星云散落 发表于 2011-5-7 21:33




Version: ver. 1.90.4


- Added new menu background
- Added new MG42 3d model
- Added new Panzerschreck 3d model
- Added new Panzerfaust 3d model
- Added new Bazooka 3d model
- Added new PIAT 3d model
- Added new EM-3 Sniper 3d model
- Added high res texture to Jagdpanzer IV
- Changed DLC button in main menu to link to the right store
- Changed display icon of empty vehicle
- Changed repairable tanks to be selectable (credits to Ty2903)
- Changed HE accuracy to adjust to AP and APCR more smoothly
- Increased AI aggressiveness with M1 Carbine
- Increased fire rate of M1 Carbine slightly
- Increased accuracy of Panzerfaust 100
- Increased accuracy of grazing howitzers
- Reduced reload time of Jagdtiger from 15 sec to 12 sec
- Reduced recharge time of Su-122 from 25 sec to 20 sec
- Reworked tank armor system to be more streamlined
- Fixed damage texture of Su-122
- Fixed a visibility issue with infantry in craters
- Fixed rare crash with sandbags
- Fixed crews staying in destroyed tanks (credits to Ty2903)
- Fixed some tank gun descriptions
- Fixed the fire animation of the Jagdpanzer IV
- Fixed missing xx specular of Pz I
- Fixed some minor model bugs


- Added new netcode with reduced requirements
- Changed game filter to be on by standard
- Increased price of T-70 from 280 MP to 290 MP
- Increased price of T-34-85 from 700 MP to 725 MP
- Increased price of M4A3 Calliope from 1300 MP to 1400 MP
- Reduced price of Panzerwerfer from 1300 MP to 1250 MP
- Reduced price of Katyusha from 1300 MP to 1250 MP
- Reduced price of T34-50 from 580 MP to 550 MP
- Reduced price of Pz4H from 600 MP to 550 MP
- Reduced price of Jagdtiger from 2300 MP to 2200 MP
- Reduced price of MK VII Tetrach from 240 MP to 230 MP
- Reduced price of Pak38 from 250 MP to 225 MP
- Reduced price of M1 57mm from 250 MP to 225 MP
- Reduced price of QF6pdr from 250 MP to 225 MP
- Reduced price of Type 1 at-gun from 220 MP to 200 MP
- Reduced price of ZiS-3 from 280 MP to 255 MP
- Reduced price of M5 at-gun from 475 MP to 425 MP
- Reduced price of QF17pdr from 600 MP to 550 MP
- Reduced price of Type 2 57mm from 435 MP to 385 MP
- Reduced price of Flak37 from 700 MP to 650 MP
- Reduced price of Vickers AA from 800 MP to 750 MP
- Reduced price of Pak41-le from 140 MP to 135 MP
- Reduced price of M3 At-gun from 140 MP to 135 MP
- Reduced price of QF2pdr from 140 MP to 135 MP
- Reduced price of M37 from 140 MP to 135 MP
- Reduced price of Type 1 47mm from 140 MP to 135 MP
- Reduced price of Maxson from 180 MP to 150 MP
- Reduced price of Flak38 from 20 MP to 170 MP
- Reduced price of Oerlikon from 190 MP to 160 MP
- Reduced price of KPVT from 180 MP to 150 MP
- Reduced price of Type 2 20mm from 200 MP to 170 MP
- Reduced CP of Achilles from 30 CP to 15 CP
- Reduced rain effect on the rain environment
- Removed thunder effect from the rain environment
- Fixed ranked frontlines
- Fixed scores on Stuh 42
- Fixed CP on Stuh 42
- Fixed an out of sync bug
- Fixed some crashes in multiplayer lobby
- Fixed small map issues
- Fixed small map issues of MP Supply Pack - Alpha DLC


- Reduced rain effect on St. Hilaire
- Fixed small map issues

QQBaka9 发表于 2011-5-7 22:20


CaoYe1111 发表于 2011-5-7 23:27


JINJ 发表于 2011-5-8 01:37


特攻野郎 发表于 2011-5-8 11:55


CaoYe1111 发表于 2011-5-8 17:43


m16a2mod711 发表于 2011-5-9 08:42


entung 发表于 2011-5-27 08:45


Karlthor 发表于 2012-12-23 18:17

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查看完整版本: 【3DM下载站】《战争之人:突击小队》V1.90.4升级档及破解补丁