liuc1602 发表于 2011-7-31 16:12

合集内含原创汉化 做了好久伸手党,今天一定要为论坛做点什么,来了,上古4动作向MOD大合集

本帖最后由 liuc1602 于 2011-7-31 16:35 编辑

1.大名鼎鼎的DR5 和ryutian前辈的汉化文件;
2.同样大名鼎鼎的UnnecessaryViolence RC1,小弟已将其傻瓜化并添加了个人原创汉化补丁。
3.真实化弓箭补丁 Combat Archery V5.5
4.UV 作者所推荐的PowerAttack Voice这个我个人没有测试
6.两个小型战斗MOD AFOV2和Sudden Violence
我个人是将DR5和UV结合使用,很大程度上提高了游戏的可玩性,已知 UV和lover系列有冲突,请谨慎,
关于现在这个UV的汉化不是很完美,如果有对汉化的建议或吐槽 ,欢迎跟帖,由于我马上大四,没有很多时间,请多多包含哈{:3_94:}

以下是下载地址,不设防 觉得好的朋友请顶一下让更多的人能够看到,谢谢

jkjr 发表于 2011-7-31 16:27


alex30001 发表于 2011-7-31 16:29


liuc1602 发表于 2011-7-31 16:31

回复 3# alex30001


卖肉片 发表于 2011-7-31 16:34


sesezhen 发表于 2011-7-31 16:55


kyo263 发表于 2011-7-31 17:30


jung123 发表于 2011-7-31 19:50


icesleep 发表于 2011-7-31 20:59


a76985988 发表于 2011-7-31 21:48

DR5砍头要高触发补丁 搜素下

a4366 发表于 2011-7-31 22:17


bluesky404 发表于 2011-8-1 00:47

为什么没有Duke Patrick's Melee Combat No Recoil
惯性与重力?作者已经撤档的,最好别用,已整合在Melee Combat中~~

liuc1602 发表于 2011-8-1 05:41

回复 13# bluesky404


liuc1602 发表于 2011-8-1 13:23

回复 13# bluesky404


bluesky404 发表于 2011-8-1 14:50

What you need to do to stay alive as a beginner!
If you are a low level, 1 to 10 you must get a large shield and a long sword. As you get better in your block and blade skills you can then better use different
weapons like a short sword or 2 handed axe or what ever.

Hold your shield up (do not parry unless you are very strong) keep your distance away from your opponent and do not let them get in close.

Wait for them to fire a
blow then step back and fire at the same time.

If they shield wall (do not drop their guard ) then THAT is when you try feinting. First feint to practice is rising snap. Aim at the feet, start your attack, then
at the last moment raise the attack to the head. This way they see your shooting for the legs and drop their shield down just in time for you to hit their head.

If you are a low skill in blade and they are high in block feints will not work very much,

in that case you need to circle around them as you fire you shots to hit
them in the side or their back just as the long sword lands.

Another trick for beginners is to back up and keep firing at their legs. This gives a bonus to hit.

Put all your level ups on strength and Endurance and share
between Agility and Speed for the first 5 to 8 level ups, you must get stronger, real combatants were very strong no matter what size they were. Endurance often
decide who won as often as skill did!

If you are very low level with block and weapons skills in the 20s you are not good enough to go out into the world to fight. You need to get block and weapon
training. Try my Basic Melee Combat trainer mod on TesAlliance and go to the fighter guilds to get training. Once your block or blade skill is over 50 you will have
a change out in the wild to win.

Never expose your back! The only time I get whacked badly is when I get careless with what is behind me or I stand out in the open with archers! oh...yeah...if you
use my archery mod then never stand out in the open with archers! ALWAYS move from cover to cover and stop, crouch and hold up your shield when they fire at you to
prevent feet/leg shots.

When Melee fighting always keep moving! If you stand still head shots landing on you are much more likely.

Once you are strong (over 50) you should use parry (rather than block) even with a shield if you can with out wiping out your fatigue while parrying.
This will greatly reduce he damage and fatigue if your block skill is good.

If all else fails lower the damage scale and critical damage in the ini until you get the hang of it all.


可以安装Basic Melee Combat trainer,然后到fighter guilds训练,等技术够了再到外面混

liuc1602 发表于 2011-8-1 14:52


a1991325 发表于 2011-8-1 16:26

逍遥爱圣 发表于 2011-8-1 17:51

嗯 有此心就真的是好事。支持。

w7220080 发表于 2011-8-1 23:13


bing88868 发表于 2011-8-7 14:48


jasonnero 发表于 2011-8-8 13:28


小LOLI 发表于 2011-9-8 09:03


zjjlove666 发表于 2011-9-12 14:44

liamg95 发表于 2011-10-15 15:39

好东西啊 很棒lz加油

windzerosaber 发表于 2011-10-15 16:15


hero200009a 发表于 2011-10-16 01:01


nlnwznl 发表于 2011-10-27 23:34


nysnce 发表于 2011-7-31 21:33

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 合集内含原创汉化 做了好久伸手党,今天一定要为论坛做点什么,来了,上古4动作向MOD大合集