老滚4脚本教程进阶篇 - OBSE 功能解说
本帖最后由 eternalaimer 于 2011-6-28 07:40 编辑本教程译自OBSE使用说明,加入了我自己的一些理解,适用于有志于上古mod制作(非美工类)的童鞋使用
······好吧,我坦白,本帖其实是OBSE的使用说明中文版 ^ ^ 本帖最后由 eternalaimer 于 2011-6-29 23:54 编辑
PS:如果有特殊原因,例如网路原因mod界登陆不能,可以站内短信pm我,获取原始文档 本帖最后由 eternalaimer 于 2011-6-28 07:48 编辑
三.'let'表达式和 ':=' 运算符
let语句是OBSE扩展的赋值语句,用来代替原版的"Set"命令.由于数组变量涉及的赋值计算均需用此语句,而赋值运算式,则由原版的 “set A to B ”变为"let A := B",具体的区别会在以后的表达式部分讲到,在此只需要理解本章里,let A := B 就是将B的值赋予A的意思即可
例如 let A := ar_SortAlpha B ,由以上我们可以知道ar_SortAlpha函数的返回值为一个数组,这个数组是把B按照函数规定的方法重新排列后形成的一个新数组B',而B'即为等号右边语句的返回值,而整个语句是将等号右边的值赋予等号左边的A,所以本句的运行之后的结果就是将B'这个数组赋予变量A
Array_var a
let a := av_Construct Array
let a : = 123
let a : = "wo ai guodegang"
let a : = av_Construct Array
以上语句中,我们定义的 a 就是一个数组变量, 它所指向的存储于内容空间中的数据就是数组,a是这个数组中的一个元素,括号中的0就是这个数组元素的元素名称.
ArrayVariables 数组变量OBSE v0017 introducesthe array_var datatype for storing a collection of values within a singlevariable. An array_var is a set of data elements each identified by a uniquekey. A key can be a number or a string, and the value associated with the key canbe a string, number, game object, or another array. An element's value can beaccessed using bracket notation, e.g.array. In thisdocumentation, "key" refers to the element's key, and"value" refers to the data associated with that key.OBSE 0017以后的版本提供了数组变量的控制,可以将一系列值存储于一个单独的变量中。定义类型为“array_var”,数组中的每个元素都需要用一个中括号括起来的元素名称来引用,元素名称可以是字符串或者数字。和这个元素名称相关联的数据可以是字符串、数字、游戏内物体甚至是其他的数组。形式如array.All elements withinan array must have the same type of key - all strings or all numeric. However,an array can contain any mix of types for its values. Elements are sorted bykey, in ascending order either alphabetically or numerically depending on thekey type.同一数组的所有元素的元素名称必须是同一类型,全为数字或者全为字符串。但是数组的值可以是不同的类型。元素是按照【元素名称】(即中括号里的内容)来归类排序,按照数字或者字母的升序排列。即array排在array之前,array排在array之前。
OBSE's array_var typeactually represents three different kinds of associative containers:OBSE的数组可以归类为三种不同的数据集合
1. Array型数组An Array behaves like arrays in mostprogramming languages: the key is an unsigned integer starting at zero, andthere are no gaps between elements. (In other words, if an element exists atindexes 1 and 3 then an element necessarily exists at 0 and 2). Attempting toaccess an element using a key which is greater than the highest key in thearray results in an error. The only exception to this rule is duringassignment: it is okay to assign a value to the key which is one greater thanthe highest key in the array.Array型数组和其他编程语言一样,元素名称只能为非负整数,排序从0开始,元素不可以跳数命名(若无array,不可使用array),调用超过容量的数组元素会造成溢出错误(如定义了array~array,若调用array则出错)。例外情况:可以赋值给最大的元素名称+1的元素名称,例如定义了array~array,最多可以赋值给array,但不能调用。
2. Map型数组A Map associates numeric keys with values.Unlike an Array, a Map allows negative and floating point numbers to be used askeys and allows gaps to exist between elements.与Array型数组用法类似,Map型数组和Array型数组的区别是可以使用浮点数作为元素名称,并且允许中间有跳数
3. StringMap型数组Like a Map, except the keys are strings. Keysare case-insensitive, so array and array both refer to the same value. There is no practical limiton the length of the strings used as keys. StringMaps can be used to simulateC-style structs by associating named properties with data values.与Map型数组类似,区别在于元素名称为字符串,并且不分大小写,例如array和array指向同一个值。可以类似C语言的struct功能,实现数据值的属性模块化。
An array_var must beinitialized before it can be used in expressions, either by explicitlyinitializing it using
ar_Construct, assigning the valueof another array_var to it, or assigning it the return value of a commandreturning an array such as
GetItems. Most array operations should be performed withinOBSE expressions such as
or Eval
statements. Arrayelements cannot be passed directly to most commands as arguments. Assigning onearray to another as in
Let array_1 := array_2
causes both array_1 and array_2 to refer tothe same array, asillustrated below:array_var(数组的定义类型)在使用前必须进行初始化操作。初始化可以使用ar_Construct函数来进行明确定义,也可以通过赋其他数组的值,亦可以作为函数指令的返回值(例如 GetItem函数)。大部分的数组操作需要使用OBSE的表达式 Let 或者Eval 来进行赋值声明。大部分函数指令的参数不能直接调用数组的元素。使用诸如 Letarray_1 := array_2这种表达式会导致array_1 和array_2指向同一个数组,修改其中一个会导致两个数组均改变。如下所示
array_var a
array_var b
let a := ar_Construct Array
let a := "First elem" ;给数组元素a赋值为” First elem”
let b := a
; 使b数组指向a数组相同的数组
let b := "Secondelem"
; 数组a(b)现在均拥有2个元素,即a=b,a=b OBSE keeps track of the number of references to eacharray and destroys the array when no references to it remain. This makes itunnecessary for scripts to worry about destroying arrays explicitly. Forexample, continuing from the code above:OBSE会检测数组的引用对象,并且会删除无引用对象的数组。如下所示,以下代码接上文
; 我们创建的数组目前有a和b两个引用对象let a := ar_Construct StringMap ; 通过给数组变量a重新定义类型,则a此时指向一个新建的数组于内存中let b := ar_Null
; 通过给b赋空值,使b不指向任何数组 ; OBSE 将会删掉我们刚才建立的数组(即上文a数组变量最开始指向的那个数组)
Array Operations 对数组的操作
OBSE supports avariety of operations on arrays within the context of Let, Eval, andsimilar statements.OBSE通过使用Let,Eval及类似的语句来对数组进行操作
array_var arr_1
array_var arr_2
let arr_1 := ar_Construct Array
let arr_1 := "a string"
let arr_1 := 1.234
let arr_1 := Player.GetEquippedObject16
; let arr_1 := 0 <- 这种用法为错误,元素名称超限
let arr_1 := Player.GetEquippedItems
; <- arr_1 赋值为另一个数组
let arr_1 := arr_1
; <- 调用了从GetEquippedItems命令返回的第一件物品
let arr_2 := arr_1
; <- arr_2 包含了 arr_1 —arr_1这三个元素
let arr_2 := arr_1
; <- arr_2 contains elements 1 through(size of arr_1 minus 2) of arr_1
Array Functions 数组函数
Note: Unlessotherwise indicated, an array_var parameter may be either a variable declared as array_varor an array element containing an array. Commands accepting this type ofparameter must be called within the context of an OBSE expression such as Let or Eval.除非有特殊声明,否则array_var 定义类型的参数可以指一个数组也可以指一个指向数组的数组元素.当涉及调用此类参数的命令时,必须使用诸如Let和Eval的OBSE表达式.
ar_Construct - createsa new array_var and assigns it to an array variable. Must be called within thecontext of an OBSE expression such as
Let. The parameter specifies the type ofarray to create: StringMap, Map, or Array. See the above section for moreinformation on the different types of array variables.ar_Construct – 创建一个新的数组并且声明它的数组类型.必须使用诸如Let的OBSE表达式来调用.
(array_var) ar_ConstructarrayType:string
ar_Size - returns the numberof elements in an array, or -1 if the array is not initialized. For Array-typevariables the highest key in the array is equal to one less than the array'ssize. Must be called within the context of an OBSE expression. The array can bean array variable or an array element which contains an array.
ar_Size – 返回一个数组中的元素数目,如果数组未进行初始化,则返回-1.如果是Array类型的数组变量,最大的变量名称是ar_Size返回值-1.必须使用诸如Let的OBSE表达式进行调用.(size:int) ar_Size array:array_var
ar_Dump - fordebugging purposes, prints the key and value of every element in an array tothe console. Must be called within an OBSE expression.ar_Dump – Debug用函数,在控制台输出数组的每一个元素的元素名称和值.必须使用OBSE表达式调用.
(nothing) ar_Dump array:array_var
ar_DumpID - does thesame as ar_Dump but accepts an array ID instead of an array_var. Provided as aconvenience for debugging in the console.ar_DumpID – 作用同上,只是参数由数组名改为数组的ID.
(nothing) ar_DumpID arrayID:int
ar_Erase - eraseselements from an array. You may provide a single element, in which case onlythat element will be erased and only if it is present. Or, you may provide arange in slice notation. Any elements greater than or equal to the lower boundand less than or equal to the upper bound of the range will be erased. If thearray is of type Array, elements above the erased elements will beshifted down. Returns the number of elements removed. Users of OBSE 0020 orlater may omit the second argument; doing so will erase all elements of thearray.ar_Erase – 删掉数组中的指定元素.可以提供一个特定且确实存在的元素来删除,亦可以限定一个字符范围,则会删除此范围内的所有数组元素.如果数组类型为Array,则删掉中间的某个元素会导致其后的元素各减一档.返回值为删掉元素的数量.使用OBSE 0200以后的版本可以省略第二个参数,这样会导致数组的所有元素被删除.
(numRemoved:int) ar_Erase 参数1:数组名 参数2:数组元素名称
(numRemoved:int) ar_Erase 参数1:数组名 参数2:数组元素名称范围 (从:到) ar_Erase 参数1:数组名示例:array_vararr ;定义变量arr类型为数组变量
letarr := ar_Construct StringMap ;定义数组变量arr的类型为StringMap型
letarr["another array"] := ar_Construct Array ;定义数组元素arr["another array"]为另一个Array类型的数组
ar_Erasearr["another array"] 0
; 删除arr["another array"] 的第一个元素,从第二个元素开始各降一档(即删除arr["anotherarray"], arr["another array"]变为新的arr["anotherarray"], arr["another array"]变为新的arr["anotherarray"],依次类推)
ar_Erasearr "begin":"end"
ar_Find - locatesthe first occurrence of the specified value within an array and returns the keyassociated with it. A range may optionally be specified using range notation,i.e.
let key := ar_Find "tofind" arrayVar lowerBound:upperBound. If thevalue is not found, the function returns an empty string (for string-indexedarrays) or the value -99999.0 (for numeric-index arrays).ar_Find – 搜索数组中指定的值,并返回第一次搜索到此值的数组名称.也可以选择加入元素名称范围来搜索,例如
letkey := ar_Find "tofind" arrayVar lowerBound:upperBound. 如果搜索的值没有找到,则返回空字符(在元素名称为字符的数组中),或者返回 -99999.0(在元素名称为数字的数组中)
(返回值:元素名称) ar_Find 参数1:搜索的值参数2 :数组 可选参数3:范围
ar_Sort - attemptsto sort the elements of an array in ascending or descending order and returns anew Array containing the elements in sorted order (keys associated with theelements are lost). In order to be sorted all elements of an array must be ofthe same type (strings, numbers, or objects). If this condition is not met anempty Array is returned. Strings are sorted alphabetically andcase-insensitively, numbers are sorted numerically, and objects are sorted byformID. By default the elements are sorted in ascending order.ar_Sort – 通过比较数组中元素的值对一个数组中的元素重新排序,指定升序排列或者降序排列,返回值为重新排序后的新数组.所有参与排序的数组元素的值必须为同一类型,数字或字符串或游戏内的物体,值为数字的数组排序标准为数字的大小,值为字符串的标准为字母顺序(不区分大小写),游戏内物体则比较FormID来排序,默认顺序为升序.如果不能满足排序的格式要求,则返回一个空数组.
(sortedArray:Array) ar_SorttoSort:array sortDescending:bool
ar_SortAlpha - sortsthe elements of an array alphabetically in ascending or descending order andreturns a new Array containing the elements in sorted order. Ordering iscase-insensitive. Unlike
ar_Sort, does not requireelements to be of the same type - numeric elements are converted to a stringrepresentation, and forms are sorted by their names (if named) or the stringrepresentation of their formIDs. Omitting the optional parameter causeselements to be sorted in ascending order.ar_SortAlpha – 通过比较数组元素的值的字母顺序来对数组的元素进行排序,返回值为排序后的新数组.不要求数组元素的值为同一类型,值为数字的将转化为用字母表示,值为游戏内物品的,将它们的FormID转化为用字母表示.省略可选参数,则默认使用升序排列
(sortedArray:Array) ar_SortAlphatoSort:array sortDescending:bool
ar_Copy - createsa copy of the keys and elements of the specified array. The resulting array isidentical to the source array. If the source array contains other arrays, thecopy will contain references to thosesame arrays.ar_Copy – 创建一个与指定数组的元素和元素名称相同的复制数组.返回值与源数组相同.如果源数组内包含其他数组,复制的数组将会包含相同的数组.
(copy:array) ar_Copy src:array
ar_DeepCopy - performsthe same function as
ar_Copy, except any arrays contained within thesource array are also copied(and any arrays within those arrays are copied as well, and so on).ar_DeepCopy – 功能同上,只是更深入的复制数组,如果原数组的元素是数组,该元素的元素也是数组,甚至更多层的数组,均会被复制
(copy:array) ar_DeepCopy src:array
ar_First - returnsthe key of the first element in an arrayar_First – 返回值为数组的第一个元素的元素名称
(key:arrayKey) ar_First src:array
ar_Last - returnsthe key of the last element in an arrayar_Last – 返回值为数组的最后一个元素的元素名称
(key:arrayKey) ar_Last src:array
ar_Next - returnsthe key of the element immediately following the passed key, or BadIndex if no key follows itar_Next – 返回值为给定的数组元素名称的后一个元素的元素名称,如果后面无元素,则返回BadIndex
(key:arrayKey) ar_Next src:arrayprecedingKey:arrayKey
ar_Prev - returnsthe key of the element immediately preceding the passed key, or BadIndex if no key precedes itar_Prev -返回值为给定的数组元素名称的前一个元素的元素名称,如果前面无元素,则返回BadIndex
(key:arrayKey) ar_Prev src:arrayprevKey:arrayKey
ar_BadNumericIndex - returns aconstant representing an invalid numeric array index. Compare to the returnvalue of commands returning an array key to determine if a valid key wasreturned.ar_BadNumericIndex – 返回值为不可用的元素名称为数字的数组的元素名称数量.
(badKey:int) ar_BadNumericIndex
ar_BadStringIndex - asabove, but for string array keysar_BadStringIndex – 同上,区别是检索条件变成元素名称为字符串的数组
(badKey:string) ar_BadStringIndex
ar_Keys - returnsan Array containing all of the keys of the source arrayar_Keys – 返回值为一个数组,这个数组元素的值是原数组的元素名称
(keys:Array) ar_Keys src:array
ar_HasKey - returnstrue if the array has an element with the specified keyar_HasKey – 当指定的数组有一个元素的元素名称为指定值时,返回true
(hasKey:bool) ar_HasKey src:arraykey:arrayKeyar_Null - returnsan invalid array. This is useful if you wish to specify that a variable whichpreviously referred to an array should no longer refer to any array.ar_Null – 返回值为一个不可用的数组.当你需要一个曾经指向过某数组的数组变量不再指向任何数组时,可用此命令
(nullArray:array) ar_Null
ar_List - Takes upto twenty arguments of any type and returns an Array containing those elementsin the order in which they were passed. We recommend separating the values withcommas (starting after the first argument).ar_List – 返回值为手动输入的最多20个值组成的一个数组,这些值将按照输入的先后进行排序.建议用逗号隔开每个输入值
(list:Array) ar_List element0:multi element1:multi... element19:multi
The followingcommands are usable only with Array-type arrays:下列函数指令只适用于Array类型的数组ar_Resize - resizesan Array-type array to be of the specified size. If the new size is smallerthan the current size, elements at the end of the array are discarded. If thenew size is larger, additional elements are appended to the array. By defaultthese elements have the numeric value zero, but an optional argument can beused to specify the value with which to pad the array. Returns 1 if successful,0 otherwise.ar_Resize – 将指定的数组重制元素数量,如果给出的数量小于原数组,则其后的元素被弃置,如果大于原数组,则在最后一个元素之后添加上新的元素补充,默认新元素值为0,但是可以通过可选参数来指定添加的元素的值.如果操作成功则返回1,否则返回0
(bResized:bool) ar_Resize array:ArraynewSize:int paddingValue:multi
ar_Insert - insertsa single element into an Array-type array at the specified index provided theindex is not greater than the current size of the array. Elements above theindex are shifted up by one index.ar_Insert – 添加新的单个元素到Array类型的数组中,并指定插入的位置(元素顺序),插入点之后的数组元素会向后移一位.
(bInserted:bool) ar_Insert array:Arrayindex:int valueToInsert:multi
ar_InsertRange - insertsa range of elements into an Array-type array at the specified index providedthe index is not greater than the current size of the array. The range ispassed as an Array. Each element of the range is inserted into the target Arrayin order. Elements above the insertion index are shifted up by the number ofelements inserted.ar_InsertRange – 类似上述指令,只不过单个的元素换成几个元素组成的数组.
(bInserted:bool) ar_Insert target:Arrayindex:int rangeToInsert:Array
ar_Range - returns an Array ofzero or more numbers ranging from start up to andincluding end spaced in intervalsof step. For example, ar_Range (5,10,2) returns (5,7,9)and ar_Range(5,3,-1) returns (5,4,3). This isuseful for performing a traditional for loopwithin a foreach expression.The optional step
argument defaults to1.ar_Range - 返回值为从开始的元素到结束的元素之间的元素组成的数组,并设定检索间隔.例如ar_Range(5,10,2)的意义就是从Arr开始,间隔为2,抽取数组元素,即抽取Arr,Arr,Arr这个三个元素,另外组成一个新数组,作为函数的返回值.
(range:Array) ar_Range start:intend:int step:int
ar_Map - createsa Map or Stringmap given a list of 0-20 key-value pairs. Pairs are specified as'key::value', where 'key' is a string or numeric value and 'value' is a string,number, array, or form.ar_Map – 创建一个Map型或者StringMap数组,他们的值由手动输入的至多20对格式为 ’元素名称::元素值’ 的数据对确定.
(Map/StringMap) ar_Map key-value pair: key-value pair: key-valuepair: entry_1:pair entry_2:pair ... entry_20:pair
ar_Append - appendsan element to an Arrayar_Append – 在数组后附加上一个元素,无返回值
(nothing) ar_Appendarray: toInsert:
ar_CustomSort - returns anArray sorted by calling the provided function script to perform comparison ofelements. The function should be defined to take two array_var arguments. Whenit is called, the arguments will contain exactly one element each - the elementsto be compared. It should return true if the first argument is less than thesecond argument, and true if it is greater than or equal to the secondargument. You can define 'less', 'greater', and 'equal' in whatever way makessense for you provided your definitions provide a definitive ordering of anyset of values; otherwise the sort may never terminate. The optional thirdargument sorts the elements in reverse order. ar_CustomSort – 返回一个通过自定义函数来排序后的新数组.
(sorted:Array) ar_CustomSorttoSort:Array comparisonFunction:ref reverse:bool 刚大湿早啊{:3_174:} 哔 看看我的流量下 {:3_152:}用了我0.36M 继续围观 话说 竟然已经复杂到动用数组了? 如果不是mod制作者谁愿意看老长老长的obse说明{:3_181:}
一个晚上就弄完,不是一般的高手啊 。。。好长,占座慢慢看 脚本语言编程什么的乃在下之大爱也.
感谢纲大人辛苦编写此教程,受教了. 看得我蛋疼,EXCEL的VBA我都搞不明白,这个更脑大 找了好久,终于又有可以学的了,非常感谢 本帖最后由 victyeung 于 2011-6-28 11:41 编辑
完全沒學過的,因為沒有概念,有可能悲劇了。 好帖,顶啊...(茫然装傻@_@) mark之····· 什么时候不懒了就看··· 回复 8# bluesky404
全英文版看了连我都发晕,如果翻译成中文,可以将脚本学习的门槛降低很多,个人是这么认为的 回复 7# tiancaishu
其实数组很好理解,有编程基础或者是通读了脚本基础教材的理解起来并不困难,难的还是文字障碍.很多人即使懂英文,大段英文的技术性文章会让非英语使用者有天然地厌烦感,类同读文言文一般,可以懂但是吃力 进来支持技术帖 nonono我的意思既然用到数组了,那需要记录的数据得多少啊。。。。。
搞不好存档的容量会增大不少 教程,先保存了,以后慢慢学习。