崛起2 黑色水域 - 官方游戏介绍
本帖最后由 JL2010 于 2011-6-13 07:55 编辑以下是从Deep Sliver官网看到的游戏介绍,我尝试把它诠释过来:
Set several years after the end of Risen, raging titans have devastated the world and pushed humanity to the brink of existence. Subsequently, monstrous creatures have risen from the watery depths of the sea and their attacks have brought all seafaring to a grinding halt. The hero, now a member of the Inquisition, is sent out to find out how to stop the chaos caused by these creatures from the deep. His quest begins with rumors that the pirates who frequent the southern islands are the only ones who know a way to get rid of the creatures once and for all and end their reign of terror.
With an all-new pirate-based theme, Risen 2: Dark Waters aims to combine the most loved classic RPG gameplay mechanics of the original Risen with a fresh theme and setting on a huge variety of themed island locales. A third-person role-playing game set in a dark and gritty universe, Risen 2: Dark Waters maintains the most immersive features of the original Risen, withmultiple approaches to every challenge allowing players to shape the game world based on their own decisions. These choices will serve to unlock new paths, features and additional skills for the character. Together with a highly interactive environment and a full day/night-cycle affecting countless aspects of the game world, Risen 2 will be set in the most immersive RPG game so far.
崛起2之黑色水域 是全新的以海盗为主题的游戏,是揉合了崛起1的高阶RPG游戏引擎和崛起2大型的海岛式场景,在第三身的角色办演下 黑暗的沙域环境中 来创造出多变的剧情。崛起2黑色水域 保留了崛起1令人疑真的虚拟场景,让玩家接受多变的剧情和挑战,并让玩家在游戏中的 决定或选择 来塑造自己的游戏和英雄,这些决定或选择有些是场景的解锁,有些是主角的技能或特性的增加或变化,以高度的互动性配合超强的白天黑夜效果影响着游戏的多方面,崛起2 将是世界上最令玩家神往的RPG游戏。
关于游戏特色己有人较早前发布过了,只是到现在还没看到官方有试玩下载。 本年度个人最看好的RPG了 期待,只是还没有公布发售日期. 官方说发售时间为2012年上半年 今年上古5,明年崛起2