一路扔手雷...带个+魅力的头盔,援军卷轴召出一个巫妖,打起怪来满场逃....{:3_164:}其余的交给BB... 少年,屈服在ELONA的瘾威之下吧{:3_166:} 装备不满之前,乖乖的看宝宝表演 讨厌,人家的BB老是上场不久就挂~~~ 少年!!! 因为你需要这样一把武器——81公斤重的成长大剑~~~~~~Hand:
the blessed earth claymore <Coming Stormbringer>+6(3d20+40)(1) 81.0s
A large sword normally held in two hand's.
It is made of adamantium.
It is acidproof.
It is fireproof.
It is alive.
It can be wielded as a weapon. (3d20 Pierce 0%)
It is a heavy weapon.
It modifies hit bonus by 1 and damage bonus by 40.
It increases your Constitution by 3. 用了诅咒的飞行了吧 精金素材锤 + 4个诅咒飞行卷轴~~~~~
附件里的是1级的, 你可以自己升级,一般我升11级力量+2级速度 + 1级抗性。。。。。。正好15级