Vanilla Weapon Stat Override 1.00
本帖最后由 bluesky404 于 2011-8-14 14:46 编辑作者:BFG
Vanilla Weapon Stat Override
This mod was requested by several players who prefer vanilla Oblivion weapon stats but also like to use mods that alter those stats. In particular, MOBS (Medieval Oblivion Balancing System), OMOBS (Oscuro's MOBS), TIE (Tamriel Immersion Experience), and OOO/FCOM incorporate vast changes to how weapons behave in Oblivion.
This mod also allows you to take advantage of the latest weapon fixes, because it also incorporates all Unofficial Oblivion/Shivering Isles Patch, UOP/USI Supplemental, and WEPON (Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts) weapon corrections.
How to Use:
[*]The mod comes in two versions: a regular Oblivion version, and an Oblivion+SI version. You only need to load ONE of the mods.[*]Do NOT clean this mod with TES4Edit! Doing so would remove all of the vanilla weapon records from this mod, and defeat the point.[*]Just load this mod after any others in your modlist that make changes to vanilla Oblivion weapon stats, to return your game's weapons to their original states.[*]If you use a Bashed Patch (Wrye Bash), make sure this also loads after it.[*]This mod ONLY will affect weapons that appear in vanilla Oblivion or Shivering Isles. So, if you use FCOM, OOO, or other major mods that add new weapons to the game, keep in mind that those new weapons will not be affected by this mod.
Frans/OOO/FCOM使用者安装Duke Patrick's Combat Archery/Melee都会遇到一件麻烦事
Frans集成了MOBS,OOO/FCOM集成了OMOBS,它们都修改了武器的属性,而Duke Patricks内置的武器属性修改系统都是建立在原版属性的
如果你装了上面或者类似的mod,却因为某些原因(准备装Duke Patrick Melee/Archery或者Phitts Phighting Phixes或者Kuertee Attritbute damage)想去除该武器平衡系统,才选择此mod
我本以为可以添加Stats标签,然后放在Bashed Patch前面再选择Import Stats,但听说Bash会跳过与Oblivion.esm相同的数据。所以,排序一定要放在Bashed Patch后面。
一共两个插件,不要被它的名字骗了,SI那个是原版与SI的整合,所以如果你想要原版与SI的属性,只要选择Vanilla Weapon Stat Override - SI.esp而不是两个都选
如果没记错的话,BFG是MOBS/OMOBS系统的制作者,所以这东西放心用 你就不考虑换个墙内博客吗? 回复 2# alex30001
我最近没法更新 前排支持,没装ooo 如果有mod可以把OOO的Combat Behaviour去掉。。。{:3_190:}