本帖最后由 hcwty289 于 2011-8-5 08:01 编辑I represent you a card of Tavrija. On a card 2 enough big cities are Kerch and Taman it Matrika, it Tmutarakan to whom somehow and 2 small towns are Feodosiya and Old Crimea plus some settlements along sea coast.
Your problem to connect two big cities with other cities and settlements. In Kerch and Tamani a transport principal view is the tram, but there is also an underground which connects also Feodosiya and Old Crimea. The earnest entreaty along sea coast to connect settlements only bus routes without underground attraction. Settlements Koktebel, Kurortnoe, Planersky, Ilichevo should be connected with Feodosiya. Sudak, a Novy Svet with Kerch and Stary Crimea, other, being in the north of a card with Kerch Old Crimea and Taman. Level of private transport establish from 60 to 70 % otherwise you the transport collapse waits
象征性的顶一下XD 不错不错不错 喜欢带水的地图 不错~最喜欢这样滴图了~~ 太棒了~谢谢楼主分享 谢谢楼主分享 这是个绿树青山的图吧 感谢楼主分享 好图,感谢楼主 谢谢分享 不錯的圖 回复 1# hcwty289
赞一个 创意啊,谢谢楼主分享 看起来不错,谢谢 看上去挺难规划的呀~ 好看,好看,这个图真好看,狂顶楼主 不错,收藏 好山好水好地圖
頂一個收藏 这地图看着挺新鲜,顶一个