发布新地图56-Land of Blue Hills
本帖最后由 hcwty289 于 2011-11-22 07:38 编辑[*]I represent you a card LAND of BLUE HILLS. A card in the size 1024х1024, completely invented, an exception: some Crimean names from - for the appeal are taken. As always the card consists of several cities and small settlements. It is necessary for you to connect транпортным the message of the city of Primorsk and Solnechnogorsk and Priatnoe Svidanie appointment using the underground and bus service to Autostations. The city of Solnechnogorsk consists of two parts: the Top/old / city and Bottom, communication between two areas only by means of the underground as there is one narrow road which is hammered by transport buses and trams isn't recommended for using, earlier I didn't plan road, but it became a pity automobile owners. Small settlements: Mindalnoe, Naucny, Zdravnica, Kuchuk-Lambat should be connected bus Priatnoe Svidanie Pleasant appointment and further through underground to the vital objects/airports, stations/. Settlements Botanicheskoe, Aromatnoe, Ai-Danil, Lucistoe with the city of Solnechnogorsk, Other everything, including houses on Ocean parkway as you wish.[*]PS. Level of private transport establish as less as possible around 40-50 % as it was not possible to overcome a stopper
看看,效果好像不错 下来试试。不知道怎么样 下了收藏 谢谢lz分享 不错滴图哦·~ 看看好不好玩啊 从画面看倒不错。。下个进去逛几圈。 画面精美,值得借鉴 看看全貌先 谢谢分享 谢谢分享~~~ 新图要顶 这个图很棒 过瘾 谢谢了 看看在看看 支持,支持一下~ 感谢分享!!!!! 好图要分享' 看着八错,拿走玩玩 fdg饭咯饭咯分 从小地图看挺不错的,地形让我想起hk 感谢分享!!!!! 美图 下载看看 很支持,不错, 看起来不错 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 好东西,下载来看看,不知道好不好 好东西,下载来看看,不知道好不好 这图看起来还比较精细 我下了:lol 已经玩过了的表示支持:lol