在线等 急啊 治疗吸血鬼病的那个女巫让我等24小时给我药,结果人不见了。求解
RT 女巫人没影了怎么办 都等好些天了 {:3_94:}谁让你变吸血鬼的 直接去深谷洞,在一个池子旁边拿净血岩,在到池子里面用一下就变回来了 去深谷洞,在一个池子旁边拿净血岩 自定义种族变吸血鬼,后果自负,尤其是变回来的时候,哇哈哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~{:3_143:} 其实他在地下室,我都等好几天了,都不出来,一瓶药能给她憋死 转自UESP:If you give Melisande the last ingredient and the order to brew the potion at 11 p.m., she will never return from the basement so you can’t get the potion from her. To solve this problem either load a previous savegame and talk to her at a different time, or type the following commands into the console and wait 24 hours:
set MS40.currentday to GameDay
set MS40.currenthour to GameHour
set MS40.cureready to 3
This bug was silently patched in the master file Oblivion.esm installed by Shivering Isles, so should no longer occur if Shivering Isles is installed.
PC Only This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. 回复 6# 特坦
在11pm给她材料的话她会一直不出地下室。按UESP的说法是安了战栗孤岛就解决这个bug了 按UESP的话说,装上战栗孤岛,或者输入:
set MS40.currentday to GameDay
set MS40.currenthour to GameHour
set MS40.cureready to 3
之后等24小时 樓主都應該裝年度版.......... 回复 9# iExist