just wondering...
How do you earn read permissions? Do you have to have a certain number of posts? When I try to go on some pages it says this您无权进行当前操作,原因如下:
对不起,本帖要求阅读权限高于 20 才可浏览,请返回。
As far as i can make out it says i need more read permissions but I'm not sure how to get them. Thank you for any help :) {:3_127:} 到「中級玩家」就可以看得到了。 u got msn buddy? i'll explain to u step by step 英文苦手 I don't think so, but I've got a windows live account. Thanks for the quick response by the way. Aw ok. im forum mod, feel free to pm me u will have to post more and more ,like what i do Ok, but how do I use the PM? I tried clicking on your profile name and it just went to a permissions screen, or some similar. Ok, thanks. Can you give me a rough idea of the number of posts i need? {:3_127:} 短消息 = PM 本帖最后由 samelidifinte 于 2011-6-25 21:59 编辑
Ok, thanks. Can you give me a rough idea of the number of posts i need?
gep5 发表于 2011-6-25 21:51 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
1000posts for 90...checkthis 其实灌水是王道{:3_136:} Ok, Thankyou everone :) 其实灌水是王道
samelidifinte 发表于 2011-6-25 22:00 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
u will have to post more and more ,like what i do
Just feel free to post;P 你们英语真好{:3_146:}
All Your Base Are Belong To Us {:3_153:}茫然围观。。。 {:3_143:}Now we can have a free talk 我也想赚分下载东西{:3_45:} 回复 19# 三刀四段
。。。。孩子啊。。你前面那个水贴我把你唯一的1点贡献扣了。。我是真舍不得扣你的分了。。。你就有意义的回复一次。。。你说“大大我支持你”或者什么的。。。我这次就无视你了 我也想赚分下载东西
三刀四段 发表于 2011-6-25 22:39 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
你去贴图区,囧区很好混分的. 回复 20# karonic
大大我支持你{:3_45:} 回复 22# alex30001
哦好的谢谢{:3_156:} 回复alex30001
三刀四段 发表于 2011-6-25 22:46 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
不要发水帖,会被砍,发的帖子好,还有版主加分,得分很快. 回复 23# 三刀四段
我了个去。。。我服了。。。 回复 19# 三刀四段
好正直的孩子···连水个回复都直说··· 看的我眼泪都要下来了有没有···{:3_124:} 可怜啊19楼。。。你就是真想灌水。。。你也别说赚分什么的话呀是不是。。。{:3_170:} {:3_147:}ni 不懂......... 版主英文不错 同为英语苦手的飘过 我想吐个槽{:3_91:}这是哪啊