[Roguelike独立游戏]《地下城冒险》(Dungeons of Dredmor)完整硬盘版[128M] 更新3号升级补丁(v1.0.3)
本帖最后由 xXxSe7eNxXx 于 2011-7-20 16:06 编辑【版本说明】英文、完整无损
【游戏简介】gaslamp games制作发行的《Dungeons of Dredmor》是款Rogue like类游戏,游戏中玩家扮演一名冒险者,被国王所召唤前去证明你自己。为了荣耀,为了人民,你义无反顾地走进了充满危机的地下城,踏上了英雄之路。。。开始游戏前将有35个系别的技能供你选择其中7个来踏上征程,技能类型各种各样,有基本的剑专精,斧专精,锤专精等,也有富有特色的合成大师,铁匠专精等,保证让你选得眼花缭乱。。。游戏的战斗是回合制的,即你走一格或攻击一下都算过了一回合,但同样充满了策略。如果你对自己的近战格斗技巧没有信心,你也可以通过其他方法来杀死敌人。比如你可以用弩箭把怪物放风筝放死,也可以设置个陷阱引诱怪物踩上去,也可以拿起一个炸弹就扔过去,战斗方式非常多样化。
- Fixed: crash that occurred when moving up stairs or down stairs, involving summoned pets
- Fixed: shopkeepers doing odd things when picking up and dropping items after load/save, including crashing.
- Fixed: crash when using invalid missile sprites, which probably never happens, but oh well.
- Fixed: crash that just sort of happened randomly to a bunch of people, but it’s fixed now.
- Fixed: merchandise flag not cleared when you go downstairs
- Fixed: backwards conditional logic on ranged monster attacks means that monsters were not consistently casting spells; fixing this makes the Dungeon 95.2% nastier.
- Fixed: Current Active Skill crossing over between new games
- Fixed: small sconce appearing where a small sconce should not appear in the bath level
- Fixed: knightly leap now operates in all correct chess positions.
- Fixed: shops spilling out of their rooms.
- Fixed: broken berserk description.
- Fixed: negative resistances meant that a monster would always damage you for that amount
- Fixed: ranged weapon resistances were operating using percentages, not flat values
- Fixed: perception skill should not promise that you can see through walls when, in fact, it will not let you see through walls.
- Fixed: doors with wrong orientation connecting rooms.
- Fixed: Anvils of Krong spawning in hallways for no good reason
- Fixed: crash when killing Brax and then going back to loot the store.
- Fixed: auto-fill eats items if you have multiples.
- Fixed: BBQs/minifridges now maintain state across saved games.
- Fixed: Staff of fruit stops producing fruit after you use it on an Anvil of Krong.
- Fixed: contents of Monster Zoo are still visible even after closing a door.
- Fixed: Dread Collectors (and probably some other stuff) spawning in walls.
- Tweaked values of Berserk skill.
- Tweaked “Duck and Cover” armour values.
- Tweaked Perception to be more useful.
- Nerfed “Obvious Fireball.” Obviously.
- Reduced Dread Collector Spawn Rate a notch.
- Ammo recovery rates for thrown weaponry and crossbow bolts now much higher.
- A lot more filthy, awful tweaking.
- Permadeath now deletes your save game files on your death, as opposed to when you load the game.
- Added, and clarified, the warning text on the “Just Quit” button.
- Added toggle that reverses behaviour of CLICK and SHIFT-CLICK on items.
- Added the Auto-Looter 9000, by BraxCo.
- Added yet more warning text to the “Just Quit” button.
- Added automatic save support; the game will now automatically save before going up and down stairs. (Note: your autosave will be deleted if you die in the case of permadeath; the auto-save is also only accessible if Crash Recovery Mode
is active.)
- Added support for total music disabling (via Steam parameter “-nomusic”.)
- Added fifty-three new achievements.
- Added some new crafting stuff.
- Added steak grilling.
- Added interface for key configuration.
- Added a Quick Sell interface for rapidly selling your loot to Brax.
- Added a credit for freesound.org (Thanks!)
- Rewrote the save game format so we can add items without breaking everything. (Oops.) (This may also break current save games, although we tried our hardest to make sure this isn’t the case.)
- Steam Overlay now works; run the game with “-opengl” as a parameter in the Steam Advanced settings to try this. (This is experimental.)
- WASD can now open doors and attack monsters. This is a toggleable behaviour.
- Smooth scaling is now saved between playthroughs.
- Added an XML based, human-readable configuration file to hold all the new options.
- Fun with Aqua Vitae.
这么快就出来了顶你顶你 真诚的希望汉化组汉化。可以慢等,坐等你们汉化。
我们是3大妈的忠实粉。 可惜没有汉化啊
我们这些英语不好的人伤不起啊 这速度,真快··· 太快了,太给力了,非顶不可啊~ 坐等汉化啊!!! 這太給力啦,昨天才看到,今天就有下載了~ 英文苦手,先下吧~~~~~~~~~ 有爱,坐等汉化 这个游戏 看着不错 不知道玩起来怎么样 试下先
感谢分享 看着不错啊 游戏看起来很有战略性! 妖怪的造型和我口味,呵呵 这个很不错啊 看起来和同类游戏比没那么复杂啦 有点英雄无敌感觉啊 刚玩了一下被大怪砍死了,可惜没汉化啊~ 看着不错! 非常感謝樓主分享 求技能汉化下午玩啦玩很好玩 看起来很有意思 求汉化啊,乐神!!! 前天才看到demo,未破解的,今天就露相了,太迅速了 画面算不错啊,物品系统和自由度如何呢?
先感谢分享 速度真给力。。。。。 1条命杀到底,充满了随机性。。。 又是一款好作品
- Fixed: the random crashing bug when fading out audio.
- Fixed: save games getting corrupted when using shield bearer skills
- Fixed: save games getting corrupted when deleting quests
- Fixed: infinite XP trap exploit
- Fixed: infinite gold trap exploit
- Upgraded the soundtrack to the latest mastered version
本帖最后由 kali0714 于 2011-7-16 10:00 编辑
不错不错,支持支持 感谢楼主补丁!!!