Wrye Bash 293 Released
本帖最后由 bluesky404 于 2011-6-28 16:01 编辑You can download on TesNexus.
=== 293 [rev 1280][*]Bashed Patch:[*]Bugs fixed (CBash):[*]Filter mods that were incorrectly being treated as not mergeable are mergeable once again.[*]Bug with the NPC AI Packages patcher fixed (incorrectly detecting if OOO and the UOP were installed).[*]Bash will now propery report mergeable mods that have active non-mergeable dependant mods as not mergeable.[*]Hack added to make sure that OOO.esp is reported as non-mergeable.[*]Fix for mergeability detection for corrupted/unrecognized format mods (presume non-mergeable and warn if in debug mode but don't fail - which could prevent rebuilding of patch in CBash mode).[*]NPC Face data should properly be merged, vice overridden.[*]Fixed merging of QUST records from Filter mods.[*]Tweak Assorted: Default Icons updated to skip records that should not have icons (stageless quests, non-playable clothing, armor, and items).[*]Added ability to import Bashed Patch config from CBash to Python and Python to CBash.[*]Added the ability to build a Python Bashed Patch when CBash is active. This now requires that a Python based 'Mark Mergeable' automatically be executed before rebuilding.[*]No more renaming CBash.dll![*]'Revert to Saved' option, to restore the settings last used to build the Bashed Patch.[*]Bugs fixed (General):[*]Fixed multiple issues dealing with '&' (ampersand) in filenames.[*]BOSS's dirty edit CRC's will be properly read from the masterlist now.[*]Updated format of forum-postable text copied to clipboard (e.g. "List mods" output) so that the title appears ouside of the spoiler tag as requested by speedyg869 here[*]Fixed the launching of OBSE when a Steam install is detected.[*]Updated NSIS installer.[*]Unicode Mode:[*]Bugs fixed:[*]debug printing failing of an error in reading a mod failing with some unicode mods.[*]Rename Player[*]Rename Save items (including Enchanted, Potions, Spells)[*]Startup:[*]refactored cmdline opt getting[*]added/changed cmdline options:[*]-d/--debug: no longer automatically disables Psyco import.[*]--no-psyco: disable Psyco import.[*]-C/--Cbash-mode: force cbash mode (requires CBash.dll to be named one of Rename_CBash.dll, CBash.dll or _CBash.dll).[*]-P/--Python-mode: force python mode (whether or not CBash.dll exists).[*]-U/--Unicode: equivalent to setting bEnableUnicode to True in bash.ini (but the cmdline options overide the ini when specified).[*]-A/--Ansi: equivalent to setting bEnableUnicode to False in bash.ini (but the cmdline options overide the ini when specified).[*]-i/--include-changed-images: includes changed images in mopy/images in backup/restore (if present in backup file) operation.[*]-I/--include-all-images: include all images in mopy/images in backup/restore (if present in backup file) operation.[*]Preliminary support for BOSS 1.8
Lojack, on June 28th,01:24AM
The main purpose of this release is to get the fixes that were made so far with CBash out, as well as dealing with the issue of forcing CBash on by default. In case you didn't catch it, you can build both a Python-mode and a CBash-mode patch now, without closing Wrye Bash or renaming any dll's.
Wrye Python已更新到04a,之前装过03a或者04的要安装04a前建议先完全卸载旧版再安装
建议不要再使用04了,因为内建的unicode版本python会导致wrye bash老是弹出unicode错误
Wrye Bash一直是建立在python的,但是python存在缺陷,导致运行速度慢+读取内容有限
CBash is basically an elder scrolls master (.esm) and elder scrolls plugin (.esp) file parser. It is written in C, and executes much faster on most systems than the current python code. CBash parses more types of records than the python code does, since parsing those records in python would be prohibitively slow. The practical benefits of using CBash are:
1) building the bashed patch is much faster (for most people -- if it is slower on your system please post your system specs, operating system version, etc.)
2) more plugins are mergeable, giving you the ability to cram more goodness into Oblivion
3) in the future, more interesting kinds of tweaks will be practical to implement
There are some technical differences from the python-based parser in how it makes the parsed data available, and this is why there are currently a few bugs. There's nothing wrong with CBash, per se, it's just that the merging and importing logic in python needs to be rethought in order to use the CBash framework.
1、CBash下rebuild patch,把bashed patch,.esp复制粘贴,改名为bp.cbash.esp
2、python下rebuild patch,用上面的方法,这次改名为bp.python.esp
<< 这下在Bash中查看两个bashed patch的都是是粉红的,记住:一次游戏不能加载两个bashed patch!!
3、打开TES4Edit,右键,deselect all,然后选择bp.cbash.esp,单击ok
5、右击bp.cbash.esp,选择compare to,对话框中选择bp.python.esp
7、随意选择一个bp,右键,选择apply filter
Conflict status inherited by parent,by conflict status overall以及他下面的所有选项(Multiple but no conflict除外),即
Single Record
Benign Conflict
Override without conflict
Critical Conflcit
10、右键,选择Hide no conflict rows只显示冲突的内容
(或许这个问题已经修复了,我有段时间没关注Bash了:)) 本帖最后由 bluesky404 于 2011-6-28 15:56 编辑
Development: The project is hosted at SourceForge. Want a feature? Request it here! Found a bug? Report it here! Want to be in the know for bleeding-edge code? Subscribe to the list here! Feeling brave? SVN versions are not guaranteed to be release quality, but if you know what you're doing and still want to help us test new features and track down bugs, download the latest SVN here! You don't need a SourceForge account -- you can always contribute anonymously (but put your name in the comments section if you want credit : ).
293是SVN 1280 293版本的出来了啊 看不懂,先占个位置 好久没更新了,直接下这个 WB早就已经不可或缺了,持续追更 看不明白是什么 what is it? {:3_175:}Thank you providing this information http://i.imgur.com/XvIej.gif
小梦冰看来是有志于本科阶段突破CET - 8 啊 291版的CBASH与Elzee兄的 设定主角声音mod会有冲突 所以一直没CB过·· 看样子293改进不少? 回头有空试试两者会否继续冲突··
支持了·· WB达人 {:3_146:}厄=。=不用WP了?~~~ 莫非前一阵子发现单独装FCOM和UOP,结果AI包有时候还低能就是这玩意的原因? 回复 14# jay0246
用Wrye Bash的list mods给个排序看看。。。 不公平啊~我传400M东西才给4贡献,啊啊啊啊.欺负人家英语不好吗!!!:'(:'(:'(