发布新地图57-Alpine Valley-带雪景
本帖最后由 hcwty289 于 2011-10-13 20:46 编辑Welcome to Alpine Valley
Size: Large
Type: Fictional
Starting years: 1985
Mods required: Snow mod from Blais (Currently not available)
Alpine Valley, with its many smaller settlements, is hosting the 1988 Winter Olympic Games. Can you sort the traffic problem before the games start?
How to install and play
Unzip the contents to your
Documents\Cities in Motion\maps
Start a new sandbox game, set desired difficulty, leave the starting year at 1985, pick your logo and name, play.
Additional information
As usual I was looking for a fresh thing to do, this time I went as far as to create a mod for a map. The idea here was winter and Alps, which wasn't really possible, so I had to mod it. A lot of work went into both projects, hopefully it will be fun to play. More about the whole process probably in a blog entry, soon.
沙发,好东西要分享 好图啊~~谢谢 有好东西!看看 耍一下,看着不错 好东西·~下下来玩玩.... 又见新图。下来看看如何 回复 1# hcwty289
OKOKOK 好图,下来看看,不过雪景有点假 看着不一样哈 耍耍看 阿尔卑斯山?好东西啊! 谢谢楼主谢谢分享 多谢分享 又没得全景图 mhmhklgfhfvbfhbthrhr ............................... 多谢分享
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 希望不是太塞车的类型 看上去很有感觉 改了贴图? 下来看看 谢谢分享思密达 好漂亮的图。。。 好东西,顶一下 好东西~谢谢楼主分享~ 支持了!!!!! 支持下!! 支持啊! 有雪景??第一次见 谢谢分享,我先下了。 很不错,支持