xyx74521 发表于 2011-5-26 12:33



lilibei 发表于 2011-5-26 12:34


xyx74521 发表于 2011-5-26 12:40

30~40的FPS啊= =~!

kill4862 发表于 2011-5-26 17:54


黃山 发表于 2011-6-14 22:46

窗口化游戏 ,測試無效 :L   ,枪声一樣 延迟

qjyuio 发表于 2011-6-14 22:47


1160838515 发表于 2011-6-14 22:57


黃山 发表于 2011-6-14 23:01

本帖最后由 黃山 于 2011-6-14 23:03 编辑

測試了一下.....有開核心模式 ,枪声延迟 只有2-3秒 , 沒開的話 ,枪声延迟 會超過5秒

1160838515 发表于 2011-6-14 22:57 images/common/back.gif

請樓上好心人 ,告知是那個mod? {:3_48:}

年轮 发表于 2011-6-14 23:12

回复 1# xyx74521


gangdan00 发表于 2011-6-15 00:34

= =你这问题我还是第一次听说。。从辐射3开始玩,到现在的新维加斯还丛来没遇到过枪声同步问题,都是即打即响。。。我还在2台机子上玩辐射。一台配置垃圾CPU是4400+主频才2.3G。。2G内存,显卡是A卡的5550。。。。最低FPS到过14。。。就这样声音也从没顿过。。另一台主机配置高些,CPU还是悲催的AMD,4核主频3G,4G内存,显卡还是A卡的5850,除了更流畅外也无声音问题,你说的这个我看应该是和配置无关,搞搞驱动试试把

kinsill 发表于 2011-6-15 05:06


黃山 发表于 2011-6-18 22:33

本帖最后由 黃山 于 2011-6-18 22:54 编辑

經過可怕的測試,{:3_166:},終於確定《辐射:新维加斯》優化做的很差 ,相同引擎的《辐射3》在優化上都強過他,

枪声延迟解決辦法 , 給大家匯總一下 , 若有更好的辦法 ,還請繼續補充下去:

辦法1   遊戲視窗化
          点击 FalloutNVLauncher.exe               再点击windowed                              
辦法2把FalloutNV.exe 優先級調到最高

辦法3  盡量壓低,內存使用量

我開視窗版NV ,內存使用大約會升到 461M左右 ,開全螢幕內存使用大約會升到 798M左右,
建议可以把不必要的都关掉,360防毒就佔了69M內存,我关了以後 ,開全螢幕枪声就沒有延迟了,

辦法5 {:3_101:}燒香拜佛...努力祈禱...官方出优化补丁

黃山 发表于 2011-6-19 01:09



请先下载 loveltzzm大提供的 【NV游戏设置工具 - NV Configerater】http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-2027197-1-1.html

音频缓存 一定要开...缓存大小当然越大越好 ,多线程与最大音效数,这里就建议调小,因为机子本来就差,所以才会造成枪声延迟,把这个效果调小,虽然声音的质感也变差了,但至少能使延迟的问题获得改善。


cikewudi 发表于 2011-6-19 11:24


黃山 发表于 2011-6-19 16:27

回复 14# cikewudi


cikewudi 发表于 2011-6-19 16:35


黃山 发表于 2011-6-23 00:39

回复 16# cikewudi

樓上的....我裝好了重生MOD ,這MOD比原版添加了很多東西,所以更吃效能,

winskyline 发表于 2011-6-23 08:13


springfield1971 发表于 2011-6-23 08:21

FO3開始就一直有人有這個問題的了 ... 要找解決方法, 不要百度, 請去google ... 而且找英文就更好 ... 以前回某人的求助帖我已翻過一次, 今次懶得再翻譯了, 自己查字典吧 ... 主要看ffdshow那一段吧, 比較多人是這個原因導致聲音問題 ...

Audio Problems

Your audio messed up? Is there NO audio? Things of that nature will be listed in here, as well as the steps taken to resolve the problem.

"My Game Audio / Sound is Messed Up" (i.e. no sound or timing of sound is off, etc.)
This is usually solved by updating your audio / sound drivers.

1A. Update your your sound card drivers
1B. If not remedied yet, disable 7.1 or 5.1 sound output. Use standard 2.1 audio.
1C. Try using analog instead of optical audio output* (thanks OmniNegro).
1D. Put the game into Window Mode (oddly enough, this solves the problem for some)
If that doesn't work, then the problem below may be what's causing your audio issues.

"My Audio / Sound is STILL Messed Up, How Else Can I Fix It?"
If this is the case, it may be a problem caused by the FFDSHOW codec that many often install from either codec packs or manually to watch videos on their computer. Here are your options:

1. Uninstall the FFDSHOW codec via Add/Remove Programs

1. Load a video so that your FFDShow Audio Codec pops up in the system tray
2. Right click the system tray icon "ffdshow audio decoder" (NOT "ffdshow video decoder") and then select "ffdshow Audio Decoder"
3. Select "DirectShow Control" in the list and then click the "edit" button next to the "Don't use ffdshow in:" option
4. Click the "Add" button and select the Fallout EXE for 32 bit or 64 bit version(s) installed

"My Sound Still Isn't Playing! What Else Should I Try?"
This was a suggestion by one of our users. Thanks Andres!

1. Load the game and pause it (hit the Escape / Esc Button)
2. Hit ALT + TAB and open the Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + DEL)
3. Under the Processes tab, Right click the Falloutnv.exe -> Set Priority -> HIGH

"Are There Any Other PC Game Fixes Fore Messed Up Sound?"
Fortunately, yes. As suggested by Alex (thanks!) try the following pc game fix--

1. Load the Control Panel and open "Sounds and Audio Devices" -> Click "Advanced" Under Speaker Settings -> Click the "Performance" Tab
2. Set "Sample Rate Conversion Quality" to "Good" (the bar to the very left)
Done. That's all there is to it.

"Maybe It's My Sound Card?"
This was a suggestion by one of our users. Thanks gr0x! It turns out that his sound card did not support DirectX DirectSound Acceleration.

1. Go to Start -> Run -- type in dxdiag and hit OK
2. Click the "Sound" tab and then click "Test DirectSound" and allow all of the tests to complete
3. If you any errors occur, use the slider to turn off Hardware Sound Acceleration by dragging it all the way to the left so it's labeled as "No Acceleration"
Note: Even if you don't have any errors during the test you can try turning off the acceleration to see if it solves your problem. Turn it back on when you are not playing the game any longer.

年轮 发表于 2011-6-23 18:13


cikewudi 发表于 2011-6-23 20:56


黃山 发表于 2011-6-23 21:26

回复 21# cikewudi

{:3_105:} 我就是先改掉那個0 ,1 的ini設置 , 測試后 一樣枪声延迟 , 裝重生 是增加遊戲性 ,裝 mod才好玩啊{:3_175:}

cikewudi 发表于 2011-6-23 21:31


年轮 发表于 2011-6-23 23:29

回复 23# cikewudi

    “用写字板打开游戏目录下的fallout_default.ini, 查找bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles这条语句,将后面的值改为1,如已经为1则不用改。”

黃山 发表于 2011-6-25 00:34

回复 23# cikewudi

   謝謝 cikewudi的熱心幫忙 ,{:3_192:}

   其實我也知道 ,主要是新維加斯優化不良 ,加上機器不夠給力 ,

   {:3_195:}沒半法...這時代都到了四盒. 八盒.. 十六核心...的境界了 , 我還在單核

w3160828 发表于 2011-6-25 03:35

我延遲的更誇張 是昆蟲類的毒素啃咬 居然可以延遲到我殺光在旅行後殺下一批才出現
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查看完整版本: 求助啊~!!!枪声延迟怎么解决啊???