本帖最后由 hcwty289 于 2011-8-29 07:56 编辑Another well-designed map of Omsk . We have before us - one of the sunny Crimea, which attracts more and more, need only look at the calendar.
Description from the author:
I present to you a map Tavria. Map 2 is a sufficiently large city of Kerch and Taman it is Matrica, it also Tmutarakan, who as you like and two small towns that Theodosius and Stary Krym, plus a few villages along the coast.
Your task is to link two major cities with the other little town and villages. In the Kerch and Taman main mode of transport is the tram, but there is a subway that connects and Theodosius, and Stary Krym. Kindly requested towns along the coast to bind only the bus route without using the subway. Villages Koktebel, Spa, Planerskoe, Ilyicheva should be linked to Feodosia. Sudak, Novy Svet from Kerch and Stary Krym, the rest are in the north of maps and old Kerch Crimea and Taman. The level of private transport set from 60 to 70% otherwise you will find a transport collapse
Now the bad: as the Crimea and part 3 here there are also technical problems with the departures on the desktop, the nature of which have failed to solve, so before you load the map , determine for yourself whether you are ready to spend their nerves. if so, if possible, use auto save mode.
And again, although sometimes lower the camera down, and imagine that you are sitting in a bus or tram and look out the window at the local scenery and beauty, especially driving along the sea, as though you are eating on vacation or on vacation. Good luck!
本帖最后由 AISPs 于 2011-6-28 19:48 编辑
另外跨海公路两头有军岗(Army Gate),电车不可通过,车流量也要受限制,大家请注意。 看着不错,玩玩 这个地图感觉不错的说~! 不错,谢谢分享! 这个不错啊 可以分享下 gggggggggggggggggggggggg 感谢分享 先下了 看着不错,玩玩 这个地图是个人感觉最喜欢的一个,可惜站牌都是乱码,不知道能不能解决这个问题??? 太棒了,顶 请问文件要放在哪才能玩? 请问文件要放在哪才能玩?
czwjeffrey 发表于 2011-6-28 12:20 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-1991281-1-1.html 看Q3 这个地图很大,不错啊 頂死人不償命 顶。不错下来玩玩。 支持支持! 不错,支持!!!!!!! 这个怎么解压出来那么多文件,该放哪儿呢?{:3_152:} 这个怎么解压出来那么多文件,该放哪儿呢?
wan7532219 发表于 2011-6-28 15:06 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
前几楼有回答 THZ SO MUCH!!!!!!! 看来新的地图,船有用之地了 新图。下载。。。。 看来新的地图,船有用之地了 这个地图感觉不错 看上去有点像侠盗猎车地图感觉 看着粉有爱,谢谢楼主了~ 哈哈非常感谢楼主 下来玩玩! 支持了~~~~~~~~~~~~