史上最长竞速地图,极品飞车16 为你呈现
本帖最后由 yuhui2008 于 2011-6-12 15:47 编辑The developers also noted that much of the game’s world was recreated from real world locations, resulting in over 300KM of track, more than any other title in the franchise. Thanks to the new engine, it was also possible to further tweak the physics of The Run, resulting in unique controls that aren’t as arcade as Hot Pursuit, but not as sim as Shift. Black Box claims the controls will be easy to learn but difficult to master.
哦哟,楼主真蛋疼啊,不过还是挺期待NFS16的 哦哟,楼主真蛋疼啊,不过还是挺期待NFS16的
K.O.H 发表于 2011-6-11 21:15 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
神作{:3_195:} 我敢说 4500KM的地图这是不可能的
肯定是跳跃型的 本帖最后由 yuhui2008 于 2011-6-12 14:41 编辑
{:3_193:} {:3_195:} {:3_186:} {:3_201:} 预告片里的片头字幕都说了840 miles约等于1351.84896 公里,不知道怎么得来的300km 本帖最后由 yuhui2008 于 2011-6-12 15:48 编辑
预告片里的片头字幕都说了840 miles约等于1351.84896 公里,不知道怎么得来的300km ...
RyoungiSHiki 发表于 2011-6-12 15:07 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
那是显示的 实际 芝加哥到纽约的距离
你还真以为那么长呀 呵呵怎么可能 我擦,我9600这回够呛了。 看看·····