.50 also will improve performance and mostly remove the need for LOD or VWD mods, further increasing performance.
; 使用更小的数值比如 0.50 因为基本上移除了 LOD 和 VWD 类的mod,而会提高游戏性能
; Setting clear, cloudy, and overcast to 0.50 works out to about the same thing as setting uGridsDistantCount to 18 in Oblivion.ini.
; 晴朗\阴天\多云设置为 0.50 和 Oblivion.ini 中的 uGridsDistantCount =18 一样.
set ANVars.FDEnabled to 1 ; 启用/禁用迷雾距离更改.可用数值 1/0 . (0)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | 迷雾数值设置举例 | 默认 | Closer Fog Like Redbag's Fog Mod | Even Closer | Closest Like Morrowind |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | ANVars.ClearFogDist | 1.00| 0.90 | 0.62 | 0.30 |
; | ANVars.CloudyFogDist | 1.00| 0.75 | 0.60 | 0.35 |
; | ANVars.FogFogDist | 1.00| 0.60 | 0.60 | 0.60 |
; | ANVars.OvercastFogDist | 1.00| 0.80 | 0.59 | 0.50 |
; | ANVars.RainFogDist | 1.00| 0.70 | 0.58 | 0.40 |
; | ANVars.SnowFogDist | 1.00| 0.60 | 0.54 | 0.40 |
; | ANVars.StormFogDist | 1.00| 0.65 | 0.57 | 0.35 |
; | ANVars.SpecialFogDist | 1.00| 0.70 | 0.60 | 0.35 |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ANVars.ClearFogDist to 0.90 ; 晴天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.CloudyFogDist to 0.75 ; 多云迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.FogFogDist to 0.60 ; 雾天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.OvercastFogDist to 0.80 ; 阴天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.RainFogDist to 0.70 ; 雨天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SnowFogDist to 0.60 ; 雪天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.StormFogDist to 0.65 ; 雷雨迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SpecialFogDist to 0.70 ; 湮灭门迷雾距离. (1.00)
; ===================================================================================================
; | Fog Distances - Shivering Isles : Adjust the distance that fog occurs at in the Shivering Isles |
; ===================================================================================================
; ===================================================================================================
; | F迷雾距离 - 战栗孤岛 :调整战栗孤岛的迷雾距离|
; ===================================================================================================
set ANVars.FDSIEnabled to 1 ; Enable/Disable Fog Distances for SI changes. Use a value of 1 or 0. (0)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | Example Values for SI Fog| Vanilla | Closer Fog Like Redbag's Fog Mod | Even Closer | Closest Like Morrowind |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | ANVars.SIClearFogDist | 1.00| 0.90 | 0.62 | 0.30 |
; | ANVars.SICloudyFogDist | 1.00| 0.75 | 0.60 | 0.35 |
; | ANVars.SIFogFogDist | 1.00| 0.60 | 0.60 | 0.60 |
; | ANVars.SIOvercastFogDist | 1.00| 0.80 | 0.59 | 0.50 |
; | ANVars.SIRainFogDist | 1.00| 0.70 | 0.58 | 0.40 |
; | ANVars.SIStormFogDist | 1.00| 0.65 | 0.57 | 0.35 |
; | ANVars.SIManiaFogDist | 1.00| 0.70 | 0.60 | 0.35 |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ANVars.SIClearFogDist to 0.90 ; 晴天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SICloudyFogDist to 0.75 ; 多云迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIFogFogDist to 0.60 ; 雾天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIOvercastFogDist to 0.80 ; 阴天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIRainFogDist to 0.70 ; 雨天迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIStormFogDist to 0.65 ; 雷雨迷雾距离. (1.00)
set ANVars.SIManiaFogDist to 0.70 ; 燥热天迷雾距离. (1.00)
; =======================================================================
; | Color Tints : Adjust the color of weather types' tinting in Tamriel |
; =======================================================================
; =======================================================================
; | 渲染色调 : 调整泰姆瑞尔的天气渲染色调|
; =======================================================================
; All Natural by default tries to make all weathers have more uniform colors to match vanilla weathers.
; All Natural 默认设置下会把所有天气类型的渲染尽量和默认天气类型匹配
; Past weather mods like Natural Weather have tinted their weathers to be more orange and red, to create a more soothing and warm appearance.
; 以前的天气MOD,比如Natural Weather会把它们的天气渲染得更加黄和红,让人感觉起来更温馨.
; If you wish to alter the colors, you can change the coloration of each weather type by adjusting the values below.
; 如果你要更改颜色,你可以修改下面所有天气类型的渲染颜色.
; Examples values are given to sort of match Natural Weather and also to decrease weather brightness for bad weather to make them more foreboding.
; 例值是匹配Natural Weather的色调,并降低不好的天气的色调为更阴暗.
; Also note you can increase (or decrease) the brightness of any weathers by uniformly increasing (decreasing) the RGB settings.
; 同样的你可以通过同时提高(或者降低)RGB设置来提高(或者降低)任何天气的亮度.
; For instance, if you want very bright clear weather but no color changes, adjust all three clear values to 2.00 (twice as bright).
; 举例,如果你想晴天的时候更加明亮但不更改色调,可以调整三个晴天的数值为 2.00(双倍明亮) .
set ANVars.CTEnabled to 1 ; 启用/禁用泰姆瑞尔天气色调.可用数值 1/0.
; -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | Variables range from 0.00 to 1.00. | | Description - Colors 101: || Default || Natural ||Rose ||More || Darker|| NW Yellow + || Rose Red |
; | 0.00 is no brightness at all. | |Red is pure red. Green is 50/50 ||Color|| Weather || Red ||Blue || Bad || Snow + Dark || + Snow + |
; | 1.00 is default brightness. | | Yellow and Blue. Blue is pure blue. || Values|| Yellow||Tint || Snowy W || Weather || Bad Weather || Dark B W |
; -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ANVars.ClearR to 1.00 ; Clear weather red multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
set ANVars.ClearG to 1.00 ; Clear weather green multiplier. 1.00 1.00 0.75 no change no change 1.00 0.75
set ANVars.ClearB to 1.00 ; Clear weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.50
set ANVars.CloudyR to 1.00 ; Cloudy weather red multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
set ANVars.CloudyG to 1.00 ; Cloudy weather green multiplier. 1.00 1.00 0.75 no change no change 1.00 0.75
set ANVars.CloudyB to 1.00 ; Cloudy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.50
set ANVars.FogR to 1.00 ; Foggy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.80
set ANVars.FogG to 1.00 ; Foggy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change no change 0.80 0.80 0.80
set ANVars.FogB to 1.00 ; Foggy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.80
set ANVars.OvercastR to 1.00 ; Overcast weather red multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75
set ANVars.OvercastG to 1.00 ; Overcast weather green multiplier. 1.00 1.00 0.85 no change 0.75 0.75 0.65
set ANVars.OvercastB to 1.00 ; Overcast weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.70 0.70 0.75 0.60 0.55
set ANVars.RainR to 1.00 ; Rainy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
set ANVars.RainG to 1.00 ; Rainy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change no change 0.50 0.50 0.50
set ANVars.RainB to 1.00 ; Rainy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
set ANVars.SnowR to 1.00 ; Snowy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.85 0.85 0.85
set ANVars.SnowG to 1.00 ; Snowy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change 0.85 no change 0.85 0.85
set ANVars.SnowB to 1.00 ; Snowy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
set ANVars.StormR to 1.00 ; Stormy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.30
set ANVars.StormG to 1.00 ; Stormy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change no change 0.30 0.30 0.30
set ANVars.StormB to 1.00 ; Stormy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.30
; =======================================================================================
; | Color Tints : Adjust the color of sunlight for each weather type in Shivering Isles |
; =======================================================================================
set ANVars.CTSIEnabled to 1 ; 启用/禁用孤岛天气色调.可用数值 1/0. (0)
; -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | Variables range from 0.00 to 1.00. | | Description - Colors 101: || Default || Natural ||Rose || Darker|| NW Yellow + || Rose Red |
; | 0.00 is no brightness at all. | |Red is pure red. Green is 50/50 ||Color|| Weather || Red || Bad || Darker Bad|| + Snow + |
; | 1.00 is default brightness. | | Yellow and Blue. Blue is pure blue. || Values|| Yellow||Tint || Weather || Weather || Dark B W |
; -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ANVars.SIClearR to 1.00 ; Clear weather red multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
set ANVars.SIClearG to 1.00 ; Clear weather green multiplier. 1.00 1.00 0.75 no change 1.00 0.75
set ANVars.SIClearB to 1.00 ; Clear weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.50
set ANVars.SICloudyR to 1.00 ; Cloudy weather red multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
set ANVars.SICloudyG to 1.00 ; Cloudy weather green multiplier. 1.00 1.00 0.75 no change 1.00 0.75
set ANVars.SICloudyB to 1.00 ; Cloudy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.55 0.50 0.55 0.50
set ANVars.SIFogR to 1.00 ; Foggy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.80
set ANVars.SIFogG to 1.00 ; Foggy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change 0.80 0.80 0.80
set ANVars.SIFogB to 1.00 ; Foggy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.80
set ANVars.SIOvercastR to 1.00 ; Overcast weather red multiplier. 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75
set ANVars.SIOvercastG to 1.00 ; Overcast weather green multiplier. 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.75 0.65
set ANVars.SIOvercastB to 1.00 ; Overcast weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.70 0.70 0.75 0.60 0.55
set ANVars.SIRainR to 1.00 ; Rainy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
set ANVars.SIRainG to 1.00 ; Rainy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change 0.50 0.50 0.50
set ANVars.SIRainB to 1.00 ; Rainy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
set ANVars.SIStormR to 1.00 ; Stormy weather red multiplier. 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.30
set ANVars.SIStormG to 1.00 ; Stormy weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change 0.30 0.30 0.30
set ANVars.SIStormB to 1.00 ; Stormy weather blue multiplier. 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.30
set ANVars.SIManiaR to 1.00 ; Mania weather red multiplier. 1.00
set ANVars.SIManiaG to 1.00 ; Mania weather green multiplier. 1.00 no change no change no change no change no change
set ANVars.SIManiaB to 1.00 ; Mania weather blue multiplier. 1.00
Storms & Sound里面的雨声之类的声音效果会比AS Rain and Thunder Sounds好哦:)
037 - ==Sound==
++ 038 - Oblivion_Stereo_Sound_Overhaul_v0.9-5861-BAIN.7z (F9CD7730) (Installed)
-- 039 - Ambient_Town_Sounds_Edited_v1.0-14344-BAIN.7z (90E59F90) (Not Installed)
-- 040 - Ambient_Sound_FX_3-0-29676-3-0.zip (E0ABBEFA) (Not Installed)
-- 041 - More_Immersive_Sound_Edited_v10-19038.7z (ECEEFF64) (Not Installed)
++ 042 - Atmospheric Oblivion.7z (B89C695F) (Installed)
++ 043 - Atmospheric Oblivion - MMM Patch.rar (2433D766) (Installed)
++ 044 - Atmospheric Oblivion - OOO Patch.zip (32086EAE) (Installed)
++ 045 - AS_Rain_and_Thunder_Sounds_V1.7z (DF3DBAB0) (Installed)
++ 046 - Storms_and_Sound_v3.0-8711-BAIN.7z (2E39AFAA) (Installed)
++ 047 - Symphony of Violence 0_5.rar (78B5C41F) (Installed)
++ 048 - SoC_Full_Version_-39804-1-1.7z (9E896039) (Installed)
++ 049 - Knights_of_the_Nine_Add-On-39804-1-0.zip (06AC7D6C) (Installed)
++ 050 - Mehrunes_Razor_Add-On-39804-1-0.zip (D42E04F8) (Installed)
++ 051 - Thieves_Den_Add-On-39804-1-0.zip (78374B85) (Installed) Storms & Sound里面的雨声之类的声音效果会比AS Rain and Thunder Sounds好哦
037 - ==Sound==
++ 038 - ...
bluesky404 发表于 2011-8-20 07:41 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
{:3_193:}我挑大的选,AS Rain and Thunder Sounds有些比Storms & Sound还大的我留着,小的就覆盖掉 MJ蜀黍{:3_190:}
收藏 此乃资源帖,彩虹好漂亮哦。。 这个AN+9_窗户&烟囱-Animated_Window_Lighting_System_CIns_5.5.4.omod可以单独用吧?,我只装了AN的real light组件,夜晚太暗了,想让窗户透点光出来 本帖最后由 mjxy 于 2011-8-20 13:30 编辑
这个AN+9_窗户&烟囱-Animated_Window_Lighting_System_CIns_5.5.4.omod可以单独用吧?,我只装了AN的real l ...
adong2004 发表于 2011-8-20 11:48 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
嗯,可以,但如果你还要安装其它MOD,特别是某些涉及建筑材质的,这个最好放在最后,或者最后覆盖一次 收下了,好好研究.研究. 回复 10# mjxy
了解了,谢谢:D 附加了ALL Natural.ini中英文对照(非默认值)版,自己顶一次,过期不候 感谢楼主,一直想安,无奈各种晕,这下好了,顶楼主~! 好东东啊,装上之后画面不一样了,我要去拍照了,感谢感谢 来晚了,不过还是要支持! 膜拜,可以下的样子。。。。。。。。{:3_123:} {:3_166:}冒着挖坟的风险,我还是觉得顶了这贴... 3QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
这么好的东西没人顶? 很好的东西,每次看都有收获啊