已经升级到最新的iw4mp1-1.0.173 错误报告依旧弹出
这该死的错误报告烦死了 我发现 在出错误报告前 游戏里会出现一些贴图错误按照官方的方法做了一遍没屁用 真是越更新 越烂了
Game is crashing (has stopped working) or not starting
Please before you create new thread, try all those solutions.
[*]ReinstallMicrosoft .Net 3.5 Framework and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
get both from viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24
On Vista/7 you need to enable .Net Framework in Windows Features: http://gyazo.com/3c96238ae0c7320357eb38b4b49fc8a8.png
Note: Windows 7 does not require .Net Framework 3.5 setup.[*]Remove file caches.xml and start the game to update and verify game files.[*]Make sure game is located in Program Files folder, having it on Desktop can cause problems.
Run game as Administrator on Vista/7.[*]Some security software can cause crash:[*] Make sure your are using latest version of your Anti-Virus software.[*] Make sure you have up-to-date detection list.[*] Add iw4mp.exe and iw4mp.dat and steam_api.dll to Antivirus exception list.
Follow this guide: http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=62065[*] if you use ZoneAlarm or Comodo, follow viewtopic.php?f=30&t=20604[*] If your Anti-virus has GamingMode ( or Gaming profile), activate it (Kaspersky, BitDefender).[*] Note for Avast! users - viewtopic.php?f=30&t=48149
[*]Remove system hooks (yes it is safe):
Open regedit (Start -> Run "regedit")
Find this directory:
Code: Select allHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
Find key APPINIT_DLLS, and make it empty.
If you have 64-bit system, repeat it with this directory:
Code: Select allHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
Find key APPINIT_DLLS, and make it empty.
Use CCleaner to clean your registry.
Check this screenshot, if you do not understand.
Restart your computer.
[*]This may be caused by a faulty sound card configuration, especially if you changed from a PCI card to an onboard one.
Open regedit (Start -> Run "regedit")
Find this directory: Code: Select allHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32
Delete all duplicates for "aux" "midi" and "wave" keys, ie. their duplicates with numbers (aux1, aux2, etc.).
If you have 64-bit system, repeat it with this directory:
Code: Select allHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32
Restart your computer.
[*]Use SFC Scannow to Repair Protected Windows Files.
Make sure you have latest Service Pack for your Operating System.[*]If is your game still not working, please create new topic in Tech Support section with your profilling info: http://alteriw.net/viewtopic.php?p=78136 呃...英文无力...
话说最近真是错误报告老出现啊..以前极少的. 我也是呀,靠,FUCK,操 完美游戏,无任何问题 今天玩又出现错误了..求翻译. 怎么有更新了.......... 我也是呀,靠,FUCK,操