问大家个小白的问题,OOO怎么安装,是解压后复制到DATA里吗,我把000压缩包解压后直接扔DATA文件夹里了,然后用OBMM选择后无效化,倒是能进人游戏,请问是这么安装吗 你下载的那个文件的文件名是叫什么? T网下载的3个文件,从1.32到1.34版本的3个压缩包 貌似错了Downloads:
There are two different downloads available: the Upgrade package is available as a 68Mb OMOD-ready archive or a 78Mb standalone EXE installer, and the Complete package is available as a 403Mb OMOD-ready archive or a 408Mb standalone EXE installer.
Now there's also a 1.33 Patch that just includes the updated plugins. You must already have a complete install of 1.32.Final before adding the 1.33 patch!
* 1.33 Complete and Patch
* 1.33 Patch and 1.32 Final Upgrade from TESNexus
到PlanerElderScrolls下载1.33完整版(133_complete.7z或者133_Complete_Setup.exe),再下载1.34 Patch OOO 132 Final Upgrade OMOD ready 7zip
OOO 133 OMOD ready Patch OOO 134 Beta 5 Patch 谢谢啦,我重新下载新的格式EXE的看看 EXE是点击安装的,请大家告诉我安装路径好吗,是游戏文件夹里的DATA吗,麻烦大家啦 当然是Data
vista使用exe要安装两遍 这样啊,谢谢:)